cabonne Council colour 200 wide










21 February 2018


NOTICE OF Ordinary Council Meeting


Your attendance is respectfully requested at the Ordinary Meeting of Cabonne Council convened for Tuesday 27 February, 2018 commencing at 2.00pm, at the Cabonne Council Chambers, Bank Street, Molong to consider the undermentioned business.




Yours faithfully

SJ Harding






1)       Open Ordinary Meeting

2)       Consideration of Mayoral Minute

3)       Consideration of General Manager’s Report

4)       Resolve into Committee of the Whole

a)    Consideration of Called Items

b)    Consideration of Closed Items

5)      Adoption of Committee of the Whole Report
















Outstanding Service Award Presentation – Allan Chandler











“To be a progressive and innovative Council which maintains relevance through local governance to its community and diverse rural area by facilitating the provision of services to satisfy identified current and future needs.”












Cabonne Council is committed to providing sustainable local government to our rural communities through consultation and sound financial management which will ensure equitable resource allocation.





















Page 1





ITEM 1      APPLICATIONS FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE.................................. 6

ITEM 2      DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST....................................................... 6

ITEM 3      DECLARATIONS FOR POLITICAL DONATIONS.......................... 7

ITEM 4      MAYORAL MINUTE - APPOINTMENTS........................................... 7

ITEM 5      COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE........................................................... 8

ITEM 6      GROUPING OF REPORT ADOPTION.............................................. 9

ITEM 7      CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES................................................. 9




ITEM 11    ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT - FRAUD AND CORRUPTION PREVENTION POLICY.................................................................................................. 12

ITEM 12    ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY.............................. 13



ITEM 15    JOINT ORGANISATIONS.................................................................. 17



ITEM 18    PUBLIC ACCESS TO COUNCIL MEETINGS................................ 25


ITEM 20    INTEGRATED PLANNING & REPORTING - OPERATIONAL PLAN SECOND QUARTER REVIEW............................................................................ 30


ITEM 22    REQUESTS FOR DONATION........................................................... 33

ITEM 23    QUARTERLY BUDGET REVIEW .................................................... 34



ITEM 26    EVENTS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 2017/18................................ 44

ITEM 27    REFURBISHMENT OF ORANA HOUSE ....................................... 48


ITEM 29    DRAFT CABONNE COUNCIL PLAN OF MANAGEMENT FOR COMMUNITY LAND................................................................................................................. 50


ITEM 31    PLANNING PROPOSAL FOR ADDITIONAL LAND USE OF A COMMERCIAL PREMISIES (TRUCK WASH) UPON LOT 30 DP 130510 MARKET STREET, MOLONG.............................................................................................. 52

ITEM 32    QUESTIONS FOR NEXT MEETING................................................ 54

ITEM 33    BUSINESS PAPER ITEMS FOR NOTING...................................... 55

ITEM 34    MATTERS OF URGENCY................................................................. 56


Confidential Items


Clause 240(4) of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 requires Council to refer any business to be considered when the meeting is closed to the public in the Ordinary Business Paper prepared for the same meeting.  Council will discuss the following items under the terms of the Local Government Act 1993 Section 10A(2), as follows:









(c) information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business


(b) matters in relation to the personal hardship of a resident or ratepayer


(b) matters in relation to the personal hardship of a resident or ratepayer   




ANNEXURE 7.1    December 12 2017 Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes         58

ANNEXURE 7.2    February 13 Extraordinary Council Meeting Minutes      72

ANNEXURE 8.1    December 12 2017 Australia Day Committee Meeting Minutes                                                                                                    75

ANNEXURE 11.1  Fraud and Corruption Policy and Procedure    78

ANNEXURE 12.1  Enterprise Risk Managment Policy 2017......... 90

ANNEXURE 14.1  Memorial Park Canowindra POM Feb 2018...... 94

ANNEXURE 15.1  Joint Organisation Amendment to Local Government Act 1993 - legal advice...................................................... 130

ANNEXURE 15.2  EC_joint organisation_2017_v07........................ 138

ANNEXURE 19.1  CWL new agreement.................................................. 146

ANNEXURE 20.1  Integrated Planning & Reporting - Operational Plan - 2nd Quarter Updates........................................................ 168

ANNEXURE 22.1  Yeoval Preschool_sponsorship letter_Cabonne Council.pdf..................................................................... 168

ANNEXURE 22.2  CWA Request for sponsorship for 2018 Public Speaking Competition.pdf........................................................... 168

ANNEXURE 23.1  SECOND QUARTER QBR FEB 18.................................. 168

ANNEXURE 24.1  East Molong Tennis Club - Application.pdf 168

ANNEXURE 24.2  ANFD_SCCF Application.docx............................... 168

ANNEXURE 24.3  Mullion Creek_ Stronger Country Communities Fund_Project Information Form.docx......... 168

ANNEXURE 24.4  CCCC_Stronger Country Communities Fund_Project Information Form 2018 (3).docx.......................... 168

ANNEXURE 24.5  Lidster_Tennis Court Funding submission.docx 168

ANNEXURE 24.6  Cumnock Showground_Stronger Country Communities Fund_Project Information Form 1.docx...... 168

ANNEXURE 24.7  Canowindra Challenge_Stronger Country Communities Fund_Cabonne Form FINAL.docx........................ 168

ANNEXURE 24.8  MELC_Stronger Country Communities Fund_Project Information Form FINAL Jan 2018.docx.......... 168

ANNEXURE 24.9  Cumnock Recreation_Stronger Country Communities Fund_Project Information Form_RevA.docx 168

ANNEXURE 24.10 Stronger Country Communities Fund_Project Information Form_Small Villages.docx..... 168

ANNEXURE 24.11 Stronger Country Communities Fund_Project Information Form_Molong Pathways.docx 168

ANNEXURE 24.12 Stronger Country Communities Fund_Project Information Form_Canowindra Pathways.docx 168

ANNEXURE 24.13 Stronger Country Communities Fund_Project Information Form_Village Green.docx........ 168

ANNEXURE 26.1  MBC EAP application.pdf......................................... 168

ANNEXURE 26.2  Molong Advancement Group - EAP Program Application Form 2018.pdf................................................................. 168

ANNEXURE 26.3  Information Regarding The Long White Lunch.pdf    168

ANNEXURE 29.1  Draft 2018 Generic POM Community Land..... 168

ANNEXURE 31.1  Planning Proposal Molong Truck Wash.... 168 







Reason For Report

To allow tendering of apologies for councillors not present.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.1.g - Code of Meeting Practice adopted and implemented.



File Number






THAT any apologies tendered be accepted and the necessary leave of absence be granted.


General Manager's REPORT


A call for apologies is to be made.






Reason For Report

To allow an opportunity for councillors to declare an interest in any items to be determined at this meeting.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

 4.5.1.g - Code of Meeting Practice adopted and implemented.



File Number






THAT the Declarations of Interest be noted.


General Manager's REPORT


A call for Declarations of Interest.






Reason For Report

To allow an opportunity for Councillors to declare any Political Donations received.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

 4.5.1.g - Code of Meeting Practice adopted and implemented.



File Number






THAT any Political Donations be noted.


General Manager's REPORT


A call for declarations of any Political Donations.







Reason For Report

To allow noting of the Mayoral appointments plus other Councillors' activities Reports.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

 4.5.1.g - Code of Meeting Practice adopted and implemented.



File Number






THAT the information contained in the Mayoral Minute be noted.


General Manager's REPORT


A call for the Mayoral appointments and attendances as well as other Councillors’ activities reports to be tabled/read out.







Reason For Report

Enabling reports to be considered in Committee of the Whole to be called.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.1.g. Code of Meeting Practice adhered to



File Number






THAT Councillors call any items that they wish to be debated in Committee of the Whole.


General Manager's REPORT


Council’s Code of Meeting Practice allows for the Council to resolve itself into “committee of the whole” to avoid the necessity of limiting the number and duration of speeches as required by Clause 250 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.


This item enables councillors to call any item they wish to be debated in “committee of the whole” at the conclusion of normal business.


The debate process during a ‘normal’ Council meeting limits the number and duration of speeches as required by Clause 250 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005. 


Items should only be called at this time if it is expected that discussion beyond the normal debate process is likely to be needed. 







Reason For Report

Enabling procedural reports to be adopted.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

 4.5.1.a - Provide quality administrative support and governance to councillors and residents.



File Number







1.    Councillors call any items they wish to further consider

2.    Items 7 to 14 be moved and seconded.



General Manager's REPORT


Items 7 to 14 are considered to be of a procedural nature and it is proposed that they be moved and seconded as a group.  Should any Councillor wish to amend or debate any of these items they should do so at this stage with the remainder of the items being moved and seconded.







Reason For Report

Adoption of the Minutes

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

 4.5.1.g - Code of Meeting Practice adopted and implemented.


1.  December 12 2017 Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes

2.  February 13 Extraordinary Council Meeting Minutes    

File Number






THAT the minutes of the Ordinary meeting held 12 December 2017 and Extraordinary meeting held 13 February 2018 be adopted.


General Manager's REPORT


The following minutes are attached for endorsement:


1.   Minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting held on 12 December 2017.

2.   Minutes of the Extraordinary Council meeting held on 13 February 2018.





Reason For Report

Adoption of Australia Day Awards Committee Recommendations.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.1.f - Code of Meeting Practice adopted and implemented.


1.  December 12 2017 Australia Day Committee Meeting Minutes    

File Number






THAT the report and recommendations of the Australia Day Awards Committee Meeting of Cabonne Council held on 12 December, 2017 be adopted.


Administration Manager's REPORT


Attached is the report of the Australia Day Awards Committee Meeting of Cabonne Council held on 12 December, 2017.






Reason For Report

To encourage councillors to utilise resources for professional development opportunities.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.1.e Provide adequate training & professional development opportunities for councillors



File Number






THAT Council utilise the Local Government Capability Framework to identify professional development opportunities.


General Manager's REPORT


Local Government NSW (LGNSW) have recently launched its Local Government Capability Framework suite of resources for professional development.


The framework has been designed to support councillors with their personal and professional development planning and a self-assessment on-line tool “PD-in-a-box” aims to identify individual strengths and possible areas for development.  Councillors would have received an email recently with details on how on access the PD-in-a-box portal.  This is a free and confidential portal for councillors to assess their capabilities and create a personal and professional development plan.   Only the LGNSW system administrator will be able to see the individual self-assessment data and will not share it with any other person in LGNSW or Council.  Council administrators will have access to aggregated and de-identified summary reports of the self-assessments to guide the choice of local development options to offer to councillors.  Council administrators will also receive the individual proposed development plans to review and approve any development options that would be paid from Council budget and to prepare the consolidated report required under legislation


Additionally, amendments made to the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act) by the Local Government Amendment (Governance and Planning) Act 2016 saw the inclusion in the prescribed role of councillors, under section 232 a responsibility to: "make all reasonable efforts to acquire and maintain the skills necessary to perform the role of a councillor”.  The Office of Local Government (OLG) have prepared draft Councillor Induction and Professional Development guidelines and these are currently being reviewed by staff in order to determine the government’s expectations.





Reason For Report

To advise Council on the required changes to Council meeting dates due to Operational Plan advertising requirements.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.1.a - Provide quality administrative support and governance to councillors and residents



File Number






THAT Council hold extraordinary Council meetings on 8 May and 12 June 2018 as required under the Integrated Planning & Reporting process.


Director of Finance and Corporate Services' REPORT


Council has commenced the necessary steps towards the creation of its Integrated Planning and Reporting Operational Plan for the 2018/2019 year in conjunction with the 3 year Delivery Program.


Council staff are progressing with the draft Delivery Program, Operational Plan and Budget for the 2018/2019 year. The following table details the timeline:-


24 April 2018

Council Meeting

·    Copies of the draft Delivery Program, Operational Plan & associated documentation should be available for Councillors

·    Councillors provided with copy of draft Budget 

8 May 2018

Extraordinary Meeting

·    Council consider the draft Integrated Planning & Reporting documentation

·    Council resolve to advertise draft Plan, inviting submissions (allowing 28 days for submissions)

12 June 2018

Extraordinary Meeting

·    Council to consider any submissions received

26 June 2018

Council Meeting

·    Council to consider/adopt the final Plan






Reason For Report

New Council Policy to be adopted in order to meet Council's legislative and regulatory obligations.

Policy Implications

New policy

Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.5.c Comply with internal audit requirements


1.  Fraud and Corruption Policy and Procedure    

File Number






THAT Council adopt the Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy and Procedure.


Risk Management Coordinator's REPORT


The Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy and Procedure has been developed to manage Council’s legislative requirements and obligations under the Local Government Act. The directive has been initiated by the New South Wales Auditor-General for Government to meet its fraud control obligations. 


Fraud and corruption will be a focus of the Governance, Risk Management and Business Improvement Committee. The policy will be the framework to manage potential risks that may arise both internally and externally. Other risk reduction policies that are identified in the policy will form part of the integrated system to control this potential risk to Council.


The policy has been developed to conform to the Australian Standards 8001-2008 Fraud and Corruption Control and to comply with the directives of the New South Wales Auditor- General and the Office of Local Government.


Guidance was sought from the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) website on fraud prevention, as advised by the Office of Local Government.













Reason For Report

Council policy reviewed, updated and to be adopted in order to meet Council's legislative and regulatory obligations.

Policy Implications

Reviewed and updated

Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.5.f Integrate risk management into all areas of Council's activities


1.  Enterprise Risk Managment Policy 2017    

File Number






THAT the reviewed and updated Enterprise Risk Management Policy be adopted.


Risk Management Coordinator's REPORT


The Enterprise Risk Management program has been and continues to be developed in accordance with the AS/NZS ISO 31000.2009 which is a quality assurance system. It aligns to the Quality Management Systems ISO 91000:2015, as will all other management standards as they are reviewed. Process based management systems are recognised for their effectiveness in adding value and reducing losses through evidence based decision making.


The updated Enterprise Risk Management Policy reflects the format required to integrate Policy with objectives in line with the principles and structure of the Standard.


The Policy is also aligned with the function of the Governance, Risk Management and Business Improvement Committee, and linked to the IP&R and audit requirements.


The intention and purpose of the Policy is unchanged.











Reason For Report

Consideration of a request to donate fees for use of the hall.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications

$480 from S356 vote

IPR Linkage

4.2 A network of viable, relevant and cultural facilities exists in Cabonne.



File Number






THAT the hall fees be donated for the Cudal Public School annual production rehearsals.


Director of Engineering & Technical Services' REPORT

Council has recently received a request from the Cudal Public School to waive hall fees for rehearsals held at the Cudal Hall for the school’s major yearly production.  The costs incurred for were $480 for 24 days of rehearsals at $20 per day. The school has agreed to pay the 2 nights booked for the actual production, which was billed at $274.

The hall is a community asset and it is fair and reasonable that the hall fees be donated for rehearsals.





Reason For Report

To seek council adoption of a Plan of Management for Memorial Park, Canowindra

Policy Implications

POM will become a council policy document

Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.1.1.a Prepare comprehensive Development Control Plan (DCP)


1.  Memorial Park Canowindra POM Feb 2018    

File Number






THAT the draft Plan of Management for Memorial Park, corner Gaskill and Blatchford streets, Canowindra be adopted.



Director of Environmental Services' REPORT



Subsequent to the report to council meeting of 24 October 2017, a draft Plan of Management (POM) for the use and management of Memorial Park at Canowindra was placed upon public exhibition and comments invited. Copies of the draft plan were provided to local interest groups including the Business Chamber, Garden Club, historical society and RSL sub Branch. The exhibition was notified in the media and via council’s web page. By the close of the exhibition period, one submission had been received and is summarised below:




Canowindra RSL sub branch

·    Anzac day dawn service commences at 6am. Could this event be included in the POM as the draft currently recommends organised events to occur between 7am and 10pm

·    In favour of a new tourist information sign, as long as it doesn’t impede movement around or views of the cenotaph.

·    Suggests that should the relocation of the notice board result in its placement within a garden bed that people would walk on the garden to closer view the sign.

·    Could the new sign be placed in the existing structure as the current location works well for people getting off the bus or travelling through town

·    Alternatively the sign could be relocated to a site near the toilet block

·    Does the current sign have historical value and could it be offered to the historical society

·    Future projects – the RSL is working on a design for a wall to be built behind the cenotaph, possibly following the curve of the path. The sub branch is also considering acquiring a field gun to be placed in the park

·    Memorial Park is very important to the Canowindra RSL sub branch



POM amended to reference dawn service





















Noted - DA required for wall. Risk assessment and future maintenance / ownership / liability issues will need to be determined for each project.




The specific concerns of the RSL sub branch relating to the use of the park for Anzac Day commemorations can be addressed by a minor amendment to the draft POM. The draft POM does not preclude further memorials.  Additional structures, or use of the park, may require development assessment, as well as risk assessment to ensure maintenance and insurance liability are adequately identified and addressed. The functional location or relocation of any signage within the park will be considered in accordance with the landscape plan for the site to ensure safe and efficient use of the park and its facilities. Minor amendments that incorporate the RSL sub branch comments have been made to the attached draft POM, which is now submitted to council for its consideration with a recommendation that the POM be adopted.








Reason For Report

To provide advice to the Minister for Local Government that Council seeks to be part of a Joint Organisation in Central NSW.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.1.b Maintain strong relationships and liaise effectively with all relevant Government agencies and other councils


1.  Joint Organisation Amendment to Local Government Act 1993 - legal advice

2.  EC_joint organisation_2017_v07    

File Number






THAT, in accordance with Part 7 of Chapter 12 of the Local Government Act:


1.   Council inform the Minister for Local Government (Minister) of the Council’s endorsement of the Minister recommending to the Governor the establishment of a Joint Organisation (JO) in accordance with this resolution. 

2.   Council approve the inclusion of the Council’s area in the Joint Organisation’s area.  

3.   The Joint Organisation be established to cover the Council’s area and any one or more of the following council areas:

            Bathurst Regional Council, Blayney Shire Council, Cowra Shire                    Council, Forbes Shire Council, Lachlan Shire Council, Lithgow City                         Council, Oberon Council, Orange City Council, Parkes Shire Council           and Weddin Shire Council. 

4.    On the expiry of a period of 28 days from the making of this resolution, the General Manager provide the Minister:

a.   with a copy of this resolution including the date on which Council made this resolution, and

b.   inform the Minister that this resolution has not been rescinded, for the purpose of the Minister issuing a certificate under section 400P of the Act. 


General Manager's REPORT


The purpose of this report is to provide advice by 23 March 2018 to the Minister for Local Government that Council seeks to be part of a Joint Organisation in Central NSW. The resolution is as provided by the Office of Local Government (OLG) to give effect to this decision.  The report provides background advice to this resolve and was developed in consultation with Central NSW Councils (Centroc), a Pilot JO, using advice from the OLG. 





Joint Organisations (JOs) are a key component of the local government reform process and have the intention to transform the way in which the State Government and local government collaborate and set regional priorities to support local communities.   Centroc was selected as one of five Pilot JOs. 


Centroc’s entity status is currently a Section 355 Committee of Forbes Shire Council.   The Centroc Board has had ongoing concerns with this structure as it unfairly burdens Forbes and the Board recognises that the JO legislation addresses this issue.   


The State Government has passed legislation for the formal creation of JOs under the Local Government Amendment (Regional JOs) Bill 2017.   This allows councils in regional NSW to voluntarily create JOs.   




A review of the Legislation shows the essential elements of a JO’s operation are as follows:


·    Established and dissolved by Proclamation. This means that if a council wants to join or leave a JO then the JO must be recreated through Proclamation;

·    Body Corporate and a statutory corporation under the Interpretation Act;

·    Council must resolve to join the JO. The resolution must be in a specific format that mentions the other councils in the JO. The recommendation above is that recommended by the OLG.

·    Principal Functions:

o Establish strategic regional priorities and strategies and plans for their delivery

o Regional Leadership to advocate for strategic regional priorities

o Identify and take up opportunities for intergovernmental co-operation.  

·    Other functions:

o As directed by the members (including regulatory functions)

o As directed by legislation

o As delegated by the CEO of the OLG

·    Board – Mayors only.   One delegate per council unless the JO decides it wants two.   Then it must be two from each council.   The second delegate must be a councillor.   General Managers attending meetings are not voting Board members.

·    Associate Membership – is provided for and includes Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) and County Councils which means that Central Tablelands Water can be an associate member.   Hilltops, Upper Lachlan and other neighbouring Councils outside the Planning Boundary may seek to be associate members.

·    Voting – equal votes per member council, no votes for associates;

·    Chair – holds office for 2 years and can be a non-voting Chair.   Where there is a non-voting chair the chair’s council nominates another representative to be the voting delegate;

·    Executive Officer (EO) is the Public Officer;

·    Exercise of Functions – can be by employees, agents and contractors, committees of the board, jointly with others including member councils or another JO and by a delegate of the JO.   A council cannot be required by a decision of the JO to delegate any of its functions to the JO;

·    Delegations – can delegate to an EO, a Board committee or any other person or body any of the functions of the JO.   The JO can sub-delegate any functions delegated to it by the CEO of OLG;

·    The Act applies to a JO the same way as it applies to a council except for the stated exemptions.   JOs are exempted from activities such as Integrated Planning & Reporting, community consultations, elections, planning, strategic planning and annual reports;

·    Staff are employed under the State Industrial Relations system; and

·    Draft regulations to support JOs and a Regulation Consultation Guide have been released for council consideration and feedback by 16 March 2018. 


Forming a JO


JOs can be formed with a minimum of two councils and those councils must lie within the same State Planning Region as shown in the map below.    According to advice from the OLG, JO boundaries should: 


·    align with, or ‘nest’ within one of the State’s planning regions;

·    demonstrate a clear community of interest between member councils and regions;

·    not adversely impact on other councils or JOs, for example, leaving too few councils to form a JO;

·    be based around a strong regional centre or centres;

·    be of an appropriate size to partner with State, Commonwealth and other partners.   


While the choice to join and composition of a JO is voluntary, the NSW Government will only support the creation of JOs within existing State planning regions and in regional NSW.    For Council this would mean membership within the Central West/Orana Planning Area.   




Figure 1: Planning boundaries in Regional NSW


It is noteworthy that while Council can opt into the JO, opting out is more difficult and would require Proclamation through State Parliament.   Having said that, Council has been a voluntary member of Centroc and appreciated its value since its inception in the 1980s.   Further, Local Government is a function of the State Government and exists at its behest – arguably the operating environment of Local Government is always within boundaries set by the State and so becoming a member of the JO is no more constraining.   


Discussion in the region


The Centroc Board met 23 November 2017 and gave consideration to becoming a JO.   Included in its considerations was the attached legal advice.   The Centroc Board subsequently resolved as follows:


1.   Support in principle JO legislation;

2.   Seek an extension of time for Councils to opt in to allow for the development of the regulations; and

3.   Invite the Office of Local Government to present to the region as soon as possible. 


Mr Chris Presland of the Office of Local Government made a presentation to the region on JOs on Tuesday 12 December 2017.   Attendees at the meeting were generally positive about the opportunity of becoming a member of a JO with a boundary similar to that of Centroc.   Attendees were in agreement that the JO would offer a better structural arrangement than a Section 355 Committee of Forbes Shire Council as is current with Centroc.   


Consultation regarding membership


Direction from the OLG is that full members of a JO must fall into a regional planning area.   Centroc members share a planning boundary with Orana Regional Organisations of Councils (OROC).  Advice from OROC is that there is no interest in forming a JO with any Centroc members, rather they have State permission to include Councils in the Far West in their JO. 


Centroc members agreed at the workshop Tuesday 12 December to recommend to members they proceed with JO with the membership of the Centroc within the planning boundary.   That is, Bathurst Regional Council, Blayney Shire Council, Cabonne Council, Cowra Shire Council, Forbes Shire Council, Lachlan Shire Council, Lithgow City Council, Oberon Council, Orange City Council, Parkes Shire Council and Weddin Shire Council.


Since then, agreement to join the JO has been indicated by the majority of existing Centroc council with the exception of Lithgow City Council who have resolved to not to seek membership to any JO at this time.


Associate members will be at the discretion of the membership and developed as part of the Charter.   The Charter will be developed subsequent to the Proclamation of the JO and advice from the OLG is that it will be similar to the Charter developed during the Pilot period. 


Financial implications


The OLG has advised that there is $3.3M available in seed funding to establish JOs across NSW.    They also provide advice that Councils that are members of JOs will be able to take advantage of investment opportunities that are delivered through the JO.    It is noteworthy that Centroc was recently successful in December 2017 in securing a 100% funded bridge assessment program with other grant applications aggregating member Council priority in the pipeline. 


Effecting becoming a member of a JO


The OLG has provided Council with guidance regarding becoming a member of a JO. This includes the recommendation as printed above and filling in an online form. The online form included seeking advice regarding a name and advice on any non-financial support required to ensure the JO proposal is successful. 




The preferred name for the JO of councils is suggested as “Central NSW Councils Joint Organisation”. This name builds on the location of the region in Central NSW, its history as a Regional Organisation of Councils and emphasises its function as a collaboration of Councils. 


Non-financial support required to ensure the JO proposal is successful


The following non-financial support would be useful in ensuring the success of JOs:


·    Optimising aggregated procurement for JOs;

·    Dedicated resource in the OLG for JOs including collaboration between JOs;

·    Support for a JO Chairs Group with dedicated access to Ministers and senior bureaucrats;

·    Giving consideration to the role of JOs in the funding and strategic framework;

·    Standardised tools for prioritisation, communication, etc; and

·    Minimising the devolution of State agency roles to the JO. 




Council has the option to evolve its existing Centroc membership into a membership of a Joint Organisation of Councils in Central NSW.   This will overcome the ongoing issue of the entity status of Centroc as a Section 355 Committee of Forbes Shire Council. 

Councils are encouraged to review and provide feedback on the  Draft regulations to support Joint Organisations (JOs) and the Regulation Consultation Guide  by 16 March 2018.






Reason For Report

Request for Council's support of proposal.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.4.1.c Provide assistance to community groups



File Number






THAT Council provide in-principle support of the proposed Fairbridge Children’s Commemorative Park and continue to liaise with the management committee regarding land usage and development requirements.



General Manager's REPORT


The Old Fairbridgians Association have written to council requesting in principle support of a proposal to commemorate the lives and experiences of the Fairbridge Children.  The proposal is to establish a roadside park at the existing Fairbridge Farm Memorial Park on Mitchell Highway.  The land in question, Lot 10 DP 247214, was gifted to council in 1974.


The Mayor, General Manager and Director of Environmental Services met with representatives of the committee in January.  The committee members were advised that there would be restrictions on any development on the land due to it being flood prone and made of aware of potential RMS requirements due to increased use and entry/exit on the Mitchell Highway.


A management committee has been established by the Association which will take principal responsibility for the design of the project and oversight of the construction. Fund raising and grant opportunities are being explored by the committee.


It is envisaged the project will incorporate landscape precincts and interpretive signage and whilst the project will commemorate the experiences of the child migrants to Fairbridge Farm, the management committee believe it will also attract visitors, improve convenience for travellers on the Mitchell Highway and encourage wider appreciation of the area’s cultural significance in both a local and international context.











Reason For Report

To advise council of legal advice received regarding options for council properties managed by s355 committees.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

3.3.6.a Maintain sporting, recreational, council and community facilities



File Number






THAT Council:


1.   Authorise the General Manager to commence negotiations with s355 committees regarding the transfer of ownership of the property they manage as per legal advice received.


2.   Receive a further report on the matter if any committees are interested in taking up the offer to transfer.



General Manager's REPORT


Council has a number of properties that are maintained and managed by s355 committees for community purposes. To clarify, a s355 committee is an organisation or group delegated by Council under s355 of the Local Government Act 1993, for the purpose of control, care and management of a council asset.


It has become apparent that this situation is not ideal for some of these organisations, particularly in the case of preschools, as they encounter problems when seeking loans or grant funding due to not having the security of owning the property.


The following legal advice has been received as to how council may transfer these properties to the organisation at minimal cost to the organisation, while ensuring that the valuable community purpose for which they have been established is maintained.


1.   That to transfer properties, those properties would need to be classified as Operational Land. If they are presently Community Land, then the properties would need to be re-classified.


2.   Generally in relation to any transfer, stamp duty is payable. Stamp duty is paid on the unencumbered value of the property. If, however the purchaser is a charitable organisation, or otherwise has an exemption from the payment of stamp duty, duty may not be payable.


3.   To ensure that the properties continue to be used for the benefit of the community, an Option Agreement should be entered into with the purchaser. That is, for a period of time (to be specified in any Agreement) the properties would be used for the benefit of the community. If during that period of time, the properties were no longer used for that benefit, then Council would be able to exercise an Option requiring the purchaser to transfer the property back to Council for an agreed amount.


It is suggested that Council approach its s355 Committees to ascertain potential interest in transferring the properties, with a further report to council when any properties are identified.







Reason For Report

To advise on recommendation from Council workshop.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.1.g - Code of Meeting Practice adhered to



File Number






THAT Council:


1.   Continue the practice of holding a Public Forum session a fortnight before each Ordinary council meeting to enable the public to address council.

2.   Adopt the guidelines in relation to the conduct of Public Forum sessions.



General Manager's REPORT


Council at is September 2017 meeting resolved:


“THAT Council amend its Code of Meeting Practice to conduct an open forum a fortnight before each Ordinary council meeting to enable the public to address council.”


Council’s Code of Meeting Practice has yet to be amended due to the release of the draft Code of Meeting Practice by the Office of Local Government and subsequent request for feedback from councils (subject of a separate council report).  Two public forums have been conducted however in line with the resolution.


A review of other council’s practice in relation to holding public forums has revealed that is common for there to be two public sessions during the month - one on matters that relate to an item in the business paper (eg a development); and another on general issues which the public may want to raise with council.  Most councils permit a 5 minute time limit, however allow councillors the provision to extend the time if required, for example to ask questions relating to the matter.


The following draft guidelines, which have been collated from other NSW councils, are suggested to be implemented:


1.   Public Forums will be held on the second Tuesday of each month commencing at 2pm.


2.   Members of the public are able to address Councillors on matters that are within the responsibilities of Council.


3.   The Public Forum session is not a public meeting and does not form part of the Council Meeting.


4.   No decisions will be made by Council at the Public Forum.


5.   Members of the public wishing to speak at the Public Forum must lodge an application with the General Manager a week before the Public Forum, providing a summary of the issue that they wish to bring to council’s attention.


6.   Members of the public wishing to speak at the Public Forum must agree to comply with council’s Code of Conduct and Code of Meeting Practice.


7.   Members of the public wishing to speak at the Public Forum must declare any interests and/or political donations.


8.   All applications must be approved by the General Manager or his/her delegate.


9.   At all times, the General Manager and/or Council retain the discretion to refuse a person the opportunity to address the Public Forum.


10. Persons not registered to speak will not be able to address the Public Forum.


11. Speakers will have five minutes to address the Public Forum. An extension of time may be granted by Councillors for questions.


12. Applications to speak at the Public Forum will be limited to four per session. Where more than four applications to speak are received, applications will be considered in order of the time of receipt.


13. Applications on the same or a related subject are restricted to a maximum of two per Public Forum, one speaker for the subject and one speaker against the subject.


14. Where there are more than two applications received for the same subject, applications will be considered in order of the time of receipt.


15. Each speaker is required to state their name and any organisation/interest group they are representing before speaking.


16. Councillors may ask questions of the speaker.


17. The speaker will not be able to ask questions of Councillors or Council staff in relation to the matter.


18. Members of the public will not be permitted to raise matters or provide information on a matter which includes, but is not limited to, the following:

·    a standard request for Council services (which can be made by contacting Council’s Customer Service during business hours)

·    personnel matters concerning particular individuals

·    personal hardship of any resident or ratepayer

·    information that would, if disclosed confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business

·    commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed:

·    prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it, or

·    confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of Council, or

·    reveal a trade secret

·    information that would, if disclosed prejudice the maintenance of law

·    matters affecting the security of Council, Councillors, Council staff or Council property

·    advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege

·    information concerning the nature and location of a place or an item of Aboriginal significance on community land

·    alleged contraventions of any Code of Conduct requirements applicable under Section 440 of the Local Government Act 1993 (“alleged contraventions of Council’s Code of Conduct”)

·    on balance, be contrary to public interest.


18.    Addresses should be courteous and concise. Members of the public will not be permitted to use the Public Forum to defame, abuse, vilify, insult, threaten, intimidate or harass Councillors, Council staff or other members of the public. Conduct of this nature will be deemed to be an act of disorder and the person engaging in such behaviour will be ruled out of order and may be expelled from the meeting.


19.    A person may be banned from addressing Council under the Public Forum processes for repeated acts of disorder or breaches of the Public Forum Guidelines.


20.    The Public Forum does not provide any protection from civil action arising from allegations or any libellous comments. Members of the public must be mindful of laws relating to defamation and libel.


21.    Speakers do not have protection of privilege in respect of anything said or any material presented to the Public Forum.


22.    Councillors are not entitled to use the Public Forum for any purpose given opportunities are available to Councillors to raise matters formally.





Reason For Report

The board of Central West Library service have agreed to disband and have Orange City Council supply the library service to member Councils on a fee for service basis. This has implications for Council.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications

Council will pay for Library Services on a fee for service basis rather than through supporting Central West Libraries.

IPR Linkage

3.3.2.b Participate in decision making processes and initiatives of Central West Libraries (CWL)


1.  CWL new agreement    

File Number


Previous Items

4 - MOLONG LIBRARY AND COMMUNITY FACILITIES - Council - 26 Apr 2017 2.00pm





THAT Council sign and seal the agreement with Orange City Council annexed to this report, with the following adjustment:


Section 8 (d) of the agreement be changed to read as follows:

“If there is no resolution in relation to a dispute an independent arbitrator is to be appointed by Centroc and both parties are to abide by the decision handed down by the arbitrator.”



Director of Finance and Corporate Services' REPORT



Central West Library Service (CWL) is made up of five member Councils being Orange, Cabonne, Cowra, Forbes and Blayney. Each makes contributions in proportion to their population to CWL in return for provision of Library Services.


CWL is controlled by a board which has equal representation from each member Council. The board operates in accordance with an agreement signed by the five member Councils. Orange City Council staff provide service to CWL and OCC bill CWL.


According to information provided in the minutes from the CWL Extraordinary meeting held on 8 March 2017, Cabonne Council contributes approximately 14% to the CWL 2017/18 budget as shown below:











Total $ Payable








The current CWL agreement is due to expire on 31 October 2018. The board of Central West Libraries has agreed to disband the organisation from 30 June 2018 and have OCC provide services to the former CWL member councils on a fee for service basis. CWL will be used as a brand only.


At its ordinary meeting on 28 March 2017 Cabonne Council voted to accept Option 1, which was put forward by the CWL board on 8 March 2017, for the provision of Library Services to member Councils.


The provisions of option 1 are that the service will still be provided under the branding of Central West Libraries (CWL), however the CWL entity will be dissolved and Orange City Council (OCC) would then assume the full responsibility of the service currently provided by CWL. Under this model OCC would enter into a multi-year performance based contract for the delivery of this service with each member council.


OCC are asking member Councils to sign the attached agreement, which reflects option 1, by 2 February 2018 (which has passed). The agreement was received too late for Council to consider at its previous meeting held on 12 December 2017. 



There are several issues which arise as a result of this decision. They are as follows:


Member Councils will lose their voting power and therefore their ability to make decisions. They will be in a take it or leave it position with OCC.


CWL has assets, net assets of $1.154 million and cash and Debtors of $1.076 million. It also has liabilities of $0.647 million. Who will own the assets upon dissolution of CWL? The current CWL agreement says that the assets are to be split up upon dissolution in proportion to contributions made.


Under the new arrangement it appears that OCC will own the book stock and distribute it amongst the participating Councils as is done currently. Ownership may be an issue if, for whatever reason, Council were to decide to leave the new agreement and run its own service or opt for another service provider.


Initially the dissolution of CWL will have very minor budget implications. Council will pay a fee, in advance for the Library service, to OCC which is similar to the amount already paid to CWL. If Council requires additional service, it will pay additional money for this. The issue is that Cabonne will not have a forum to query the costs charged.


In practice nothing may change but theoretically it can give Cabonne no basis to argue should it be dissatisfied with the service provision and book stock at its libraries.


Section 8 (d) of the proposed agreement which Council is being asked to sign, specifies that if there is no resolution to a dispute OCC’s decision will prevail. This gives Council no power in relation to the provision of the Library service. If Council were to agree to sign the proposed agreement it is suggested that this clause be changed so that an independent arbitrator be appointed to resolve any dispute.






Reason For Report

To provide Council with an update on the progress of the 2017/2018 Integrated Planning & Reporting Operational Plan.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.1.a. Provide quality administrative support and governance to councillors and residents


1.  Integrated Planning & Reporting - Operational Plan - 2nd Quarter Updates    

File Number






THAT, subject to any alterations the Council deems necessary at the February Council meeting, the update of the Operational Plan to 31 December 2017, as presented be adopted.


Director of Finance and Corporate Services' REPORT


The Local Government Act requires Council to consider a quarterly report on the review of its annual Operational Plan.


The purpose of this report is to allow Council to assess its performance against its agreed objectives, actions and strategies.


The second quarter updates for the Integrated Planning & Reporting Operational Plan for 2017/2018 is attached which shows the culmination of the actions and strategies undertaken during that quarter.







Reason For Report

For Council to consider whether it wishes to make a submission

Policy Implications

Code of Meeting Practice Policy

Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.1.g Code of Meeting Practice adhered to



File Number






THAT Council put forward a submission that, unless the Office of Local Government are willing to fund the cost of establishment and running of live webcasts, the requirement for its inclusion in the model meeting code be optional.


Administration Manager's REPORT

Amendments made to the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act) by the Local Government Amendment (Governance and Planning) Act 2016 provide for a model code of meeting practice (Model Meeting Code) to be prescribed by regulation.  

The Office of Local Government (OLG), in consultation with councils, has prepared a consultation draft of the proposed Model Meeting Code. Once this is finalised, it will replace the meeting rules currently prescribed in the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 (the Regulation).

Key Points

The Model Meeting Code has two elements:

·    It contains mandatory provisions (indicated in black font) that reflect the existing meetings provisions of the Act and adapt those currently contained in the Regulation. The existing meetings provisions of the Regulation have been updated and supplemented to reflect contemporary meetings practice by councils and to address ambiguities and areas of confusion in the existing provisions based on feedback from councils.


·    It contains non-mandatory provisions (indicated in red font) that cover areas of meetings practice that are common to most councils but where there may be a need for some variation in practice between councils based on local circumstances. The non-mandatory provisions will also operate to set a benchmark based on what OLG sees as being best practice for the relevant area of practice.

Key Concern with the Draft

One mandatory requirement which concerns management is for Council meetings to be Webcast live over the internet. While the requirement has public access benefits, it will require additional staff time and expense.

The set up costs vary from $17,000 to $60,000 plus ongoing service costs of $1,260 per month ($15,120 pa). The requirement may also restrict Council from holding meetings anywhere other than the Council Chambers.

It is difficult to justify such expenditure given the likely limited audience. It is recommended that, unless the Office of Local Government is willing to fund these costs, the requirement be made optional.

Timeframe for Submissions and Adoption

OLG is inviting submissions from councils and other stakeholders on the consultation draft of the Model Meeting Code. Submissions close Friday 16 March 2018.

Once the Model Meeting Code is finalised, councils will be given a period of 6 months in which to adopt a code of meeting practice based on the Model Meeting Code.

The draft is available to view Consultation Draft - Model Code of Meeting Practice





Reason For Report

For Council to consider the requests received for donations

Policy Implications


Budget Implications

To be funded from existing budget allocation

IPR Linkage

4.4.1.c Provide assistance to community groups


1.  Yeoval Preschool_sponsorship letter_Cabonne Council.pdf

2.  CWA Request for sponsorship for 2018 Public Speaking Competition.pdf    

File Number






THAT Council:


1.   Donate $500 from the s.356 budget to assist the Yeoval Preschool for their fundraising night


2.   Donate $300 from the s.356 budget to the CWA for the Sponsorship of School’s Public Speaking competition


Community Services Manager's REPORT


The Yeoval Preschool is a not-for-profit community based organisation, which operates three days per week. On each day, the Preschool accommodates 15-20 children.


The Preschool is hosting a night to raise funds to carry out planned projects at the Preschool, which includes the renewal of ageing playground equipment and safety material and further development of the new bike track area to include a raised stage for performances.


Cumnock CWA have written to Council seeking a donation towards their annual public speaking contest for schools to be held at All Saints College, Bathurst on 22 May 2018.


The contest involves 60 schools and approximately 250 students from Year 3 to Year 12 from the Central West including Cabonne.


The day is run by volunteers from the CWA and is well regarded by the participants and schools. The donation is sought to go towards the running of the event.


Council has made donations towards the running of this event for many years and local schools participate in it. In January 2017 Council made a donation of $300 to this event.


Should Council wish to make these donations there remains $3,927 in the s.356 budget for donations this financial year.


Donations so far this year are:


$200          Catering costs for Mental Health meeting at Molong

$500          Mullion Creek Public School, travel to robotics championships

$500          Orange / Cowra / Cabonne Science Hub

$484          Molong Golf Club

$500          Orange Lions Club

$1,050       Prizes for School Presentation Nights










Reason For Report

To advise Council of the present position of the current budget

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.5.j Provide, maintain and develop financial services and systems to accepted standards - satisfying regulatory and customer requirements



File Number






THAT Council note the variances in the report and authorize the changes to Council’s 2017/2018 Budget.


Senior Accounting Officer's REPORT


The Quarterly Budget Review is presented to Council for determination. This review covers the   period 1 October to 31 December 2017. The overall change to the budget is favorable with a credit amount of $314,730. All the details of the variances are included in the attachment on page 5. Major changes to the budget are explained in the following report.


Transport & Communication. An important change to the budget in this QBR, is the addition of $946,208 in Grant funding for the Special Flood Event, of August 2016. This amount is distributed between Regional and Local Roads $400,815 and $545,393, respectively.


In addition to this funding, the remainder of the previous year’s grant funding of $271,223 has been taken from reserve and added to the current budget.


For Local Roads the continuing repair of the damage caused by the flood, will add an additional $762,678 in available funding, and for Regional Roads the additional amount will be $454,753. These amounts include the additional grant funding and the reserve funds.


Another significant change in this QBR is the acknowledgement of an additional $936,307 in Road to Recovery Funding. The program has been finalized for 17/18 and all of the funds allocated to the projects, including $631,340, part of the previous year’s funding and unspent, as at the end of 2017. The final projects in the Roads to Recovery Program are as follows;


          400087 - Packham Drive Stage 4 2016/2017


          400089 - Bocobra Road - Shape & Seal & Repair to Longitudinal Drainage


          400095 - Ophir Road - Road Widening Reconstruct Longitudinal Drainage & Seal


          400098 - Davys Plains Road - Intersection Improvements Gavins Lane


          400105 - Packham Drive - Stage 3 2015/2016


          400168 - RTR Program 17/18 - Belgravia Road Sealing  Stage 1


          400169 - RTR Program 17/18 -  Gumble Road Sealing


          400175 - RTR Program 17/18 - Belgravia Road Sealing Stage 2



The total Road to Recovery Program for this year is $2,503,954, and $485,500 for the Stage 2 Belgravia Road is to be funded by Council.


Additional funding for the RMS Safety Project – Overtaking Lanes on Cargo Road has been received, that amount is $100,000.


General Purpose Income. An increase in rate income, due to the processing of additional supplementary changes, has resulted in an overall increase of $62,664. This amount has been partly offset with an increase in the write off in Pension claims. $23,381. This has come about by an increase in the number claims in the current year.


Administration .Council has received a Work Health Incentive payment for 17/18 of $ 33,478, and that, together with an increase in contributions by staff, for uniforms, has resulted in an increase to the budget in Labour income of $43,478.


The WHS refund must be used for the improvement of Workers’ Health and Safety, within the workplace. The General Manager will be required to submit acknowledgment of the funding and outline the areas where improvements should be encouraged.


An additional $158,796 in the Administration overhead charges has been recouped as well as $138,222 in employee oncosts. These changes are due mainly to the additional work noted for the Roads to Recovery Program and additional funding for the Special Flood Event.


Community Services. In the Community Visitors’ area, it was necessary to return grant funding of $15,109. The funds part of a carry forward amount for 2016/2017, were unspent.


Recreation & Culture. The cost of the refurbishment of the Cudal Public Hall has increased and an additional $ 23,444 is required to complete the project to this area.


The Molong Multi-Purpose Sports Centre has incurred an increase in expenditure of $34,450; however, as there is a surplus of the same amount in the lighting project, no additional funding is required.


To fund additional costs to the swimming pool maintenance area, $52,900 has been reduced from the budget for the provision of signage for the pools and applied as follows;


Molong Filtration Plant - $9,200

The shortfall caused by the termination of the contractor - $16,100

Repairs to Canowindra Pool - $ 13,800

Painting of the internal surfaces of the pools - $13,800


The reduction of the signage budget for the pools will not affect the completion of the project. The budget remaining is $47,100.


Other Information. Since the beginning of the current year’s budget Council had received no significant income from the RMS for ordered works and for maintenance on State Roads. After contact with the Roads and Maritime Head office, advice was received that due to a new payment system the authority was experiencing delays in payments to Council.


On 26 January 2018 a payment was received from the Roads and Maritime Services of in excess of $1.7 million, for ordered works and for maintenance carried out by Council on behalf of that Authority.


Other changes throughout the budget are minor and the overall position of the current 2017/2018 budget is pleasing.






Reason For Report

To inform Council of community and council projects to be prioritised in Council's application for funding under the second round of the NSW Stronger Country Communities Fund

Policy Implications


Budget Implications

Grant income of approximately $1.3 million

IPR Linkage

3.3.5.a Review community need for new and upgraded facilities


1.  East Molong Tennis Club - Application.pdf

2.  ANFD_SCCF Application.docx

3.  Mullion Creek_ Stronger Country Communities Fund_Project Information Form.docx

4.  CCCC_Stronger Country Communities Fund_Project Information Form 2018 (3).docx

5.  Lidster_Tennis Court Funding submission.docx

6.  Cumnock Showground_Stronger Country Communities Fund_Project Information Form 1.docx

7.  Canowindra Challenge_Stronger Country Communities Fund_Cabonne Form FINAL.docx

8.  MELC_Stronger Country Communities Fund_Project Information Form FINAL Jan 2018.docx

9.  Cumnock Recreation_Stronger Country Communities Fund_Project Information Form_RevA.docx

10. Stronger Country Communities Fund_Project Information Form_Small Villages.docx

11. Stronger Country Communities Fund_Project Information Form_Molong Pathways.docx

12. Stronger Country Communities Fund_Project Information Form_Canowindra Pathways.docx

13. Stronger Country Communities Fund_Project Information Form_Village Green.docx    

File Number








1.   Council determines its priorities for projects to be submitted for funding under the second round of the NSW Stronger Country Communities Fund


2.   Projects, other than those included in the Cabonne Pedestrian and Mobility Plan, be placed on public exhibition for 28 days from 28 February 2018 to 28 March 2018 for public inspection and content.


Community Engagement and Development Manager's REPORT




Cabonne Council is preparing its application for Council and community projects which may be financed under the second round of the NSW Government’s $200 million Stronger Country Communities Fund.


All NSW Local Government Areas were allocated a minimum of $1.5m over two years for projects to make their areas more attractive places to live and work. In Cabonne’s case, the allocation is a little more than $1.6m, with $816,644 originally available over two rounds of funding.


Council’s first round application included two projects of about $250,000 each for pre-school expansions at Molong and Cudal. Each pre-school subsequently received grants under a different program and the projects were withdrawn from Cabonne’s first round submission. Cabonne is now eligible for a little more than $1.3m in the second round of funding which opens next month.


New infrastructure, such as parks, playgrounds and cycle tracks, are being earmarked under the program, along with refurbishments to existing facilities including community centres and libraries. Enhancing local parks and supporting facilities, such as kitchens and toilet blocks, will also be considered.




Under the guidelines, there is no cap on the cost of projects, but each must be worth at least $100,000. Typically, they will be in the range of $250,000 to $1m.


While organisations do not have to provide a matching contribution, co-contributions are likely to enhance the prospect of applications being successful. A significant financial co-contribution would be required for larger projects above $1m.


Councils and community groups must demonstrate they have consulted with their local communities and have the support of their community. During the assessment process, the Department of Premier and Cabinet will survey local communities through Choice Modelling to confirm community support.


Department of Premier and Cabinet representatives have stressed that projects must be “shovel ready” so they can start quickly and be delivered as soon as possible. In most cases this means that if a development application is required, development consent should already be received or the development application process is substantially advanced.


Priority will be given to those projects that demonstrate they will be finished on time within the budget. Proposals need to align with State Government priorities and programs, as well as council’s Community Strategic Plan, and must have strong community and stakeholder support. Proposals must also address the issue of ongoing maintenance and associated costs to ensure they are not a burden on the community in the future.




Cabonne Council has proposed four projects totaling $765,555 (including a 5% overhead), while community organisations have put forward nine projects seeking $2,831,120 (including a 5% overhead). This means Council will have to prioritise projects seeking a total of $3,596,675 (under the Stronger Country Communities Fund – almost $2.3m more than the amount available for the Cabonne Local Government Area.


However, because there is no indication this program will continue after this second round, Council should consider over subscribing in its application to try to ensure that Cabonne receives the full amount allocated to it. An outline of each of the community and Council proposals is as follows:




Total Value ex GST


Amount Sought (including 5% overhead)



East Molong Tennis Club Refurbishment

Resurface courts with synthetic grass suitable for tennis and netball, new lighting and block border around court




Development consent obtained

Australian National Field Days Information and Education Facility

Construction of an information and education facility at ANFD site, including large training/multi-purpose facility, media room and kitchen




DA lodged

Cudal Community Children’s Centre – Long Day Care Expansion

Expansion to cater for additional Long Day Care places




No DA Lodged

Mullion Creek Progress Association Tennis Court Refurbishment

Resurface court with synthetic surface suitable for tennis, netball and basketball, replace fencing and add lighting




No DA required

Lidster Tennis Club Tennis Courts Refurbishment

Resurface and re-fence four courts, three for tennis, one for netball/basketball

$150,000 (estimated, no detailed budget submitted with application)


$157,500 (estimated)

No DA lodged

To be confirmed whether DA required when more detailed plans submitted

Cumnock Show Society Pavilion Extension

New entertainment/bar area including covered outdoor area to cater for additional functions at showground. Construction of complying toilet facilities for functions and to service nearby overnight camping area




DA not required

Canowindra Challenge Inc Upgrade Canowindra Showground

Refurbish Burdett Hall Pavilion and major electricity upgrade, including new transformer, replace power poles, replace overhead lines with underground connections, replace all lighting, replace power outlets for campers and install additional power outlets




Potentially exempt development

Molong Early Learning Centre – Long Day Care Expansion

Expansion to cater for additional Long Day Care places; construct playground and landscaping




DA approved

Cumnock Progress Association Recreation Precinct Landscape Master Plan

Upgrade Cumnock sports precinct to make oval more suitable for athletics; install athletics facilities such as discus cage and synthetic long jump runways; extend kiosk/barbeque area; new storage shed; tennis court lighting; replace fencing; beautification and landscaping; fitness trail


In kind labour


DA not required, exempt and complying development

Cabonne Council Pedestrian Access Mobility Pathways Small Villages Project

Construction of shared access paths in Eugowra (325m), Cargo (80m) and Yeoval (130m)




DA not required

Cabonne Council Pedestrian Access Mobility Pathways Molong Village Project

Construction of shared access paths totalling 632m in Watson St, Hill St and Euchareena Rd




DA not required

Cabonne Council Pedestrian Access Mobility Pathways Canowindra Village Project

Construction of shared access paths totaling 490m in Browns Avenue, Rodd St




DA not required

Cabonne Council Molong Village Green Revitalisation

Redesign and revitalise Molong Village Green to allow great community use, including new entry paths, drainage, landscaping and interpretive signage.




DA not required








Council will note that in November 2017 Molong Early Learning Centre received $250,909 and Cudal Community Children's Centre received $247,500 as part of the NSW Government's Start Strong capital works grants.


Both centres had applied for similar amounts under the first round of the NSW Stronger Country Communities Fund to expand the pre-schools and their Long Day Care capacity.


Cabonne Council had included both projects in its priorities for funding under the first round of the Stronger Country Communities Fund, but when the Start Strong grants were announced both projects were withdrawn from Council’s application.


However, the Strong Start funding does not apply to Long Day Care and both children’s centres are again seeking funding under the Stronger Country Communities Fund to expand their facilities to provide additional Long Day Care places.




All proponents were required to outline their project briefs on a form developed by Council’s Grants Officer to enable Council to better compare each proposal. Copies of those application forms are attached as annexures.


Hard copies of plans and supporting information are also available for Councillors’ inspection.





Reason For Report

To determine Council's attendance at the 2018 Local Government Tourism Conference in Parkes.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications

Approximately $2,000 from Council's Tourism Budget

IPR Linkage

2.2.1.a. Promote strategies listed in the Tourism Plan



File Number






THAT Council’s delegate on the Country Tourism Advisory Committee, Clr Jenny Weaver and Cabonne’s Tourism and Community Development Coordinator Lynne Hawkes, be authorised to attend the Local Government Conference in Parkes from 12-14 March 2018.




Community Engagement and Development Manager's REPORT


The annual NSW Local Government Tourism Conference will be held in Parkes and is co-hosted by Parkes Shire Council from Monday 12 March 2018 to Wednesday 14 March 2018.


The conference theme is Tourism: It all adds up!


Participants are invited to join the discussion as existing methods and delivery of tourism options are merging with new ideas, technology, community engagement and experiences.  From accommodation to communication, from business events to local events, from information centres to online information, the scene is set to change. 


The NSW Local Government Tourism Conference program includes:


·    Accredited VIC workshops

·    How to attract destination events to your region

·    Regulations – panel discussion

·    How to run an effective marketing campaign

·    Revisiting Agri-tourism

·    Events- Security and Technology

·    What’s New in Caravanning and Camping

·    Successful economic development and tourism planning


There will be a number of site visits to various attractions in the area, including:


·    The rejuvenation of Peak Hill Gold Mine;

·    Henry and Elvis, the icons of Parkes; and

·    Reinvigorating Trundle, a small country town going ABBA-solutely f-ABBAulous


The Local Government Tourism Conference is an ideal platform for Councillors and council staff to meet and listen to the experts and peers and to find out how other councils are engaging and managing their tourism industry.


The Tourism and Community Development Coordinator and Council’s delegate on the Cabonne Country Tourism Advisory Committee have attended the NSW Local Government Tourism Conference in previous years.


The total cost of registration, travel and accommodation for delegates will be approximately $2,000.






Reason For Report

For Council to consider applications for funding under the 2017/18 Events Assistance Program

Policy Implications


Budget Implications

$2,000 to be funded from 2017/18 Events Assistance Program

IPR Linkage

4.4.1.c Provide assistance to community groups


1.  MBC EAP application.pdf

2.  Molong Advancement Group - EAP Program Application Form 2018.pdf

3.  Information Regarding The Long White Lunch.pdf    

File Number






THAT Council approve funding under the 2017/2018 Events Assistance Program (EAP)


1.   Cumnock Show Society for $1,000 for the Long White Lunch


2.   MBC Molong for $500 for the Women’s Agri-Business Forum


3.   MAG for $500 for the Molong Markets


Community Engagement and Development Manager's REPORT


Council has received three applications for funding under its 2017/2018 Events Assistance Program (EAP) for events to promote Cabonne and attract visitors to experience the area. Council’s Community Development and Tourism Coordinator has provided the following assessment.



Application 1.


Organisation:                                     Cumnock Show Society

Event:                                                 The Long White Lunch

Date:                                                   7 April 2018

Requested Amount:                             $1,000


To be funded:                                                 A contribution towards the marketing and promotion of this annual major event.

Event Description


Cumnock’s The Long White Lunch is a significant event for the village of Cumnock that aims to raise funds to be redirected into improving the facilities of Cumnock to benefit the whole community. The event goal is to celebrate local produce and wine and to showcase various villages and Cabonne operators to the numerous visitors and local community members that attend the luncheon.


The relaxed lunch encourages guests to wear white to add interest and novelty to the event to be held outside at the Cumnock Showground. Locally sourced products will be prepared and served with local beer, wine and cider, all supporting Cabonne producers.


The Cumnock Show Society held this successful event in 2017. They have duplicated the event plans with the aim to grow and develop the function to become Cumnock’s signature event.


The organisers plan to cap attendance at 500 and the current data indicates that 80% will be visitors to the area and come from outside the shire.


·    Cabonne Council logo will be included on all promotional material

·    Tickets sold out in 7 days

·    Increase spend in the area, trialling local produce

·    Council and Cabonne’s profile will be raised

·    Council marque with logo hired for the event




This application meets the event assistance funding program objectives of a developing event. It will increase visitation to the area and support a number of Cabonne enterprises and in return support the Cumnock community with well-earned funds.


Cabonne Council’s logo appears in all printed material, print advertising.


Application 2.


Organisation:                               MBC

Event:                                                      Women’s Agri-Business Forum

Date:                                               Friday, 9 March 2018

Requested Amount:                    $5,000

To be funded:                                        A contribution towards the marketing and advertising of this event


Event Description


The event is designed to recognise International Women’s Day. The aim is to advance women’s skills in agribusiness with additional knowledge and resources to better equip them in a challenging and diverse climate. This year’s focus will also cover health and well-being, as women on the farm are often over looked.


This event will work towards ensuring women have an active role and voice in agribusiness. MBC the organisers aim to attract 120 women to this event from the Central West, including Parkes, Forbes, Cowra and Cabonne villages. 


The inaugural 2017 MBC Women’s Agri-Business Forum was reported as a highly successful venture receiving positive feedback from attendees.


The Cabonne business, Eat Your Greens in Eugowra, was the selected venue for 2017 and is again for 2018.


As part of the sponsorship opportunity Cabonne Council is offered the following opportunities and benefits:


·    Cabonne Council logo will be included on all promotional material

·    Live mentions on all opening and closing speeches

·    Full page advertisement in the program

·    Signage at the event

·    Named as a major sponsor on all social media and promotion

·    2 complimentary tickets

·    Inclusion of promotional material in participant’s bag

·    Increase spend in the area




This application meets the event funding program objectives of a developing event that is a unique and provides education and empowerment for women in agri-business. This educational event is identified as vital for the future development of women in the agricultural industry sector.


It will attract visitation to the area, support a number of Cabonne enterprises and increase economic spend and some overnight accommodation stays in the shire.



Application 3.


Organisation:                                     Molong Advancement Group (MAG)

Event:                                                 Molong Village Markets

Date:                                                   29 April 2018

Requested Amount:                             $2,000


To be funded:                                                 A contribution towards the marketing and promotion of this annual major event.


Event Description


Molong Advancement Group (MAG) is planning to expand and grow the Molong Village Markets along the lines of the successful and renowned Millthorpe Markets.


MAG have been organising markets on the Village Green for a number of years and now plan to hold the Village Markets on the Molong Recreational Ground.


The Molong Village Markets have proved more visible from the highway and have attracted an increase in passing traffic. MAG have also received increased interest from numerous stallholders.


MAG are planning to hold three markets on 29 April 2018, 29 July 2018 and 1 October 2018. They aim to build on and grow each one by providing a different feature at each market. The markets will provide food, wine, produce, variety stalls, face painting, trike bikes and a jumping castle. The feature displays could include vintage cars, trucks or machinery.


Previously MAG have relied on community announcements, social media, and word of mouth to promote their markets. MAG hopes to run a television advertising campaign, (which is more costly) to raise the profile of the markets and attract more visitors.


MAG considers the village markets will in turn promote Molong to a broader audience. The Event Assistance Program funding aims to direct the support funding to the scheduled TV advertising campaign.




This application meets Cabonne’s event funding program objectives of a developing event that will help promote the village of Molong and Cabonne and support many of our local businesses.


Events Assistance Program Expenditure to date:


EAP Funding Allocation 2017/2018




25 July Orange Wine Festival 13 – 22 October 2017


25 July Canowindra Balloon Challenge 2018


25 July Yeoval District Ass. Back to Yeoval Weekend 28 -30 July


25 July Canowindra Fine Music Weekend


25 July MADIA  Christmas Party


26 September Australian National Field Days 26 – 28 October


26 September Cargo Twilight Markets


24 October Banjo Paterson Australian Poetry Festival


24 October Canowindra Domestic Violence White Ribbon March


28 November Taste@Barangaroo


12 December FOOD WEEK 2018






Total Expenditure


Remaining Funds







Reason For Report

To advise Council of the funds required to complete the refurbishment of Orana House

Policy Implications


Budget Implications

Transfer of funds .

IPR Linkage

3.3.3.e Maintain the council's properties to safe operational standards



File Number





THAT Council approve $189,743 for the refurbishment works of Orana House from  the available  funding $230,000 allocated towards the refurbishment of the HACC building and Library in Gaskill Street, Canowindra.


Director of Engineering & Technical Services' REPORT


Council resolved at its ordinary meeting on 12 December 2017 that it receives a report on the cost of refurbishing Orana House. This was in response to concern from the Canowindra community at a public meeting held on 30 November 2017 regarding the possible sale of Orana House.

At the public meeting it was stated that several community groups use the facility. However it has not been established how many people actually use Orana House.

Council recently engaged a structural consultant - Cook and Roe to assess the condition of the Orana House and to recommend the refurbishment methodologies for the house. The proposed recommendations are as follows:

·    Replacement of the roof cladding

·    Replacement of the front awning

·    Structural repair works in the brick wall including cement rendering/paintings

·    Storm water drainage works

·    Remove and replace damaged/missing weatherboards including replacement of cladding in the enclosed section of verandah.

The Orana House can be returned to the acceptable condition after completing the refurbishment works listed above. The total cost for the said refurbishment works has been estimated to be $189,743.  

Council has allocated $230,000 in the 2017/2018 Capital Budget towards the refurbishment of the HACC building and Library in Gaskill Street, Canowindra, including works to relocate the users of Orana House. 

Based on the structural consultant’s recommendations together with the Council’s staff inspection of the existing conditions of the Orana House, it is recommended that Council allocate $189,743 for the said refurbishment works from the available $230,000 towards the refurbishment of the HACC building and Library in Gaskill Street, Canowindra .






Reason For Report

Council to approve and accept the funding deed.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications

Funds to come from the 2018/2019 budget

IPR Linkage

1.4.1.b Construction of Regional Roads



File Number





THAT Council;

1.   Accept funds of $4,010,629 from restart NSW for the Widening of Banjo Paterson Way;


2.   Provide funds of $544,858 in the 2018/2019 budget


3.   Authorise the affixing of the Common Seal to the funding agreements for the Fixing Country Roads projects.



Director of Engineering & Technical Services' REPORT


Council has received confirmation from Restart NSW that it was successful in receiving funding for the widening of Banjo Paterson Way under the Fixing Country Roads Round Three program.


Council applied for this funding for the upgrade to improve B-Double movements without restrictions, increase safety for all road users and a reduction in travel time for freight.


The approved funding from this program is $4,010,629 with a contribution of $544,858 from Council.


It is recommended to accept the funds from Restart NSW, authorise $544,858 council contribution to be included in the 2018/2019 budget and authorise the affixing of the Common Seal to the funding agreement.







Reason For Report

For Council to approve the draft Plan of Management for Community Land.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.4.1.a Update the procedure manual for Planning a Public Event in Cabonne Country to include accessibility requirements


1.  Draft 2018 Generic POM Community Land    

File Number





THAT in relation to the report “Draft – Cabonne Council Plan of Management for Community Land 2018” Council approve:

1.   The public exhibition of the draft Cabonne Council Plan of Management for Community Land 2018 for a period of 28 days; and


2.   A further report to be submitted at the completion of the formal exhibition period detailing any submissions received for Council’s consideration.



Director of Engineering & Technical Services' REPORT


The purpose of this report is to seek Council approval to place the Draft Cabonne Council Plan of Management for Community Land 2018, on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.


Section 36 of the Local Government Act requires Council to prepare a Plan of Management for Community Land.  A Plan of Management can cover multiple parks and reserves and sets out the general terms of management of those parcels of land.

The Draft Cabonne Council Plan of Management for Community Land (the Plan), attached, refer ANNEXURE 1, provides guidance for Cabonne Council staff on how to manage the Community land throughout the Council area.

The Draft Plan covers parks and public reserves throughout Cabonne, it also forms part of a series of Generic Plans of Management being developed or updated to comply with the requirement of the Local Government Act 1993.

The Plan identifies the management framework for the land and lists the park name, address, locality, owner, legal description and the land register classification. It relates to all public land categorised as Community Land within the Cabonne area which is open space land that can be used for recreation purposes.  The Plan addresses these public reserves as they are today and establishes a direction for future management and development of this important public resource.


The Local Government Act 1993, requires Council as a minimum, to place the Plan on public exhibition for a period of at least 28 days.  Adopting the recommendation of this report will meet the requirement for community consultation.

Copies of the draft document will also be made available for download from Council’s website.

At the completion of the formal exhibition period, a further report detailing any submissions received during the public exhibition will be presented for Council’s consideration and adoption of the revised Plan.







Reason For Report

Molong Town Beautification Committee has placed an official request for Council to take over the maintenance and treatment of the trees within the Fairbridge Rememberance Drive, Molong.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications

Moderate as trees require some specialised treatment to combat elm beetle and borer.

IPR Linkage

4.3.1.c Complete annual tree maintenance and hazard removal program



File Number






THAT Council accept the official request from the Molong Town Beautification Committee and complete all the necessary maintenance and treatment of the trees within the Fairbridge Remembrance Drive, Molong.



Operations Manager - Urban Services and Utilities' REPORT


The Molong Town Beautification Committee wrote to Council on 5 January 2018, requesting Council to take over the full responsibility of all the necessary maintenance of the trees within Fairbridge Remembrance Drive Molong, and the woodchip covered area on the slope on the edge of the Mitchell Highway below the former railway water tank at the highway rail overpass.


The Committee has placed this request because of an increase in age of existing members and the proven inability to recruit younger members.


The trees within the Fairbridge Remembrance Drive will require more than the usual tree maintenance of pruning and watering.  Additionally, these trees will require routine specialised pest prevention and eradication maintenance for insect infestation.


The pest eradication treatments are essential, and if they are not completed as required, the trees will eventually die succumbing to the pests.


The trees within Fairbridge Remembrance Drive are memorial trees and therefore need to be preserved. They are also now an iconic part of Molong’s landscape and are listed within some of Council’s tourist literature. Their demise would be unacceptable to the local and broader community alike.





Reason For Report

To obtain council endorsement of the Planning Proposal

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.1.b Maintain strong relationships and liaise effectively with all relevant Government agencies and other councils


1.  Planning Proposal Molong Truck Wash    

File Number







1.  Council receive the Planning Proposal submitted for land identified as Lot 30 DP 130510 Market Street, Molong, and

2.  Forward the Planning Proposal to the Department of Planning and Environment requesting a Gateway Determination in accordance with Sections 55 and 56 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979,

3.  Request the Department of Planning and Environment, as delegate of the minister for planning, to exercise their plan making powers under section 73A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, and grant council delegated authority to amend the Cabonne Local Environmental Plan 2012,

4.  Upon receipt of a Gateway Determination in relation to the Planning Proposal, publicly exhibit the proposal,

5.  Provide a further report to council upon conclusion of the public exhibition period to provide details of any submissions received during the exhibition process.


Director of Environmental Services' REPORT


The purpose of this report is to seek a resolution from council to amend the Cabonne Local Environmental Plan 2012, to permit an additional land use being a commercial premises (truck wash facility) upon Lot 30 DP 130510, Market Street, Molong.


The request is subsequent to the success of a funding application submitted by council to the State government under its “Fixing Country Truck Washes Program”. The objectives of the State funded program are to:


·    Improve the productivity of heavy vehicles by enhancing the capacity of truck wash facilities and stock effluent disposal facilities

·    Improve biosecurity outcomes by cleaning out vehicles to minimise the risk of livestock disease outbreaks

·    Improve amenity for local communities.


The subject land is zoned RU1 Primary Production under the provisions of the Cabonne Local Environmental Plan 2012. The site is located adjacent to the Mitchell Highway to the south, and the Molong Sewerage Treatment Plant to the north. The location is ideal to enable establishment of a livestock truck wash and effluent disposal facility, servicing local and long haul livestock transports. Waste from the facility is to be processed for disposal through the adjacent sewerage treatment plant. Under the current zoning the proposed land use is not permissible.


The Planning Proposal aims to amend Schedule 1 to the Cabonne Local Environmental Plan 2012 to permit an additional land use upon the subject land, being a commercial premises (truck wash). The subject land has been acquired by council for the purpose of establishing the livestock truck wash facility.






To enable the amendment to the Cabonne Local Environmental Plan 2012 a Planning Proposal has been prepared for submission to the Department of Planning and Environment for a Gateway Determination. If the determination is issued, the draft plan would then be placed upon public exhibition, and any additional studies or State agency referrals required by the Department would be undertaken.





Reason For Report

To provide Councillors with an opportunity to ask questions/raise matters which can be provided/addressed at the next Council meeting.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.1.g. Code of Meeting Practice adhered to



File Number






THAT Council receive a report at the next Council meeting in relation to questions asked/matters raised where necessary.


General Manager's REPORT


A call for questions for which an answer is to be provided if possible or a report submitted to the next Council meeting.






Reason For Report

Provides an opportunity for Councillors to call items for noting for discussion and recommends remainder to be noted.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

 4.5.1.g - Code of Meeting Practice adopted and implemented.



File Number







1.   Councillors call any items they wish to further consider.

2.   The balance of the items be noted.


General Manager's REPORT


In the second part of Council’s Business Paper are items included for Council’s information.


In accordance with Council’s format for its Business Paper, Councillors wishing to discuss any item are requested to call that item.






Reason For Report

Enabling matters of urgency to be called.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.1.a. Provide quality administrative support and governance to councillors and residents



File Number






THAT Councillors call any matters of urgency.


General Manager's REPORT


Council’s Code of Meeting Practice allows for the Council to consider matters of urgency which are defined as any matter which requires a decision prior to the next meeting or a matter which has arisen which needs to be brought to Council’s attention without delay such as natural disasters, states of emergency, or urgent deadlines that must be met”.


This item enables councillors to raise any item that meets this definition.







Reason For Report

Enabling reports to be considered in Committee of the Whole.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.1.g. Code of Meeting Practice adhered to



File Number






THAT Council hereby resolve itself into Committee of the Whole to discuss matters called earlier in the meeting.


General Manager's REPORT


Council’s Code of Meeting Practice allows for the Council to resolve itself into “committee of the whole” to avoid the necessity of limiting the number and duration of speeches as required by Clause 250 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.


This item enables councillors to go into “committee of the whole” to discuss items called earlier in the meeting.


Item 7 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 7 - Annexure 1


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Item 7 - Annexure 2


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Item 8 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 8 - Annexure 1


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Item 11 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 11 - Annexure 1


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Item 12 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 12 - Annexure 1


cabonne Council colourEnterprise Risk Management


1 Document Information

Procedure Name:

Enterprise Risk Management Policy


Risk Management Coordinator


Director of Finance & Corporate Services



Next Review Date

2 years from Approval

Date last Reviewed

16 December 2014

2 Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to clearly document the organisation’s commitment to risk management principles to:


·    Increase the likelihood of achieving objectives,

·    Encourage proactive management

·    Establish a reliable basis for decision making and planning

·    Improve operational effectiveness and efficiency and improve organisational resilience,

·    Enhance health and safety performance as well as environmental protection,

·    Improve the identification of opportunities and threats,

·    Improve financial reporting and governance,

·    Comply with relevant legal and regulatory requirements.

3 Definitions


Risk                                                                        A risk is defined as the effect of uncertainty on objectives.

Risk management                                           Coordinated activities to direct and control an organisation with regard to risk.

A risk management framework                 The set of components that provide the foundations and organisational arrangements for designing, implementing monitoring and reviewing and continually improving risk management throughout the organisation.



4 Scope


This policy applies to all service and functional areas of the organisation. Risk management is not an isolated function that is separate from the main activities and processes of the organisation. It is an integral part of all organisational processes, including strategic planning, project and change management processes.

5 Context

Council has a Common Law duty of care and statutory responsibilities to ensure that risk management is incorporated in all aspects of its business.

The relevant standards is AS/NZS ISO 31000: 2009 Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines.

6 Policy

Cabonne Council is actively committed to:

·    Ensuring that all decision making within the organisation involves the consideration of risk and the application of risk management to some appropriate degree.

·    Ensuring that the risk management process is integrated into the business processes of the organisation.

·    Ensuring that the framework for managing risk continues to remain appropriate and effective.

·    Protecting the organisation, its’ employees, contractors, assets and the community against reasonably foreseeable loss and injury, and

·    Ensuring legal and regulatory compliance.


In accordance with its’ common law duty of care, statutory responsibilities and Council Policy, the Council will make certain that resources are allocated to:

·    Maintain staff health and safety,

·    Maintain Councils’ assets,

·    Ensure continuity of service,

·    Reduce Councils’ liability and minimise or eliminate other circumstances which may cause a loss to Council, and

·    Assign sufficient funds in the budget to maintain a pro-active approach to risk management.


Cabonne Council recognises that risk management is essential for sound strategic and financial planning and ongoing business.



Fundamental to risk management are the following objectives:

·    To improve the identification of opportunities and threats,

·    To identify and analyse the organisations liability associated with risk exposure,

·    To protect staff, contractors and the community against personal, physical and financial losses as far as practicable and that is within the control pf Cabonne Council,

·    To protect the corporate image as a professional, responsible and ethical organisation,

·    To recognise that risk management is the responsibility of all managers and staff,

·    To promote and support risk management practices throughout the organisation,

·    To monitor the risk management practices of the organisation to ensure continued effectiveness, consistency and efficiency,

·    To adopt risk management processes as set out in the Australian/New Zealand International Standard for Risk Management (AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009) and other relevant guidelines and standards.



·   Roles and Responsibilities



The Council will review the Risk Management Policy and amend as required and provide adequate budgetary provision for risk management strategies to be implemented.

Governance, Risk Management and Continuous Improvement Committee

The Governance, Risk Management and Continuous Improvement Committee will:

·    Monitor, review and advise the Council on the standard of its risk management.

·    Make assessments and recommendations in relation to the risk management and measure and evaluate the effectiveness by reviewing Cabonne’s activities.

·    Endorse and monitor a comprehensive risk based cyclical strategic audit plan


General Manager

The General Manager has the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that risk management is managed across the Council.


7 Related Documents


<Add references to any related policies, forms, handouts etc that relate to the procedure>


Document Name

Document Location






8 Approvals

<Change the table below to reflect who needs to approve the document before final issue>



Date Approved








9 History

<This table indicates the revision history of the policy. It should be updated whenever the document changes>


Change Date

Summary of Changes

New Version Date









Item 14 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 14 - Annexure 1


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Item 15 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

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Item 19 - Annexure 1


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Item 19 - Annexure 1


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Item 19 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 19 - Annexure 1


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Item 20 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 20 - Annexure 1


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Item 22 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 22 - Annexure 1


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Item 22 - Annexure 2


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Item 23 - Annexure 1


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Item 24 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 24 - Annexure 1



As part of the Stronger Country Communities funding process, the NSW Government requires Cabonne Council to assess a number of possible projects for the Cabonne Area and then make an overall submission. The NSW Government will then make the final decision on which projects will be funded.

This form is to provide information on your proposed project to Council which will allow us to assess suitability for funding under this programme. Please keep in mind that the information provided on this form may be made available to the public.

Name of Organisation/ Community Group

Orange Field Days Co-op Ltd

Name of project

Information and Education Facility

Contact person

Jayne West

Contact phone

02 6362 1588

Contact email

Postal address

563 Borenore Road, Borenore NSW 2800


What is your project? Please provide a description

The project is construction of an Information and Education Facility at the Australian National Field Days (ANFD) site located at Borenore.
This is a new community building - a purpose built Information and Educational Facility: learning centre. It will provide space for workshops, seminars, product information days, industry skills training and community meetings. The facility will include:

-      Large training/multi-purpose room, with appropriate information technology equipment

-      Media room, with appropriate information technology equipment (livestream/podcasting)

-      Kitchen

-      First Aid room

-      Female and male accessible/disabled amenities


Purpose of the project?

The new facility addresses the need for an indoor, technologically equipped facility co-located to the ANFD specialist agricultural facilities. It will provide a much-needed space for the ANFD, and also for the activities of a wide range of local community groups and agricultural interest groups.

a)    The Australian National Field Days (ANFD) provides a unique opportunity for retailers, primary producers, the general public and government organisations to come together to share information in a hands-on forum. As the oldest annual agricultural exhibition in the country (est. 1952), the ANFD showcases quality exhibitors continuing the long-held commitment to Advancing Australian Agriculture. This new facility will support these aims with the added benefit of providing access to telecommunications technology and modern facilities to enable greater engagement through livestreaming and podcasting of seminars and events.

b)    The provision of an Information and Education Facility with modern amenities would also enable the ANFD Committee to hold its own functions, media launches, demonstration days and training days in addition to the Annual Australian National Field Days, which is our vision and commitment to Australian Agriculture.

c)    It will also assist the communities of Borenore and Nashdale, as well as the wider community of Cabonne and the Central West Region, as a modern, technologically capable facility in which to hold meetings, small conferences and community events.


The project will have broad ranging benefits for the agricultural sector and regional economy. It will strengthening the ANFD site as a community agricultural education hub which advances Australian Agriculture.

It delivers local economic impact and social infrastructure, supporting the ongoing activation of the economic potential of the Borenore site within the Cabonne Shire.



Further detail on the project – scope of works, location, size of project, work to be done

Scope of works: construct a new building, 23 metres wide x 30 metres long with a 3 metre verandah.


Location: 563 Borenore Rd, Borenore NSW 2800. The Australian National Field Days site is located 15km west of Orange at Borenore. The site totals 130 hectares on 2 titles, including 40 hectares of established display site for the annual ANFD with sealed road, water reticulated and power. The lot on which this project is proposed to be built totals 86 hectares. Some existing buildings are owned by ANFD, others by exhibitors. Current facilities include outdoor demonstration areas, on-site parking, agricultural trial areas, 5 permanent toilet blocks, 7 kiosks, cattle and sheep yards, shearing shed, and ATV/4WD demonstration tracks.

The Information and Education Facility will be located centrally to the site, north of the existing Administration Building.


Size of Project: $616,350 total value. Area of approx. 759m2.


Work to be done:

·    Supply of Steel Frame Building

·    Supply of Concrete Slab

·    Erection of Shed

·    Plumbing

·    Internal fit out (including kitchen installation, gyprock, window coverings, floor coverings)

·    Paint

·    Electrical

·    Information technology installation (telecommunications and internet connection)

The site is level and is well suited to the proposed development. The Information and Education Facility will connect to the existing reticulated water system and aerated water treatment plant. The site has a sealed bitumen access road. Telephone and electricity services will be connected to the new building by extension from existing mains.




Projected total cost of project

$616,350 (Ex GST)


Level of Funding sought under Stronger Communities Fund

$396,350 *Ext GST


Will your organisation be providing a contribution to the project cost? If so, for what amount?

Yes. $220,000 *Ex GST


Does your project require a Development Application? If so, or if you are unsure, please engage with Council’s Planning Department for confirmation and assistance


Yes. A Development Application was lodged through Peter Basha Planning & Development. Current Zoning RU2 - permissible with consent.




Can the project be commenced within 12 months and be completed fully within 2 years? Please provide a plan to achieve this


Yes. Commencement would be expected within 2 months of successful funding notification. Earthworks and site preparation have been completed.


The ANFD will call tenders for the appointment of a head contractor. Due diligence checks will be carried out prior to appointment. There will be an agreed timeline negotiated and contracted for the project, with appropriate buffers for unforeseen delays and wet weather. This will be managed on a day-to-day basis by the administration staff and overseen by the sub-committee of the ANFD Board.


A 6-month completion is planned, with 2-year time frame as contingency.


1.    Project Manager engaged                                                          1 month

2.    Building commences: slab, shed and plumbing installation        2 months

3.    Internal fit out                                                                                 2 months

4.    Operational occupancy                                                                                                     


Risks to completion:

-      No building work can be done during National Field Days (October 2018).

-      Extensions of time granted under the building contract.

-      There are few risks to commencement or access as the site is owned and managed by ANFD.

-      Contingency margins are the responsibility of ANFD.




Who will the project benefit? Both in immediate terms and to the wider community

The development of the Information and Education Facility would provide benefit to a range of stakeholders.


The ANFD runs a large Agricultural Field Days for 3 days of the year annually in October. The multi-function area would enable hosting lectures and seminars during the event in an indoor space. During the rest of the year we see this as a new practical learning centre for agriculture, with the capability to podcast or livestream to other sites. This would include engaging national and international speakers to deliver presentations and also allow for remote area farmers to view and engage in activities without the need to travel away from their farms.


The ANFD site is currently utilised by: Borenore/Nashdale Men’s Shed; Orange Model Aircraft Club; Borenore Progress Association; Borenore School; CWA; and many other community groups and charities. These organisations currently use the sheds and Administration Building to conduct meetings and fundraising events. These facilities are no longer appropriate to the activities conducted and lack essential connectivity for digital communication.

The following groups already use the site and/or have indicated that they would use the Information and Education Facility:


Local Community Clubs and Groups:

• Orange Model Aircraft Club - Meetings & Functions

• Borenore Progress Association - Meetings & Functions

• Nashdale P & C – meetings, functions and fundraising activities

• Borenore P & C – meetings, functions and fundraising activities

• Central Western Group, Country Women’s Association – meetings, functions and fundraising activities

• Borenore Branch, Country Women’s Association – meetings, functions and fundraising activities



• Nashdale Public School – educational activities for children aged 5-12 years

• Borenore Public School – educational activities for children aged 5-12 years



• NSW DPI – Meetings, Seminars, Industry days and information sharing days

• Local Land Services – Seminars, Industry days and information sharing days

• AusWest Seeds – to conduct pasture days and seminars

• NSW Farmers Orange Branch – Meetings & Functions

• NSW Horticulture Orange Branch – Meetings, industry days & Functions

• The Borenore Wine Trial Group – Meetings

• MSM Milling Stockfeeds – Trial results, seminars and information days

• ANFD – Steer Trial Growers’ day & Presentation dinner

• ANFD – Wether Trial Growers’ days & Presentation dinner

• ANFD Award of Excellence in machinery

• ANFD & NSW Sheep Dog Association – meetings and use as headquarters during trials

• Show Horse Council and Australian Stock Horse Association Seminars



The ANFD hosts agricultural machinery dealer demonstration days where major companies invite representatives to update them on new products and improved technologies. The site is ideal as it has land available to demonstrate big items such as tractors and machinery, but it lacks an indoor area to conduct seminars. These commercial dealers include: New Holland Australia; On Trac Ag; Watson Tractors; and John Deere. ANFD does collect revenue from these commercial users and uses these funds to maintain the site. This is a community service opportunity to provide for employment and wealth growth in agriculture through updated technology. Recent commercial users include:

• New Holland – Drive Blue Days, workshops and new product releases

• John Deere – Drive Green Days, workshops and new product releases

• Advantage Feeds Roadshow – free farmer days with speakers from the Sheep and Beef Industry.

• Murcott Driver Training – training and seminars.

• NAB – Seminars and presentations with keynote speakers.




Supporting Information – community survey feedback, estimated usage numbers or similar


Current regular usage by local community groups:

·    Weekly: 3 community groups, total 70 people visiting per week

·    CWA Conferences: 80 people per year

·    Events and fundraising by school groups: 400-500 per year

Industry usage varies, with usage varying from daily, weekly and biannual activities for groups of varied sizes. 

In addition, ANFD Patronage draws 20,000 visitors, plus 4000 exhibitors per year over 3 days. Visitors and exhibitors are drawn primarily from a radius of 200-300km of Borenore, with 80% of ANFD visitors from the Central West Region. Visitor numbers also include national and overseas exhibitors and visitors. Of these 20,000 visitors, 79% do not attend any other field days.

è Based on current rates of usage, the facility will be a crucial addition to the ANFD site.


The ANFD supports many organisations and charities in the region by providing space for activities and functions. Currently these are conducted in various sheds on site.  The provision of a specific function room with amenities would enable the ANFD Committee to hold its own functions, media launches, demonstration days and training days. It will also assist the communities of Borenore and Nashdale, as well as the wider community of the Central West, to access a facility to hold meetings, small conferences and events.


Many local community groups travel 18kms to Orange to hold meetings and functions because of the lack of suitable facilities in our area. As well as being a meeting space and a work environment for one-off events, the Information and Education Facility will host regular gatherings.


The types of activities and services that will be run in the Information and Education Facility  centre include:

• Learning environment for driver training classes

• Smaller scale conferences

• Coordination centre for events

• Product launches

• Dealer days

• Agricultural education and training by product developers.

• Meals during events

• Morning and afternoon tea for volunteers during the ANFD


More information about current services and events is available online:



Additional evidence of project suitability - for example: does the project align with the Council’s Community Strategic Plan?

The Community Strategic Plan, “Cabonne 2025” (March 2012), recognises that Cabonne is a rich rural shire, with farming its predominant industry. The top industry of employment, Sheep, beef cattle and grain farming (17.7% of persons aged 15+) would directly benefit from the project’s implementation as an Information and Education Centre for agricultural learning. It would also be utilised for education and health activities, and provides a community facility to contribute to social infrastructure through clubs, service organisations and community groups. This project will support Cabonne’s agricultural heart.


By bringing interactive, hands-on experiences for visitors, including use of updated information technology, the project will also aim to engage younger people in terms of careers and employment opportunities in the area, particularly in agriculture.

The facility supports Cabonne’s future directions (Cabonne 2015 Community Strategic Plan):

1.    Connect Cabonne locally and to the world – providing contemporary information and communication technology to facilitate engagement between businesses, towns and villages.

2.    Build business and generate employment – value adding to businesses in Cabonne, particularly in advancing agricultural enterprises

3.    Provide and develop community facilities – providing well maintained education services and facilities to support contemporary learning communities, with this facility available to a wide range of community groups.

4.    Grow Cabonne’s culture and community – providing relevant, viable facilities for community groups to use for community events and tourism/visitor engagement.

5.    Manage our natural resources – the facility will enable the communication of responsible future farming methods and enable the dissemination of best practice methods for sustainable farming practice.


The project aligns with the NSW State Priorities as an enabler of budget and economic growth, particularly for the agricultural industry in the local area andalso state-wide and nationally. The ANFD is a well-established centre of agricultural excellence as an annual agricultural exhibition, and also as an industry and community collaboration space, with engagement and benefits which will be augmented by the Information and Education Facility.


The project will support NSW Government’s Regional Development Framework, supporting Cabonne (and surrounding areas) as a growing regional centre and will provide an opportunity to enhance the economic potential of local economies.


As a new public facility, the project will provide the kind of infrastructure that improves the lives of local residents, attracts new residents and visitors, contributing to the social fabric of Cabonne, and fosters connection amongst the community.


The ANFD has a strong reputation for delivering high quality events for the community and industry. Awards include:

·    Australia Day Award: Community Event of the Year (Orange City Council Australia Day 2016:)

·    Finalist: Excellence in Presentation and Marketing (Cabonne 2015 Daroo Business Awards)

·    Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture (Cabonne 2012 Daroo Business Awards)

·    Finalist: Best Ongoing Business (Cabonne 2012 Daroo Business Awards)


Evidence the project is cost effective including a clearly defined budget - at least two quotes should be provided OR one quote along with a quantity surveyor estimate

*See attached quotes and detailed budget information.

Project Management                    $29,350

Site preparation                  $8440

Shed Supply                          $66,181

Shed erection and plumbing       $90,085

Electrical                                 $13,800

Internal fit out                                  $322,794

Technology fit out (IT & AV)       $85,700


TOTAL:                                                 $616,350

Contingency of 10% is expected.


Details about the use of local suppliers – will this project contribute to local employment and/or local skills development?

The tender list will comprise only local builders from the Cabonne, Orange and Blayney shires. Tenderers will be required to outline details of local sub contractors in their quotation.

Tenders have been sought for construction, with local suppliers engaged for supply and installation of all components of the project.

It is expected that contracted concreters, builders, electricians, plumbers, plasterers, painters and IT/AV companies will also provide opportunities for their apprentices to engage on the project.


Overall, positive economic impacts will be generated through:

-      Enhancing operation of the ANFD in its charter of Advancing Australian Agriculture

-      Contributing to regional tourism appeal already generated by the ANFD site

-      Adding maturity to the ANFD Operation as an important agricultural and tourism resource that contributes to the Cabonne Local Government Area

-      Providing growth and engagement opportunities for local community groups and service organisations



Evidence of the capacity to maintain any new infrastructure funded? Projects must be sustainable in the long term and able to be operated and maintained beyond the funding period


ANFD is a not-for-profit registered co-operative in New South Wales. The ANFD business structure enables reinvestment in site assets and field day resources. ANFD has been in operation since 1952, with a long history of successful management and operation of the site and sound financial performance.


The organisation has an appropriate governance structure to manage this project. The organisation employs three part time administration staff and one groundsman, all of whom are governed by the Board of Directors. The Board will form a sub-committee of appropriately skilled Directors to oversee the project and would utilise the staff for operational engagement.


All ongoing and operational costs would be borne by ANFD, with commercial users charged a fee for service to assist in covering cleaning and maintenance costs.

All ongoing operating, maintenance and repair costs would be met by ANFD, including asset removal and replacement costs.





I have attached 2 quotes




I will be able to supply 2 quotes before the application deadline (TBA 2018)




I have attached the project budget




I have given consideration to the processes and procedures outlined in the capital expenditure review guidelines issued by the Office of Local Government


For more information please contact:

Naomi Schroder – Grants Officer, Cabonne Council

PH: 02 6392 3267



Email the completed form to:




Item 24 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 24 - Annexure 2



As part of the Stronger Country Communities funding process, the NSW Government requires Cabonne Council to assess a number of possible projects for the Cabonne Area and then make an overall submission. The NSW Government will then make the final decision on which projects will be funded.

This form is to provide information on your proposed project to Council which will allow us to assess suitability for funding under this programme. Please keep in mind that the information provided on this form may be made available to the public.

Name of Organisation/ Community Group

Orange Field Days Co-op Ltd

Name of project

Information and Education Facility

Contact person

Jayne West

Contact phone

02 6362 1588

Contact email

Postal address

563 Borenore Road, Borenore NSW 2800


What is your project? Please provide a description

The project is construction of an Information and Education Facility at the Australian National Field Days (ANFD) site located at Borenore.
This is a new community building - a purpose built Information and Educational Facility: learning centre. It will provide space for workshops, seminars, product information days, industry skills training and community meetings. The facility will include:

-      Large training/multi-purpose room, with appropriate information technology equipment

-      Media room, with appropriate information technology equipment (livestream/podcasting)

-      Kitchen

-      First Aid room

-      Female and male accessible/disabled amenities


Purpose of the project?

The new facility addresses the need for an indoor, technologically equipped facility co-located to the ANFD specialist agricultural facilities. It will provide a much-needed space for the ANFD, and also for the activities of a wide range of local community groups and agricultural interest groups.

a)    The Australian National Field Days (ANFD) provides a unique opportunity for retailers, primary producers, the general public and government organisations to come together to share information in a hands-on forum. As the oldest annual agricultural exhibition in the country (est. 1952), the ANFD showcases quality exhibitors continuing the long-held commitment to Advancing Australian Agriculture. This new facility will support these aims with the added benefit of providing access to telecommunications technology and modern facilities to enable greater engagement through livestreaming and podcasting of seminars and events.

b)    The provision of an Information and Education Facility with modern amenities would also enable the ANFD Committee to hold its own functions, media launches, demonstration days and training days in addition to the Annual Australian National Field Days, which is our vision and commitment to Australian Agriculture.

c)    It will also assist the communities of Borenore and Nashdale, as well as the wider community of Cabonne and the Central West Region, as a modern, technologically capable facility in which to hold meetings, small conferences and community events.


The project will have broad ranging benefits for the agricultural sector and regional economy. It will strengthening the ANFD site as a community agricultural education hub which advances Australian Agriculture.

It delivers local economic impact and social infrastructure, supporting the ongoing activation of the economic potential of the Borenore site within the Cabonne Shire.



Further detail on the project – scope of works, location, size of project, work to be done

Scope of works: construct a new building, 23 metres wide x 30 metres long with a 3 metre verandah.


Location: 563 Borenore Rd, Borenore NSW 2800. The Australian National Field Days site is located 15km west of Orange at Borenore. The site totals 130 hectares on 2 titles, including 40 hectares of established display site for the annual ANFD with sealed road, water reticulated and power. The lot on which this project is proposed to be built totals 86 hectares. Some existing buildings are owned by ANFD, others by exhibitors. Current facilities include outdoor demonstration areas, on-site parking, agricultural trial areas, 5 permanent toilet blocks, 7 kiosks, cattle and sheep yards, shearing shed, and ATV/4WD demonstration tracks.

The Information and Education Facility will be located centrally to the site, north of the existing Administration Building.


Size of Project: $616,350 total value. Area of approx. 759m2.


Work to be done:

·    Supply of Steel Frame Building

·    Supply of Concrete Slab

·    Erection of Shed

·    Plumbing

·    Internal fit out (including kitchen installation, gyprock, window coverings, floor coverings)

·    Paint

·    Electrical

·    Information technology installation (telecommunications and internet connection)

The site is level and is well suited to the proposed development. The Information and Education Facility will connect to the existing reticulated water system and aerated water treatment plant. The site has a sealed bitumen access road. Telephone and electricity services will be connected to the new building by extension from existing mains.




Projected total cost of project

$616,350 (Ex GST)


Level of Funding sought under Stronger Communities Fund

$396,350 *Ext GST


Will your organisation be providing a contribution to the project cost? If so, for what amount?

Yes. $220,000 *Ex GST


Does your project require a Development Application? If so, or if you are unsure, please engage with Council’s Planning Department for confirmation and assistance


Yes. A Development Application was lodged through Peter Basha Planning & Development. Current Zoning RU2 - permissible with consent.




Can the project be commenced within 12 months and be completed fully within 2 years? Please provide a plan to achieve this


Yes. Commencement would be expected within 2 months of successful funding notification. Earthworks and site preparation have been completed.


The ANFD will call tenders for the appointment of a head contractor. Due diligence checks will be carried out prior to appointment. There will be an agreed timeline negotiated and contracted for the project, with appropriate buffers for unforeseen delays and wet weather. This will be managed on a day-to-day basis by the administration staff and overseen by the sub-committee of the ANFD Board.


A 6-month completion is planned, with 2-year time frame as contingency.


1.    Project Manager engaged                                                          1 month

2.    Building commences: slab, shed and plumbing installation        2 months

3.    Internal fit out                                                                                 2 months

4.    Operational occupancy                                                                                                     


Risks to completion:

-      No building work can be done during National Field Days (October 2018).

-      Extensions of time granted under the building contract.

-      There are few risks to commencement or access as the site is owned and managed by ANFD.

-      Contingency margins are the responsibility of ANFD.




Who will the project benefit? Both in immediate terms and to the wider community

The development of the Information and Education Facility would provide benefit to a range of stakeholders.


The ANFD runs a large Agricultural Field Days for 3 days of the year annually in October. The multi-function area would enable hosting lectures and seminars during the event in an indoor space. During the rest of the year we see this as a new practical learning centre for agriculture, with the capability to podcast or livestream to other sites. This would include engaging national and international speakers to deliver presentations and also allow for remote area farmers to view and engage in activities without the need to travel away from their farms.


The ANFD site is currently utilised by: Borenore/Nashdale Men’s Shed; Orange Model Aircraft Club; Borenore Progress Association; Borenore School; CWA; and many other community groups and charities. These organisations currently use the sheds and Administration Building to conduct meetings and fundraising events. These facilities are no longer appropriate to the activities conducted and lack essential connectivity for digital communication.

The following groups already use the site and/or have indicated that they would use the Information and Education Facility:


Local Community Clubs and Groups:

• Orange Model Aircraft Club - Meetings & Functions

• Borenore Progress Association - Meetings & Functions

• Nashdale P & C – meetings, functions and fundraising activities

• Borenore P & C – meetings, functions and fundraising activities

• Central Western Group, Country Women’s Association – meetings, functions and fundraising activities

• Borenore Branch, Country Women’s Association – meetings, functions and fundraising activities



• Nashdale Public School – educational activities for children aged 5-12 years

• Borenore Public School – educational activities for children aged 5-12 years



• NSW DPI – Meetings, Seminars, Industry days and information sharing days

• Local Land Services – Seminars, Industry days and information sharing days

• AusWest Seeds – to conduct pasture days and seminars

• NSW Farmers Orange Branch – Meetings & Functions

• NSW Horticulture Orange Branch – Meetings, industry days & Functions

• The Borenore Wine Trial Group – Meetings

• MSM Milling Stockfeeds – Trial results, seminars and information days

• ANFD – Steer Trial Growers’ day & Presentation dinner

• ANFD – Wether Trial Growers’ days & Presentation dinner

• ANFD Award of Excellence in machinery

• ANFD & NSW Sheep Dog Association – meetings and use as headquarters during trials

• Show Horse Council and Australian Stock Horse Association Seminars



The ANFD hosts agricultural machinery dealer demonstration days where major companies invite representatives to update them on new products and improved technologies. The site is ideal as it has land available to demonstrate big items such as tractors and machinery, but it lacks an indoor area to conduct seminars. These commercial dealers include: New Holland Australia; On Trac Ag; Watson Tractors; and John Deere. ANFD does collect revenue from these commercial users and uses these funds to maintain the site. This is a community service opportunity to provide for employment and wealth growth in agriculture through updated technology. Recent commercial users include:

• New Holland – Drive Blue Days, workshops and new product releases

• John Deere – Drive Green Days, workshops and new product releases

• Advantage Feeds Roadshow – free farmer days with speakers from the Sheep and Beef Industry.

• Murcott Driver Training – training and seminars.

• NAB – Seminars and presentations with keynote speakers.




Supporting Information – community survey feedback, estimated usage numbers or similar


Current regular usage by local community groups:

·    Weekly: 3 community groups, total 70 people visiting per week

·    CWA Conferences: 80 people per year

·    Events and fundraising by school groups: 400-500 per year

Industry usage varies, with usage varying from daily, weekly and biannual activities for groups of varied sizes. 

In addition, ANFD Patronage draws 20,000 visitors, plus 4000 exhibitors per year over 3 days. Visitors and exhibitors are drawn primarily from a radius of 200-300km of Borenore, with 80% of ANFD visitors from the Central West Region. Visitor numbers also include national and overseas exhibitors and visitors. Of these 20,000 visitors, 79% do not attend any other field days.

è Based on current rates of usage, the facility will be a crucial addition to the ANFD site.


The ANFD supports many organisations and charities in the region by providing space for activities and functions. Currently these are conducted in various sheds on site.  The provision of a specific function room with amenities would enable the ANFD Committee to hold its own functions, media launches, demonstration days and training days. It will also assist the communities of Borenore and Nashdale, as well as the wider community of the Central West, to access a facility to hold meetings, small conferences and events.


Many local community groups travel 18kms to Orange to hold meetings and functions because of the lack of suitable facilities in our area. As well as being a meeting space and a work environment for one-off events, the Information and Education Facility will host regular gatherings.


The types of activities and services that will be run in the Information and Education Facility  centre include:

• Learning environment for driver training classes

• Smaller scale conferences

• Coordination centre for events

• Product launches

• Dealer days

• Agricultural education and training by product developers.

• Meals during events

• Morning and afternoon tea for volunteers during the ANFD


More information about current services and events is available online:



Additional evidence of project suitability - for example: does the project align with the Council’s Community Strategic Plan?

The Community Strategic Plan, “Cabonne 2025” (March 2012), recognises that Cabonne is a rich rural shire, with farming its predominant industry. The top industry of employment, Sheep, beef cattle and grain farming (17.7% of persons aged 15+) would directly benefit from the project’s implementation as an Information and Education Centre for agricultural learning. It would also be utilised for education and health activities, and provides a community facility to contribute to social infrastructure through clubs, service organisations and community groups. This project will support Cabonne’s agricultural heart.


By bringing interactive, hands-on experiences for visitors, including use of updated information technology, the project will also aim to engage younger people in terms of careers and employment opportunities in the area, particularly in agriculture.

The facility supports Cabonne’s future directions (Cabonne 2015 Community Strategic Plan):

1.    Connect Cabonne locally and to the world – providing contemporary information and communication technology to facilitate engagement between businesses, towns and villages.

2.    Build business and generate employment – value adding to businesses in Cabonne, particularly in advancing agricultural enterprises

3.    Provide and develop community facilities – providing well maintained education services and facilities to support contemporary learning communities, with this facility available to a wide range of community groups.

4.    Grow Cabonne’s culture and community – providing relevant, viable facilities for community groups to use for community events and tourism/visitor engagement.

5.    Manage our natural resources – the facility will enable the communication of responsible future farming methods and enable the dissemination of best practice methods for sustainable farming practice.


The project aligns with the NSW State Priorities as an enabler of budget and economic growth, particularly for the agricultural industry in the local area andalso state-wide and nationally. The ANFD is a well-established centre of agricultural excellence as an annual agricultural exhibition, and also as an industry and community collaboration space, with engagement and benefits which will be augmented by the Information and Education Facility.


The project will support NSW Government’s Regional Development Framework, supporting Cabonne (and surrounding areas) as a growing regional centre and will provide an opportunity to enhance the economic potential of local economies.


As a new public facility, the project will provide the kind of infrastructure that improves the lives of local residents, attracts new residents and visitors, contributing to the social fabric of Cabonne, and fosters connection amongst the community.


The ANFD has a strong reputation for delivering high quality events for the community and industry. Awards include:

·    Australia Day Award: Community Event of the Year (Orange City Council Australia Day 2016:)

·    Finalist: Excellence in Presentation and Marketing (Cabonne 2015 Daroo Business Awards)

·    Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture (Cabonne 2012 Daroo Business Awards)

·    Finalist: Best Ongoing Business (Cabonne 2012 Daroo Business Awards)


Evidence the project is cost effective including a clearly defined budget - at least two quotes should be provided OR one quote along with a quantity surveyor estimate

*See attached quotes and detailed budget information.

Project Management                    $29,350

Site preparation                  $8440

Shed Supply                          $66,181

Shed erection and plumbing       $90,085

Electrical                                 $13,800

Internal fit out                                  $322,794

Technology fit out (IT & AV)       $85,700


TOTAL:                                                 $616,350

Contingency of 10% is expected.


Details about the use of local suppliers – will this project contribute to local employment and/or local skills development?

The tender list will comprise only local builders from the Cabonne, Orange and Blayney shires. Tenderers will be required to outline details of local sub contractors in their quotation.

Tenders have been sought for construction, with local suppliers engaged for supply and installation of all components of the project.

It is expected that contracted concreters, builders, electricians, plumbers, plasterers, painters and IT/AV companies will also provide opportunities for their apprentices to engage on the project.


Overall, positive economic impacts will be generated through:

-      Enhancing operation of the ANFD in its charter of Advancing Australian Agriculture

-      Contributing to regional tourism appeal already generated by the ANFD site

-      Adding maturity to the ANFD Operation as an important agricultural and tourism resource that contributes to the Cabonne Local Government Area

-      Providing growth and engagement opportunities for local community groups and service organisations



Evidence of the capacity to maintain any new infrastructure funded? Projects must be sustainable in the long term and able to be operated and maintained beyond the funding period


ANFD is a not-for-profit registered co-operative in New South Wales. The ANFD business structure enables reinvestment in site assets and field day resources. ANFD has been in operation since 1952, with a long history of successful management and operation of the site and sound financial performance.


The organisation has an appropriate governance structure to manage this project. The organisation employs three part time administration staff and one groundsman, all of whom are governed by the Board of Directors. The Board will form a sub-committee of appropriately skilled Directors to oversee the project and would utilise the staff for operational engagement.


All ongoing and operational costs would be borne by ANFD, with commercial users charged a fee for service to assist in covering cleaning and maintenance costs.

All ongoing operating, maintenance and repair costs would be met by ANFD, including asset removal and replacement costs.





I have attached 2 quotes




I will be able to supply 2 quotes before the application deadline (TBA 2018)




I have attached the project budget




I have given consideration to the processes and procedures outlined in the capital expenditure review guidelines issued by the Office of Local Government


For more information please contact:

Naomi Schroder – Grants Officer, Cabonne Council

PH: 02 6392 3267



Email the completed form to:




Item 24 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 24 - Annexure 3


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Item 24 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 24 - Annexure 4



As part of the Stronger Country Communities funding process, the NSW Government requires Cabonne Council to assess a number of possible projects for the Cabonne Area and then make an overall submission. The NSW Government will then make the final decision on which projects will be funded.

This form is to provide information on your proposed project to Council which will allow us to assess suitability for funding under this programme. Please keep in mind that the information provided on this form may be made available to the public.

Name of Organisation/ Community Group

Cudal Community Children’s Centre

Name of project  Expanding Cudal Children Centre


Contact person Stacey Roweth


Contact phone 63642398


Contact email


Postal address 15 Main Street Cudal 2864



What is your project? Please provide a description


The project is to increase the number of our Long Day Care places available in the Cudal area where there is a demonstrated shortage of places. There are 8 children currently on our waitlist who cannot access child care in the regional community of Cudal and are on our waitlist. Although this may not sound a lot, we are a small country town and this benefits a 30% increase. As a small regional community these children have limited options for care.

Our extensions/renovations will not only benefit families to work and children with education and care it will help us provide a safe environment for children and families.

The plans will provide the highest standard of disability access with toilet and have the opportunity for the Community to meet and hold small meetings throughout the week.

We have three quotes from building companies with quotes ranging from $409,000 to $450,000 +GST.



Purpose of the project?

The purpose of our project is to increase our number of children daily to assist working families and children in need.

Cudal Community Children Centre building is over 30 years old is crucial to improve infrastructure to abide with WH@S standards and National Quality Regulations and Standards within the Early Childhood Industry.

To provide a higher standard of safety to our families and children by providing disability access and toilet.





Further detail on the project – scope of works, location, size of project, work to be done


To build a entrance into the building with disability access and toilet

To have a kitchen and meal area to provide meals for younger children attending to meet Healthy requirements.

To have a large meeting room for community meeting for examples Mother groups.

To have an environment that not only increases numbers to offer care but to provide a safe and quality place for children and families.




Projected total cost of project-

3 quotes we have been supplied range from $409,000- $450,000.




Level of Funding sought under Stronger Communities Fund




Will your organisation be providing a contribution to the project cost? If so, for what amount?

Yes $100,000.  We have already been pre-approved for a $70,000 interest free loan which we can utilise if need be.  Also, our hard working management committee have been tirelessly fundraising over the last 4 years to successfully build up funds strictly dedicated to our Long Day Care expansion project.


We have already secured the funding of $247,000 for the expansion of the preschool.


Does your project require a Development Application? If so, or if you are unsure, please engage with Council’s Planning Department for confirmation and assistance


Plans have been finalised with the draftsman and a Development Application has been lodged.











Can the project be commenced within 12 months and be completed fully within 2 years? Please provide a plan to achieve this


Yes the plans are in stages to accommodate our current families. We currently have the vacant land ready to go for stage 1.


Once the project has commenced – we are hoping the flow of work will be continuous until the completion of the project.


Who will the project benefit? Both in immediate terms and to the wider community


The Project will benefit working families needing to access the longer hours which Long Day Care offers to go to work.

Employment as we will need to employ more staff due to extending numbers.

Wider Community can use us as a hub for meeting places and access



Supporting Information – community survey feedback, estimated usage numbers or similar


Letter provided



Additional evidence of project suitability - for example: does the project align with the Council’s Community Strategic Plan?

Cabonne’s Vision & Values Statements in the 2025 Strategic Plan aligns with our hopes for our Long Day Care Centre and our community.  We have passionate staff caring for our children and with the expansion it will help this community thrive which will cement our sustainability within our town and the surrounding townships.  Currently we have families accessing our service from Cargo, Manildra, Molong, Canowindra & Orange.

Our Centre is greatly respected within our community for our hard work, team work and dedication to our kids, families & environment.  Providing extra Long Day Care spaces within our Centre will encourage the growth of our town and encourage the follow through with our local schools.



Evidence the project is cost effective including a clearly defined budget - at least two quotes should be provided OR one quote along with a quantity surveyor estimate



Details about the use of local suppliers – will this project contribute to local employment and/or local skills development?


Yes we have sourced many local business and builders. We have two quotes from Builders from the Cabonne area.

We have also used local Draftsman and Suppliers.


Evidence of the capacity to maintain any new infrastructure funded? Projects must be sustainable in the long term and able to be operated and maintained beyond the funding period



Our project will be sustainable as the funding will be solely contributing to the Long Day Care renovation costs of our well established business.  Our Centre remaining open with more spaces for more children for many more years to come will ensure we thrive in the future.  As you can see from the 2016 Census, the number of young families are increasing and will continue to in our area if we have the Long Day Care services to accommodate growing families.


Our business is stagnant if you will, because of the waiting list being high for our regional area we are losing money having the land to expand on & the kids to fill the spaces, but nothing to offer them at present.


  The need for expansion of our Centre is there – we just need your help to make it happen.






I have attached 2 quotes




I will be able to supply 2 quotes before the application deadline (TBA 2018)




I have attached the project budget




I have given consideration to the processes and procedures outlined in the capital expenditure review guidelines issued by the Office of Local Government


For more information please contact:

Naomi Schroder – Grants Officer, Cabonne Council

PH: 02 6392 3267



Email the completed form to:




Item 24 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 24 - Annexure 5



As part of the Stronger Country Communities funding process, the NSW Government requires Cabonne Council to assess a number of possible projects for the Cabonne Area and then make an overall submission. The NSW Government will then make the final decision on which projects will be funded.

This form is to provide information on your proposed project to Council which will allow us to assess suitability for funding under this programme. Please keep in mind that the information provided on this form may be made available to the public.

Name of Organisation/Community Group Lidster Tennis Club


Name of project Lidster Tennis Club Court Upgrade (stage 1)


Contact person Lilli Abberton


Contact phone 0419268692


Contact email


Postal address 41 Darley Rd, Nashdale 2800



What is your project? Please provide a description


The Lidster Courts have been an integral part of the Nashdale/Lidster community since the 1920’s. Plaques on the large, old pine trees commemorate the lives of two of the previous members who were involved in the club for over 50 years. Many of the Nashdale school families have vivid memories of spending weekends watching or playing tennis there with their families, or receiving lessons during the week. Some of the tournaments were legendary!

Sadly, the courts, clubhouse and amenities have fallen into disrepair through disuse and neglect for the last 20 or so years.


For this stage of the project we hope to resurface and re-fence the 4 “existing” courts. 3 being just for tennis only and 1 being as a multipurpose court to enable spectators or non-players to have an option of playing basketball etc, with other coloured lines being added for variety. The driveway and carparking area also needs to be cleared and covered with road base and gravel.


In the following stages we will seek a professionally designed, Development Approved Clubhouse, Upgraded toilets, Playground area and other appropriate family and community friendly facilities. We envision this facility to be a major asset for the entire community with potential use by all in the area, whether they enjoy tennis or not. This will be a great place to engage with friends and family in a healthy and fun way.





Purpose of the project?


As Nashdale residents we have decided to resurrect the courts and try to grow the club to be as vibrant and integral part of the community as it once was. Since first discussing this possibility late last year, we have personally had upwards of 30 local families expressing an interest in taking part in this project, with the outcome being a social and enjoyable, healthy activity to enjoy with other local families and their children, who otherwise would have to drive another 20 minutes each way to get to courts in town.


If this first stage can succeed then we will be able to guage what sort of form the rebuilding of the clubhouse should take and engage a designer come up with an appropriate plan to submit for DA, including upgrading of toilets and court lights for night play. The ideas of including a playground, small skatepark and bbq facilities have been suggested and would make this facility a valuable community resource.


Nashdale and Crago road has, in recent years seen a large influx of new residents, which are primarily young families. The Nashdale School and Nashdale Hall are proving to be extraordinary in providing a bond for these families in the area and a great many social activities involve the entire community. There is a sense of community unlike any of us have previously experienced and those social events, which see us come together usually several times a month, usually involve a bbq and a beer at the hall, where the children are free to run around and play together. These events are usually on a Friday evening and therefore the smaller children are usually tired far before the older children and adults, therefore the family is forced (reluctantly!) to leave to put the kids to bed. The tennis courts will allow for these social get togethers during family friendly hours and encourage healthy interactions and foster some friendly competition, while allowing space for the other family members to enjoy themselves. The Nashdale area does not have any facilities of this kind for residents to utilise.




Further detail on the project – scope of works, location, size of project, work to be done


We envisage this work to be done in several stages. The first stage would be to get the courts into a playable state, resurfacing and fencing the 4 existing courts, making the road in accessible and creating a parking area. The work is at the existing courts, which have been in existence for nearly 90 years, at Lidster, off Cargo Road, roughly 12 KMs from Orange.


Future work would require a DA and would include upgrading the amenities block, rebuilding the club house and creating play areas and recreational activities for other family members to enjoy whilst tennis is in play. This is a project that will take time and careful planning, as well as funding for years to come.


The level of interest generated within the community has been exceptional. We will hold working bees for weed spraying and clearing to help with keeping the costs down, as well as involving local tradespeople from the area in the rebuilding of the facilities, once the courts are playable. Many people have expressed their desire to contribute what they can to make this project a reality.





Projected total cost of project




Level of Funding sought under Stronger Communities Fund



Will your organisation be providing a contribution to the project cost? If so, for what amount?

We have not discussed a dollar amount that could be contributed at this stage, however this can be discussed with P&C committee as well as local CWA, Nashdale School and Nashdale Hall to hold fundraisers and perhaps utilise existing money allocated to sports and social events.


Does your project require a Development Application? If so, or if you are unsure, please engage with Council’s Planning Department for confirmation and assistance


Not for this stage, definitely will for future stages.




Can the project be commenced within 12 months and be completed fully within 2 years? Please provide a plan to achieve this


This could be completed within 12 months. This would be a matter of timing with the contractors and their existing schedules but the clearing of the courts and subsurface prep may take a couple of weeks and the resurfacing of the courts would probably take maximum of 2 months. The carpark and driveway would be up to a week and the fencing around the courts may a week. As this work is all to be completed outside, near Orange, the weather would play a large part in the scheduling of works as rain would likely cause delays if this is completed during winter.



Who will the project benefit? Both in immediate terms and to the wider community


This project will benefit the entire Nashdale community and surrounding communities.


As previously mentioned, the Tennis Club has been in existence from the 1920’s. Many local families have fond memories of afternoons and weekends spent with family and friends at the courts. Competition was fierce but healthy and a real sense of community was strong. The total lack of use of the courts for the last 20 years or so has been a loss for this area as there is very little else which is available as recreation for all the members of our community at present, apart from the facilities at the school (oval and play equipment) and the hall.

The area has seen a total rejuvenation in recent years with many new families moving to the area with young children, as is evidenced by the school being at capacity (124 students this year) and the CWA branch expanding from less than 5 members to over 25 in the last year, as well as new groups and events being created from the Nashdale Hall, such as an active table tennis group, fitness classes and Yoga. The families in the area are extremely supportive of seeing the tennis courts being refurbished as there is very little activities in the area after school and on weekends that could engage all ages and all fitness levels, in a range of activities. Nashdale is an extremely vibrant community which is going from strength to strength and this facility would not only contribute to health and fitness, but social interaction and community pride. This facility could help cement Nashdale/Lidster area as not just an area on a map with a school and a hall, but as a proper village with great things to do. It would cease to be an area that is driven through on the way to somewhere else, it would make it a destination all of its own.



Supporting Information – community survey feedback, estimated usage numbers or similar


The feedback we have received has been tremendous since we began discussions with other local families late last year. We have not created an actual survey but I have recently posted in the Nashdale Community Facebook page, which is a closed group of 255 members, to gage interest and support. The comments have been amazing and 1 fifth of the entire group liked the post in 12 hours.


Comments include:


“Great idea to rejuvenate a dead and wasted space. Excellent asset for the community. From the responses I’ve heard people will flock there in droves. “ Ian Bennett, Nashdale School P&C President


“Great, has the potential to be a really useful and central community asset, and lots of fun too”. Katrina Sweetapple, Cargo road Wines and neighbour


”Fantastic! Right behind this.” Willa Arantz, Manager Racine restaurant and bakery


“Excellent idea to increase physical activity of community members!” Sally Cheetham, local resident and parent


“A must for the community, my full support” James Sweetapple, Food Week president, neighbour and parent, owner Cargo Road Wines


“It would be wonderful to see this facility upgraded again for the community. My friends and I spent many weekends on the Lidster tennis courts as the “local resident” teenagers back in the 1960’s.” Dianne Daniel, resident and previous club member


“Awesome idea, it would be great to get them up and running” Sally Coady, local resident and parent


“What a fabulous idea!” Kimberley Belmonte, Parent and community member







Additional evidence of project suitability - for example: does the project align with the Council’s Community Strategic Plan?


This project is in line with the Community Strategic Plan in many ways. For example:

·    it provides “more opportunities for young people to fully engage in community life so they can experience the full benefits of living in Cabonne”

·    it retains social and physical infrastructure and creates new jobs

·    it complies with and supports all points raised in the vision statement

·    This project also complies with and supports all five “future directions” guide points


This project has the capacity to engage all community members, regardless of age, in healthy and social activities. It will provide jobs for local businesses and create and strengthen the bonds in the local community. It provides opportunities for sports, play, friendship, employment, community pride and a community asset to be enjoyed for generations to come… Just as it has since the 1920’s.




Evidence the project is cost effective including a clearly defined budget - at least two quotes should be provided OR one quote along with a quantity surveyor estimate















Details about the use of local suppliers – will this project contribute to local employment and/or local skills development?


Unfortunately there are no professional tennis court resurfacing companies in the Cabonne area so I have requested quotes from the closest companies for this work. Plenty of the work involved with stage one will be volunteer weed and shrub spraying and clearing which will involve all local people who have expressed interest and can spare the time.


The following stages will provide more opportunities to utilise the many tradespeople in the area for landscaping, playground building, construction of new clubhouse, upgrading amenities, cabinet making, plumbing and electrical work etc.



Evidence of the capacity to maintain any new infrastructure funded? Projects must be sustainable in the long term and able to be operated and maintained beyond the funding period


As a Club, we will have membership fees, lesson fees etc which will contribute to the ongoing maintenance of the facilities. There will also be fundraising events and working bees to ensure the area is kept to a high standard.





I have attached 2 quotes




I will be able to supply 2 quotes before the application deadline (31 January, 2018)




I have attached the project budget




I have given consideration to the processes and procedures outlined in the capital expenditure review guidelines issued by the Office of Local Government


For more information please contact:

Naomi Schroder – Grants Officer, Cabonne Council

PH: 02 6392 3267



Email the completed form to:




Item 24 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 24 - Annexure 6



As part of the Stronger Country Communities funding process, the NSW Government requires Cabonne Council to assess a number of possible projects for the Cabonne Area and then make an overall submission. The NSW Government will then make the final decision on which projects will be funded.

This form is to provide information on your proposed project to Council which will allow us to assess suitability for funding under this programme. Please keep in mind that the information provided on this form may be made available to the public.

Name of Organisation/ Community Group

Cumnock Show Society

Name of project

Cumnock Showground Pavilion Extension

Contact person

James Nicholson

Contact phone

0414 716 587

Contact email

Postal address

PO Box 1947, Orange NSW 2800


What is your project? Please provide a description

The project is to provide a new entertainment/bar area to support the functions of the pavilion. It includes an internal bar area for 100 people, with a covered outdoor seating area. It can service shows, special functions, weddings, 21st birthday parties, end of school year functions, market days and other special community events. The extension provides complying toilets for functions and the tourist accommodation nearby, and provides some on site storage to store items such as the lawnmower.



Purpose of the project?

The current small bar area cannot accommodate the current size of functions and community events held on the site. It is old, ramshackle, with no insulation on hot days and unsafe flooring with no toilets. The limitations of the current bar area is a hindrance to developing a strong tourism industry around the community events and nearby camping site.

While maintaining the rustic rural character, the project aims to upgrade the site and introduce a larger bar area, a large multi-purpose covered eating area, with barbecues and fire pits for night activities. It will provide insulation, safe surfaces and much needed amenities that can be accessed by campers. The bar and covered areas will be sufficient to accommodate 100 patrons each with staff. This will meet the need for small weddings, birthdays, market days and other similar functions, along with providing suitable resources to support major community events at the pavilion. The bar area could provide local artists with a place to exhibit and sell their works. The bar area would also aim to capitalise on the “Animals on Bikes” paddock art sculpture trail, which is a major tourist draw for the area, by incorporating junk art into the interior aesthetic (menu surrounds, bar panels, etc...) and becoming part of the tourist experience.

This is an important resource for the whole community as it will provide a much improved visitor experience and increase return tourism.



Further detail on the project – scope of works, location, size of project, work to be done


The project is located at the Cumnock Showground on McLaughlan Street, Cumnock. The pavilion near the entry to the showground will be extended to the east along the street frontage, where a small bar area exists currently.

The new bar will occupy the SE corner of the pavilion and the covered area will extend past the pavilion to the north. The bar area serving 100 people will be a total of 80m2 and include a long bar service zone to maximise efficiency, display area and storage. Storage areas, disabled toilet and male and female toilets will occupy an area of about 50m2. The outdoor covered seating area will have group tables and occupy about 80m2. The total area of the proposal is just over 210m2.

The scope of works includes;

-      Demolish existing small bar area – salvage materials for reuse where possible – break up concrete slab and crush for recycling

-      Relocate rainwater tank – prepare site with new drainage and sewer/septic lines – prepare for new slab

-      Provide new concrete slab to match FFL of pavilion – allow for finishes with setdowns

-      Provide footings for posts

-      Provide hardwood timber framing as 140 sq posts with 190x90 beams where shown – use recycled hardwoods where possible

-      Provide galvanised Ritek 175mm ARCPANEL Custom insulated roof panels to hardwood beams as shown – provide galvanised (or lead) flashing – provide galvanised Ø300 half round gutter with leaf guard – provide Ø100mm galvanised downpipes – connect to rainwater tank/s – use rainwater for flushing toilets and landscaping

-      Provide galvanised Ritek 100mm ARCPANEL Custom insulated wall panels fixed to hardwood posts as shown – provide openings as shown

-      Provide externally hung sliding barn hardwood timber doors as shown on iron rails

-      Provide timber frame clad with galvanised mini-orb for toilet partitions

-      Provide solid core flush faced timber doors throughout

-      Provide bathroom fixtures and fittings as shown

-      Provide storage shelves as shown – potentially bar store could be cool room

-      Provide overhead roller doors to chair store

-      Provide double timber doors to garden store to detail

-      Provide power to site, connect to main switchboard and inverter from solar panels

-      Provide low energy LED ceiling mounted and other lighting as shown

-      Provide 5 star air-conditioning split system to main bar area (as the area is all insulated, this will be an effective way to manage the thermal environment)

-      Provide barbecue areas and fire pits to detail

The purpose in using the Ritek insulated panels is to remove the need for separate framing and insulation, and to reduce labour costs in installation. The insulation will be effective in reducing energy use and providing a comfortable environment during hot summer days, as well as cold winter evenings. The Ritek panels have corrugated surfaces on both sides, and we have confirmed that these can be in galvanised steel. The corrugated galvanised steel with exposed hardwood framing will maintain the rustic rural character even with the substantial upgrade of the facility.








Projected total cost of project

We have secured the services of a builder and a quantity surveyor to provide us with two separate costings for the project. Our initial budget assessment based on unit rates can provide a range for the project budget. Our project budget assessement gives the following range:

-       135m2 indoor area @ $1,500-2,000/m2                          = $200,000 - $270,000

-       80m2 outdoor area @ $500 – 800/m2                                = $40,000 - $65,000

-       Construction Cost range                                                     = $240,000 - $335,000

-       Fees and compliance @ 10%                                                    = $24,000 – 34,000

-       GST                                                                                                    = $27,000 - $38,000

-       Preliminary Project Budget range                                   = $290,000 - $410,000

For the purposes of the grant application we would initially have to state our projected project cost as $400,000 (incl GST). This can be reviewed and made more reliable when the two prices have been received.





Level of Funding sought under Stronger Communities Fund


The Cumnock Show Society has some fundraising capacity, but it is only a small percentage of the costs of such a project. We thus would be seeking the full cost of the project.


Funding sought = $400,000 (subject to further costing)




Will your organisation be providing a contribution to the project cost? If so, for what amount?


None proposed




Does your project require a Development Application? If so, or if you are unsure, please engage with Council’s Planning Department for confirmation and assistance

Works like this in a commercial environment would normally be permitted as complying development. However the site is zoned RE2 – Private Recreation, which is not covered in the SEPP.

As such the project will require a DA/CC.







Can the project be commenced within 12 months and be completed fully within 2 years? Please provide a plan to achieve this


The project can be commenced within 12 months.

The project will likely be completed within 1 year if funding is granted. So yes, it can be completed within 2 years.








Who will the project benefit? Both in immediate terms and to the wider community


In immediate terms the project will provide a much improved ability to service all the community events and functions held at the pavilion throughout the year. It will enhance the range of food and beverages available during day events, and provide a safe and comfortable environment for both very hot days and very cold night time events. It will provide much needed amenities and support for the tourists camping at the site.


The whole town of Cumnock will benefit from a resource that is aimed at improving the visitor experience of tourists coming to Cumnock. The aim is to make the pavilion extension a memorable place that will foster return visits, longer stays and grow the various events that meet there. This will bring more tourists to Cumnock and have an impact on the town’s economic performance.


The tourists and visitors will also benefit from a more comfortable experience, and the possibility of larger events. Cumnock will improve its attractiveness as a venue for weddings and other events that presently go elsewhere.


Once a high quality function centre is in place it will attract other activities that need a good service area with their functions. The pavilion extension may connect with other rural events and sports days, music events and family activity events.  In the long term the pavilion extension may be able to host a cafe owner or a pub license in a full time capacity, but at present it is only aiming at servicing functions and events.







Supporting Information – community survey feedback, estimated usage numbers or similar


(Attachments: SGC01 180131 concept A02 Prop Plan.pdf; SGC01 180131 concept A02 Elevs + Persp.pdf; View from NE – rendered.jpg; View interior looking south - rendered.jpg; View merged with site photo.jpg)

-       The Main Pavilion is primarily used on show day and hired out for large groups of 200+ people – on these occasions the pavilion extension would provide a supporting role.

-       Weddings, 21st birthdays, end of year school events, sporting club celebrations and the like can come from the local area, or from surrounding towns and regional cities if someone is looking for a particular atmosphere. There might be an afternoon/evening event for 100 people up to 5-10 times a year.

-       Market days are held monthly at Crossroads Park and would benefit from increased tourism

-       Casual camping would vary throughout the year















Additional evidence of project suitability - for example: does the project align with the Council’s Community Strategic Plan?


The proposal aligns very well with the aims of the Community Strategic Plan;


-       The Pavilion Extension will enhance the Show Society, but also provide opportunities to grow the business of running functions and events on the showground site (2.1)

-       The aim of the proposal is to enhance the tourism potential of the showground and the pavilion, and to provide greater return visits and longer stays (2.2)

-       The pavilion provides added value to the site, and does so in a sustainable way by using insulation and LED lights to reduce energy, and relying on the existing solar panels. (2.3)

-       If successful, the pavilion extension could increase employment in the tourism industry in Cumnock (2.4).

-       The Pavilion extension provides another venue for youth to have parties and events (3.1)

-       The Pavilion extension enhances the sporting, recreational and community facilities and services available (3.3)

-       The Pavilion extension will make the site more viable, and the showground is an important asset for the cultural life of the town. The proposal maintains a rustic rural character to maintain the importance of this aspect to the local culture (4.2)

-       The proposal will improve the quality of this asset and make the site more attractive to visitors and locals (4.3)

-       The main aim of the proposal is to build visitation and generate investment in the town, to strengthen community wellbeing (4.4.).

-       The proposal will manage its waste effectively (5.3)

-       The proposal will continue to be an example of alternative energy and its value to the community (5.7)

-       The proposal includes accessible bathrooms and paths of travel, which meets the social justice aims of the plan

-       The facilities, events and programs are open to the public and extend through a range of cultural activities






Evidence the project is cost effective including a clearly defined budget - at least two quotes should be provided OR one quote along with a quantity surveyor estimate


We have requested a quote from Renascent builders in Orange, who would be a suitable contractor to build the project. We have also asked for an independent estimate from Walton Smith Consulting – Quantity Surveyors.

We did find out that the grants were active a little late in the piece, but both organisations tell me they can have a price to us by Friday 9th February.













Details about the use of local suppliers – will this project contribute to local employment and/or local skills development?

In order to reduce costs we are using the Ritek insulated panels for roof and walling. These cannot be made locally. The timber framing will also be sourced from stocks of recycled hardwoods, and these are likely to be from elsewhere.


There are opportunities for local tradesmen in the demolition, site clearance, plumbing and stormwater, concreters, carpenters installation of the framing and roofing, local electricians, fitout and painters.


So yes, the project will provide employment for about one-two quarters of the year.





Evidence of the capacity to maintain any new infrastructure funded? Projects must be sustainable in the long term and able to be operated and maintained beyond the funding period

The design is a low maintenance design that has a long lifespan.


The function of the building will be managed by staff and volunteers, much as it has been for the length of the present site.


There is no dependence on the funding to maintain the site; it will be maintained by the Show Society using their funds from the various events through the year.
















I have attached 2 quotes




I will be able to supply 2 quotes before the application deadline (31 January, 2018) by the 9th February 2018




I have attached the project budget




I have given consideration to the processes and procedures outlined in the capital expenditure review guidelines issued by the Office of Local Government


For more information please contact:

Naomi Schroder – Grants Officer, Cabonne Council

PH: 02 6392 3267



Email the completed form to:



Item 24 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 24 - Annexure 7



As part of the Stronger Country Communities funding process, the NSW Government requires Cabonne Council to assess a number of possible projects for the Cabonne Area and then make an overall submission. The NSW Government will then make the final decision on which projects will be funded.

This form is to provide information on your proposed project to Council which will allow us to assess suitability for funding under this programme. Please keep in mind that the information provided on this form may be made available to the public.

Name of Organisation/ Community Group       Canowindra Challenge Inc


Name of project Canowindra International Balloon Challenge 2020


Contact person Graham Kerr


Contact phone 0427441819


Contact email


Postal address 752 Longs Corner Rd Canowindra 2804



What is your project? Please provide a description

To upgrade Canowindra Showground facilities to industry standards:

1)    To install a new high voltage transformer to cope with increasing demands within the showground and camping area NOTE: Professional advice obtained is that the current  mains supply transformer is seriously under rated for present needs and does not allow any scope for growth.

2)    Remove existing 50 year + old wooden power and light  poles, some of which may be deemed to be a public safety risk in the near future NOTE: Professional advice is that several of the poles are nearing the end of their useful life and may pose a public safety risk in the near future. Going forward into 2019 the Directors of the Canowindra International Balloon Challenge consider that given the existing facilities this venue will be unsuitable from 2019 onwards. If a suitable alternative venue could not be found then the current Directors would have no option but to cancel all future events.

3)    Replace all existing overhead power lines with new underground feeds NOTE: As in point 2 above once the power poles are removed this also removes the overhead power lines which are also very old. Overhead power lines in the Showground restrict the organisers ability to safely launch a large number of balloons from the main arena. Once this is possible it will greatly enhance the visitor experience and hence add to the appeal and potential visitor overnight stays.


4)    Replace all existing 50 year old lighting with modern energy efficient LED lighting. NOTE: Canowindra Showground Trust, of which Canowindra Challenge Inc ( CCI ) is now a registered  “User group”, are very concerned about the rapid increase in their electricity bills. This can be explained by the escalating prices of electricity plus the use of outdated lighting systems. The installation of LED, energy efficient, lighting is estimated to reduce the annual power bill by over 65%.

5)    Replace existing, non compliant, non weather proof power outlets used by campers and  stallholders/sideshow alley users with  modern, secure  industry compliant power boxes. NOTE: In recent years there has been an escalation of power box vandalism at the Showgrounds which can in part be attributed to the recent granting of RV Friendly status and thus many more overnight free campers.  This has resulted in an increase in power consumption, padlocks being cut, and secure power boxes being jemmied open. The proposed installation of new industry standard power outlets will eliminate this due to the fact that each individual outlet will be able to be isolated from a secure central point.

 NOTE 2: Our private observations indicate that there are on average 2 or 3 RV “ free campers” at the Showground most nights of the week. This is to be strongly encouraged. However, additional security measures may need to be put in place.

6)    Install additional power outlets to facilitate extension of the current camping facilities. NOTE: See point 1 above.  The existing power outlets, installed 30 years ago, are the maximum that the present transformer can support. We have identified that with additional power with an upgraded transformer, the current facilities can be quadrupled.

7.)       To refurbish the Burdett Hall pavilion including replacement of the leaking roof. This hall is used as our Event management office, Flight Director’s office  and Pilots briefing centre during the event. As such it is housing an ever increasing complex array of electronic technology, like NBN connection, security alarms, computers, weather monitoring station and high speed printers, copiers and saleable merchandise. This is the only building suitable for this purpose at the Showground.  Most of this equipment is already owned by CCI. The leaking roof also drips onto the main power distribution board ( temporarily covered with a waterproof sheet). The hall will also be used as a balloon repair station and a pilot training facility throughout the year. The refurbishment of the Burdett Hall will make it useful for additional community uses like art shows and  community meeting room etc. 


Scope of Works






Presidents room






To remove and replace timber threshold at main door






Repair timber bearers and joist at entrance to floor






Replace water damaged beam in roof






Remove water damaged wall sheeting, replace stud work , resheet wall and paint






Remove and replace 2 water damaged windows with aluminiun windows






Office and adjoining Hall






Repair water damage ceiling and paint in office






Remove and replace  7 rotted windows and replace with Aluminium with security grill.






Close in office side door and secure building






Clad-Line all walls to window height with lining and seal / paint






Main Roof






Remove entire rusted corrigated roof sheeting and guttering






Replace batterns






Supply and install insulation blanket including sarking






Supply and install new colourbond roof sheeting to match the new sheep pavillon and new amenities block.






Supply and install new colourbond gutter, including downpipes






Supply and install all new colourbond flashing , ridgecapping, etc












Remove all debris from site and leave clean on completion
























Purpose of the project?

The Directors of CCI have a long range strategic plan to host an Internationally sanctioned Category1 world championship event. This strategic plan has identified a number of shortcomings in local infrastructure and facilities. Before we can make a bid for the sanction we have to convince the world sanctioning body, the Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI ) that we, in fact have world standard infrastructures in place. The last time CCI hosted a national Australian Balloon Championship ( held biannually ) was in 2014. Although we have placed bids, we have been unsuccessful due partly, to the reasons stated above ie. Substandard facilities for balloonists and visitors.

 To enhance financial sustainability of the event by increasing income from visitors for the event, reducing overhead costs eg. Electricity and securing a “home base”/ pilot briefing centre/ balloon building and repair station for NSW balloonists. No such facility exists for ballooning anywhere in Australia, thus adding to Canowindra’s reputation as the “Balloon Capital of Australia” formally recognised in 1986.

 Canowindra Showground Trust manages Crown Lands to ensure their usefulness and accessibility to User Groups and the general community of Canowindra. This project will also enable other groups to host world class events. The trust has been unable to secure funding for this large scale infrastructure development






Further detail on the project – scope of works, location, size of project, work to be done


Location is Canowindra Showgrounds. Scope of works a s detailed above.


Wednesday 31st January 2018


Re Canowindra Showground “ Electrical Upgrade Project “


“Private and Confidential”


To Whom it may Concern


This Preliminary Best Estimate for the exciting new scope of works proposed to upgrade the Canowindra Showgrounds is aiming to achieve


·    New Pole type Substation suitable for the additional Power Requirements

·    Removal of existing Aerial Cable Feeds and Timber Pole Structure

·    Installation of New Customer Underground Supply Feeds

·    RV Friendly Power Supply Turrets

·    Future Proof Three Phase Supply Points

·    New Main Showground Lighting Towers & LED Lighting

·    New Area LED Lighting

·    Solar Lighting Options

·    Connect Existing Services to the New Electrical Infrastructure


Scope of Works Required


As indicated in the Enacon Group Proposal


Stage 1                       Level 1 High Voltage Works                                                           $ 60,000.00 Ex GST

Stage 2                       Level 2 Low Voltage Works                                                            $ 25,000.00 Ex GST

Stage 3                       Removal of Private Existing Assets                                             $ 15,000.00 Ex GST


New Supply Feeds for RV Connection Turrets


Existing Buildings and Toilet Block                                                                        $ 54,500.00 Ex GST

3          x 32A Three Phase

3          x 20W LED Area Light & Pole

32        x RV 15A IP Rated Supply

Including All Labour for Installation & Test


Golf Course Fence Line                                                                                $ 59,200.00 Ex GST

4          x 32A Three Phase

4          x 20W LED Area Light & Pole

40        x RV 15A IP Rated Supply

Including All Labour for Installation & Test




Road Way Fence Line                                                                                                $ 68,200.00 Ex GST

4          x 32A Three Phase

6          x 20W LED Area Light & Pole

40        x RV 15A IP Rated Supply

Including All Labour for Installation & Test


Stables                                                                                                                            $ 51,600.00 Ex GST

3          x 32A Three Phase

4          x 20W LED Area Light & Pole

28        x RV 15A IP Rated Supply

Including All Labour for Installation & Test


Showground Inner Left & Right                                                                $133,500.00 Ex GST

7          x 32A Three Phase

7          x 20W LED Area Light & Pole

102      x RV 15A IP Rated Supply

Including All Labour for Installation & Test


Installation of New Showground Light Towers


2          x          20m Free Standing Light Towers

4          x          960W LED Flood Light ( 2 per Tower )

2          x          Control Boards with ELSEMA Remote PID Access

2          x          Load Control Contactors to Suit

Including All Labour for Installation & Test                                                       $ 28,400.00 Ex GST


Portable Solar Light Trailers


4          x          Single Axle Custom Trailer

4          x          CORSO Solar Panel , Battery LED Sensor Flood

Including All Labour for Installation & Test                                                       $   7,800.00 Ex GST


Special application for Required Safety Lighting where off street or Golf Course Parking is required for the Patrons During Special Events.


If Registration is Required for RWC then additional Cost involved


Solar Analytics Monitoring & Control


6          x          Din Rail CT Clamp Style Monitoring Device &

12 Month Subscription

Including All Labour for Installation & Test                                                       $   2,200.00 Ex GST


This Will allow accurate and Time Stamped use of power per leg A B C Phase

Load Monitored, load accessed and Time of Use.

Consultancy & Project Management Fee                                                          $   9,000.00 Ex GST


Trenching Required for full Scope of Works


Due to the Lack of Drawings and information available about existing Services that might be located in an underground easement, All Trenching and Earth Works will be completed with due care but in the case of any unforeseen damage that may occur to existing Ground services, ALL repairs are to be paid for by the Customer.


Existing on Site Supply


With the removal of the over Head Sub Feeds to the existing Buildings on the site

Additional Costs will be incurred on a do & charge basis due to the unforeseen issues that may arise from working with any existing electrical works that may  be of poor standing or that might not now meet the current levels of installation qualities required.


This will be an exciting Project to be involved with and the End result will allow Canowindra Showground to take on large scale events with confidence.



Estimate will need to be re-evaluated in 3 months due to possible product increases




Total Project Best Estimate 31/1/2018                                                                $514,400.00 Ex GST




Projected total cost of project




Level of Funding sought under Stronger Communities Fund



Will your organisation be providing a contribution to the project cost? If so, for what amount?



Does your project require a Development Application? If so, or if you are unsure, please engage with Council’s Planning Department for confirmation and assistance






Can the project be commenced within 12 months and be completed fully within 2 years? Please provide a plan to achieve this

Yes.- We have firm quotes and a guarantee that the work can be undertaken and completed before the end of 2018. Please note all contractors who have provided quotes have assured us that their work can be completed within three months of the approval of this grant application. At the end of the day we must have this project completed before the April 2019 Canowindra International Balloon Challenge to maintain credibility with the International Ballooning fraternity.

For the sustainability of this major event  CCI needs to have a regular income. This will in part be funded from the increase in onsite camping facilities and fees generated.



Who will the project benefit? Both in immediate terms and to the wider community


Canowindra International Balloon Challenge

Canowindra Showground Trust

Canowindra Show Society

Team Penning Central West

Canowindra Pony Club

Canowindra Golf Club

Canowindra Trotting Club

Canowindra Sports Shear

Canowindra Lions Club

Canowindra Squash Club

 Alikinetic Dance Studio

Due to the infrastructure improvements the facility will be much more accessible to other community groups and allow for expansion of the present users into the future.

Canowindra Golf Club have expressed a desire to host “out of town” golfers for “golfing weekends” who would camp in the expanded showground camping area adjacent to the Golf Club.

The wider community of Cabonne Shire will also benefit by hosting events at the Showground and attract more visitors to the Shire, some of whom may desire to relocate here.








Supporting Information – community survey feedback, estimated usage numbers or similar


Please refer to CCI Post Event Analysis report presented to Council  annually

This has been widely reported over many previous events, but in summary….

$2 million injected by the event into the regional economy annually and growing

15,000 visitors to Canowindra over a 9 day period

Support of many local community, sporting and school groups by CCI  annually


It should be noted that for the 2017 event there were 343 campsite nights booked at Canowindra Showgrounds. As at the 9/02/2018 we have confirmed bookings for 1117 campsite nights at the showgrounds. It is reasonable to multiply this by 1.6 to calculate the number of people involved. This is due largely to CCI putting on additional events mid week which has resulted in people coming and staying for a longer period ie: staying the whole week rather than just the last weekend multiplying the regional economic benefits to the community. For 2018 the additional power required will be supplied by hired generators thus reducing income for CCI. The planned works as outlined above will remove this additional expense PLUS remove existing potentially unsafe power poles and outlets.







Additional evidence of project suitability - for example: does the project align with the Council’s Community Strategic Plan?


Section:                Future Direction 2
Objective:           Build Business and Generate Employment
CSP No 2.2:         'Coordinated tourism product and a thriving visitor industry in Cabonne'

Section:                Future Direction 3
Objective:           Provide & Develop Community Facilities
CSP No 3.3           'Sporting, Recreational, Council and community facilities and services are maintained and developed'

Section:                Future Direction 4
Objective:           Grow Cabonne's culture and Community
CSP No 4.4           'Community events build visitation, generate investment and strengthen community well-being'

















Evidence the project is cost effective including a clearly defined budget - at least two quotes should be provided OR one quote along with a quantity surveyor estimate


1.    Electrical works          $514,000  *Surveyors estimate attached. Please note

Estimates will need to be re-evaluated in 3 months due to possible product increases


2.    Burdett Hall refurbishment   Two quotes attached              $154,000

3.    Project manager Fees to supervise sub contractors and oversee that the quoted work is completed in a satisfactory way.        $9000   * Sustainable Energy Pty. Ltd. Cowra

4.    Cabonne Council Administration fees 5%   (If applicable)    $29,200

NOTE: It is requested that Cabonne Council waive this fee and consider this as a contribution “in kind” due to the fact that Canowindra Challenge Inc. is a not for profit community based organization. If this were the case please deduct $29,200 from the total cost of the project.



Details about the use of local suppliers – will this project contribute to local employment and/or local skills development?

We have detailed quotations from local suppliers, as much as is possible. Due to the specialised nature of much of this project contractors from outside of the local area will need to be engaged. However, local builders and contractors will be our preferred suppliers wherever possible.





Evidence of the capacity to maintain any new infrastructure funded? Projects must be sustainable in the long term and able to be operated and maintained beyond the funding period


The long ongoing maintenance of the proposed works is the responsibility of Canowindra Showground Trust. The  $10,000 annual user fee that CCI pay the Trust  will enable them to reduce overheads and apply funds to maintenance. This will be facilitated by increased revenue to CCI from increases in camping numbers.







I have attached 2 quotes




I will be able to supply 2 quotes before the application deadline (31 January, 2018)




I have attached the project budget




I have given consideration to the processes and procedures outlined in the capital expenditure review guidelines issued by the Office of Local Government


For more information please contact:

Naomi Schroder – Grants Officer, Cabonne Council

PH: 02 6392 3267



Email the completed form to:




Item 24 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 24 - Annexure 8



As part of the Stronger Country Communities funding process, the NSW Government requires Cabonne Council to assess a number of possible projects for the Cabonne Area and then make an overall submission. The NSW Government will then make the final decision on which projects will be funded.

This form is to provide information on your proposed project to Council which will allow us to assess suitability for funding under this programme. Please keep in mind that the information provided on this form may be made available to the public.

Name of Organisation/ Community Group Molong Early Learning Centre



Name of project   Molong Early Learning Centre Expansion


Contact person Emma Thomas



Contact phone 63668475



Contact email



Postal address PO Box 5 Molong NSW 2866




What is your project? Please provide a description


The MELC is applying for $250,000 in funding from the Stronger Country Communities Fund to double the number of Long Day Care (LDC) positions the service currently offers.

The funding will be used to construct a purpose built room to accommodate an additional 8 LDC places, including the provision of resources and fixtures and fittings and to carry out required capital works including the construction of the playground and landscaping and cladding of the building.


The project is ‘shovel ready’ and could be completed within 16 to 20 weeks.




Purpose of the project?


To address the chronic shortage of LDC and Preschool positions for families living in Molong and surrounds.


The proposed expansion of the MELC will almost double the number of licensed places at the Molong Early Learning Centre from 33 to 61 offers.








Further detail on the project – scope of works, location, size of project, work to be done


The Expansion of the MELC includes the construction of a purpose built adjoining facility to expand the current capacity of the Centre. The Project will include the

demolition of the existing cottage at (16 Riddell Street, Molong), excavation of the land,

construction of an extension to the existing centre currently located at (14 Riddell Street, Molong), landscaping and play areas.


Scope of works –


·      Demolition of existing old cottage

·      Excavation of land

·      Expansion of existing building to new site

·      One new room to house additional preschool children

·      One new room to house additional long day care children

·      Office space for administration

·      Kitchen facilities (Appliances)

·      Resources

·      Bathrooms

·      Disabled facilities

·      Solar panels

·      Reconnection of two existing water tanks

·      Landscaping

·      Playground construction





















Projected total cost of project

The total estimated project cost for the required capital work to expand the MELC is $606, 000. The total project costs have been split into three categories:


1)   $322, 000 - Preschool build

2)   $128, 000 - LDC build

3)   $150, 000 - Associated required Capital Works to support the provision of the two    additional rooms including the construction of the playground and required landscaping.













Level of Funding sought under Stronger Communities Fund


The MELC is applying for $250,000 in funding from the Stronger Country Communities Fund.


These funds will be split as follows:


·      the LDC capital works it is proposed would be funded by $100k from the Stronger Country Communities Fund and an MELC co-contribution of $28k.


·      the remaining required capital works of $150k to construct the playground and landscaping,

             fixtures and fittings and resources it is proposed would be funded by the Stronger Country

             Communities Fund.


·      the Preschool capital works will be funded by the NSW Start Strong Capital Works Grant of $250k and an MELC co- contribution of $78k.






Will your organisation be providing a contribution to the project cost? If so, for what amount?


Through tireless fundraising the Cabonne Community has raised $106,000 to contribute

towards the cost of the project.


These funds will be split as follows:


·      the Preschool capital works will be funded by the NSW Start Strong Capital Works Grant of $250k and an MELC co- contribution of $78k.


·      the LDC capital works it is proposed would be funded by $100k from the Stronger Country Communities Fund and an MELC co-contribution of $28k.


·      the remaining required capital works of $150k to construct the playground and landscaping,

             fixtures and fittings and resources it is proposed would be funded by the Stronger Country

             Communities Fund.



Does your project require a Development Application? If so, or if you are unsure, please engage with Council’s Planning Department for confirmation and assistance


Yes. We have an approved Development Application for the project. DA 2016/112/1




Can the project be commenced within 12 months and be completed fully within 2 years? Please provide a plan to achieve this


Yes the project is ‘shovel ready’. We hope to begin the project as soon as funds are available and have the project complete within 16 to 20 weeks.


Who will the project benefit? Both in immediate terms and to the wider community


The MELC expansion project will address the lack of preschool places and accessible long day care places in the Molong District.


The project will increase the social and health outcomes for the Molong community by increasing attendance at long day care for local children, particularly those from a disadvantaged background, it will provide access to allied health professionals for children at the Centre and will greatly assist in facilitating an increase in workforce participation.


The significant proportion of the workforce leaving Molong for work and the shortage of local childcare places, poses a challenge for both parents participating in the workforce.


Increased places within the children’s community will provide a greater opportunity for parents to increase their participation in the local workforce thus increasing the social and economic outcomes for their children and the broader community.


The construction phase of the Project will be delivered, where possible, by local tradespeople. Quotations to undertake the MELC Expansion Project have been received

from three local builders. The successful company will employ local staff and contractors

(including plumbers, electricians, painters, concreters and carpenters) providing a

direct stimulus for the Molong and Cabonne regional economy.

Additionally, a significant proportion of the materials for the Project will be sourced

from the region, further supporting local business.


Upon completion, the expanded MELC will employ an additional 5 staff members creating jobs within the local community.

Additional staff will be required in the areas of teaching (qualified and trainee),

administration, cleaning and maintenance.


It is anticipated that there will also be an opportunity for upskilling of current staff as a result of additional enrolments.



Supporting Information – community survey feedback, estimated usage numbers or similar


Community Needs Survey data includes:


• 10 children requiring 600 hours of preschool or additional days to meet these hours


• Over 40 families on the waiting list seeking childcare within our long day-care program (children aged 0-3 years)


• 24 families seeking additional days within our long day-care program (children aged 0-3 years)


• Over 10 families in a situation where 1 child has a place at the centre but their sibling does not. The sibling either needs to find care in another centre or wait for a position to become available.







Additional evidence of project suitability - for example: does the project align with the Council’s Community Strategic Plan?



The Cabonne Shire Council Community Strategic Plan 2015 - 2025 outlines the future directions and outcomes for the residents of Cabonne.


Future Direction 3: The provision and Development of Community Facilities has the strategic outcome of preschool, playgroup, childcare and youth services being available across the region.

The Expansion Project links directly to this objective by increasing the number of

Preschool and childcare places to address a significant need.


The Project has been supported by the Cabonne Shire Council via a $70,000 interest free loan. Please note, if the MELC is successful in receiving $250k from the Stronger Country Communities Fund, the MELC would no longer require the interest free loan.



Evidence the project is cost effective including a clearly defined budget - at least two quotes should be provided OR one quote along with a quantity surveyor estimate


The Molong Early Learning Centre received 3 quotes from locally based builders (Regional area of Molong and the Cabonne Shire) for the Expansion Project. The three quotations were received with $450,000 identified as the average of the three quotations. The estimated project costs were split $322,000 for the Preschool capital works and $128,000 for the Long Day Care Expansion. Three quotes will also be requested for the $150k in required capital works including construction of the playground and landscaping.













Details about the use of local suppliers – will this project contribute to local employment and/or local skills development?


The construction phase of the Project will be delivered, where possible, by local tradespeople.


Quotations to undertake the MELC Expansion Project have been received

from three local builders. The successful company will employ local staff and contractors

(including plumbers, electricians, painters, concreters and carpenters) providing a

direct impact on the Molong and Cabonne regional economy.


Additionally, a significant proportion of the materials for the Project will be sourced

from the region, supporting local business.


Upon completion, the expanded MELC will employ an additional 5 staff members creating jobs within the local community.


Additional staff will be required in the areas of teaching (qualified and trainee), administration, cleaning and maintenance.


It is anticipated that there will also be an opportunity for upskilling of current staff as a result of additional enrolments.






Evidence of the capacity to maintain any new infrastructure funded? Projects must be sustainable in the long term and able to be operated and maintained beyond the funding period


Currently the Molong Early Learning Centre is in a good financial position. We have operated for over 40 years with fees and government funding being our major sources of income. MELC has a low staff turn over and employees only qualified educators. This will continue with the expansion of the service.


Given the current waiting list and projected increase in population in Molong (particularly children aged 0-5 years) the service is set to remain sustainable for many years to come.















I have attached 2 quotes




I will be able to supply 2 quotes before the application deadline (31 January, 2018)




I have attached the project budget




I have given consideration to the processes and procedures outlined in the capital expenditure review guidelines issued by the Office of Local Government


For more information please contact:

Naomi Schroder – Grants Officer, Cabonne Council

PH: 02 6392 3267



Email the completed form to:




Item 24 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 24 - Annexure 9



As part of the Stronger Country Communities funding process, the NSW Government requires Cabonne Council to assess a number of possible projects for the Cabonne Area and then make an overall submission. The NSW Government will then make the final decision on which projects will be funded.

This form is to provide information on your proposed project to Council which will allow us to assess suitability for funding under this programme. Please keep in mind that the information provided on this form may be made available to the public.

Name of Organisation/ Cumnock & District Progress Association Inc.


Community Groups

On behalf of :

Cumnock & District Progress Assoc Inc.

Little Athletics

Cumnock Racquet Club

Cumnock Swimming pool committee

Cumnock Swimming Club



Name of project

Cumnock Recreation Precinct Landscape Masterplan



Contact person

Rhonda Watt


Contact phone

63661638 /0429661638



Contact email



Postal address

Tenanbung 494 Bywong Road CUMNOCK NSW 2867



What is your project? Please provide a description


The design principles for the Landscape Masterplan are:


1.    Create a regional multi-purpose sporting facility which can support local schools, groups and host major sporting events in the long term;

2.    Make Cumnock a place where people want to be and break their journeys;

3.    Provide cohesive active and passive activities that appeal to all age groups;

4.    Establish a tree planting strategy which protects high value trees and phased replacement & reinforcement of other site trees; and

5.    Design robust and durable landscape infrastructure and elements which can be easily maintained.




Purpose of the project?


The project aims to provide improvements and benefits for people of all ages from children, carers to the elderly. Also, individuals and groups interested in active and passive recreation experiences from walking, jogging, cycling, meeting & greeting to athletics, tennis and squash to name some.

Cumnock's recreational precinct vision has come about through the close working relationship of the various sporting groups and stakeholders with a mutual desire for Cumnock to sustain existing and attract future sporting events. These include: Cumnock Progress Association; Cumnock Little Athletics; Cumnock Racquet Club; Cumnock Swimming Pool Committee and the community as a whole.

The close working relationship of these Cumnock committees and promotion of the project through the Review newspaper reflects the townships unity and demonstrates how everyone’s considerations and needs have been integrated. This is considered to bring great strength and reality to the vision of the Cumnock Recreation Precinct Masterplan. 

It is strongly believed that by working together maximum open space improvements can be realised, thus greater community benefit too. Many locals provided a 'wish-list' of improvements and things they would like to see at an initial community consultation meeting on 14 December 2017. This was followed up by another community consultation meeting on 18 January 2018 where the  Preliminary Landscape Concept Plans were presented. The community felt they had been included in the design process, given opportunity to comment, feel excited by the proposals and able to provide further ideas. 




Further detail on the project – scope of works, location, size of project, work to be done


The project has been divided into the following scope of works and deliverables:


1. The Oval, Oval Surrounds & Outer Fields:


The proposals aim to create an attractive ‘village green’ setting with a white picket fence, trees planted for shade and shelter with seating under, enhancement of facilities for athletics, to create a continuous footpath/ cycleway around the oval and maintain the landscape setting.


Proposals to enhance the oval and surrounds for athletic purposes include:

●     Installation of a new white picket fence to reinforce the village green concept

●     Realignment of laps & straight track, levels adjusted to create a flat running lap track, finish line relocated to allow for a longer run-off

●     Additional field event facilities ie. discus, shot-put and long jump

●     Timing gates

●     A new, larger covered area which offers valuable weather-proof space during training and games and extends the kiosk/ BBQ area offering better food and refreshment services

●     A new storage shed which provides an administration area during carnivals and events and storage for valuable equipment

●     Irrigation system to oval grass area which offers a better all year round play surface and water use efficiency


Proposals to enhance passive, unstructured recreational opportunities within the oval surrounds include:

●     Extension of a 2.5m wide footpath/ cycleway to the north of the oval (this provides a continuous linkage)

●     Seating benches & tables located under trees to provide social nodes

●     Formalise parking area and roadway at oval entrance with clearly defined vehicular and non-vehicular areas

●     Replacement tree planting to define the oval

●     Additional tree planting along boundaries and in groups throughout the site to provide better shade & shelter

●     Irrigation system to the newly planted trees which ensures their best success and water use efficiency


2. Structured Sports & Active Play


These proposals aim to offer ‘quick win’ facility improvements to the local sporting groups and include:

●     Completion of tennis court lighting

●     Replace the original tennis court fence

●     Tree planting and seating adjacent to court

●     Install an electric BBQ and shelter within the pool 

●     Trim trail equipment (2no. pieces)


3. Entrance & Arrival


Proposals to enhance the gateways into the site at Obley Street and McLaughlan Street include:

●     Widen the existing single width road off McLaughlan Street (to the oval) to two lanes

●     Create a formal entrance into the oval (opportunities for design competition with local students)

●     Tree lined avenue with night-time uplighting and irrigation system

●     Extend existing footpath and introduce a pedestrian crossing over McLaughlan Street providing safe linkages with the school

●     Design & install sculptural pieces (2no.) at primary road entrances (as part of a town-wide theme)

●     Interactive sculpture park (sculpture garden with adventure play opportunities)

●     Additional ornamental tree planting throughout the site for shade, shelter & seasonal interest






Projected total cost of project


$  469,568.00

This includes 10% contingencies

$15,000 Consultation & Advisory- Site and structural supervisor and specialist input.


Still missing from the Budget is the cost of discus cage/ and electrical quote and some cement pads for trim trail equipment. I will get this done ASAP



Level of Funding sought under Stronger Communities Fund



Will your organisation be providing a contribution to the project cost? If so, for what amount?


·    Cumnock & District Progress Association/ Mayors funding $3300 : Initial engaging costs for Celia Baxter (Living Edge Design)

·    Cumnock & District Progress Association/ Cabonne Council $19,626.74 Interpretive signage Program within  Recreation precinct and village

·    Cumnock & District Progress Association : In kind – Implementing  of memorial tree planting program /memorial seating

·    Cumnock & District Progress Association together with Little Athletics: In kind-Implementing  youth projects as part of beautification and  ownership program

·    Little Athletics: In kind: Organisation & Volunteer maintenance  of grounds to host suitable sporting days and training

·    Little Athletics: In kind: Commitment to tree watering program



Does your project require a Development Application? If so, or if you are unsure, please engage with Council’s Planning Department for confirmation and assistance


No, we have been advised by Cabonne Council that we are Exempt Development therefore not needing DA certificate on project.












Can the project be commenced within 12 months and be completed fully within 2 years? Please provide a plan to achieve this


Local businesses have been approached for quotes and are fully engaged in this project.  From the beginning we have worked hard to find a committed group who will work within the time frames required and suitably do the requested improvements on time. We do believe we can deliver in the time frame required.


A schematic diagram below shows how the project will be phased over a 2 year period starting with the high priority project.








Who will the project benefit? Both in immediate terms and to the wider community


The groups and people who benefit through the various work stages have been outlined below.


1. The Oval, Oval Surrounds & Outer Fields:

Little Athletics have 120+ children who train each Friday where they exercise and gain valuable skills, often going onto regional and state finals. The children who attend little A’s are from throughout Cabonne - so the area we speak of benefits a huge radius of children. The long-term


vision for Little A’s is to be able to attract and host regional carnivals with upgraded facilities for training and playing.


Cumnock Public School hosts an annual knockout carnival with children attending the event throughout the region. Playing netball and soccer between500 - 800 children can fill this space, plus their families and supporters, thus bringing a friendly social mix of sport and rivalry. In addition, communities throughout Central NSW converge on the oval to compete in this  carnival which has been part of Cumnock DNA for 52 years. The school utilises this area on other days for athletics carnivals, with other schools travelling from within Cabonne. The school also have athletics trials, practice days, fun runs, clean up Australia and 4 day athletic clinics.


It is considered that many children and families in the area will benefit from the improvement of this existing facility.  The larger shelter/ covered area provides a valuable social gathering space to congregate or have some family time.  Therefore, it is considered high value with many positive outcomes throughout Cabonne and the Central West.


The extension of the footpath/ cycleway, with adjacent seating dotted along under the trees, is considered to benefit the community, but also people who stop in Cumnock to break their journey either for short or overnight stays. This improvement offers a diversity of unstructured recreation activities ie. walking, scootering, skating, cycling etc.


Providing a clear roadway and parking areas at the oval entrance allows safer vehicle circulation and traffic free areas where children and adults can socialise, play and enjoy with greater ease. Demountable bollards restricting vehicular access onto the footpath/ cycleway (unless permitted and managed for large sporting events) creates clear definition between the parkland and formalised entrances and access, thus a safer environment for active & passive recreation.


The tree replacement strategy recognises the importance of the 1950’s Elm and Privet planting which defines the oval, creates a significant feature within the landscape setting and provides important temperature cooling in the hot summer months. However, due to the compromised health & vitality of the Elm trees (due to the Elm beetle) and the Privet (a noxious weed), existing trees will need to be removed to allow replacement tree planting and to ensure this landscape and visual asset is managed and maintained. Cabonne Council have already commenced the replacement of Privet with Pyrus nivalis (Snow Pear) and the Landscape Masterplan embraces this replacement strategy whilst also proposing selective removal of some of the severely compromised Elm trees. An Arboricultural Report will be carried out to as part of this process.


The tree replanting offers scope to revive ‘memorial planting’ initiatives and allow people the opportunity to dedicate and recognise community pioneers and volunteers. This can occur throughout the park, in particular the memorial gardens.






2. Structured Sports & Active Play

The Cumnock Racquet Club, located within the Cumnock Community Centre (built in 1977 through the ‘The Red Scheme’), has always been a very strong group within Cumnock. The Tennis club which started sometime in the 1950’s still has a strong membership base hosting two tennis and two squash competitions each year which are highly attended, plus social games in between. Drawing competitors from throughout Cabonne it is a highly regarded asset to the Cumnock community. The lighting and fence improvements would enhance the facility and enable this group to continue with strength. Better access and aesthetic improvement surrounding the court would also make the space more social for family and friends to play and assimilate.


The Cumnock Memorial Swimming pool was opened in 1964 with much voluntary fundraising, planning and partnership with Council. It is run by a volunteer Committee and Cabonne Council employs life savers and duty officers. The swimming pool continues to be a valuable asset for the community with a strong swimming club meeting twice a week for training, hosting carnivals and trial events.


The Cumnock Public School also utilise the pool area for intensive learn to swim programs and host carnivals for other Cabonne communities in a 3 way carnival exchange between schools. In order for the school to offer swimming as a summer sport and host other larger carnivals, facility improvements are required.   


All age groups within the community and visitors gain benefit from additional play/ trim trail equipment as it provides opportunity for unstructured recreation and fitness.  The trim trail items located adjacent to the existing basketball courts allow for clear sight lines over the adjoining play facilities which makes it easier for parents and carers of young children to use. Also, it’s close proximity to the amenity facilities on Obley Street make it appealing for visitors to use on their journeys, whilst utilising the other park facilities. It is envisaged that the trim trail equipment will provide a meeting place within the park.


3. Entrance & Arrival

Creating a sense of arrival into Cumnock village and the site offers widespread benefits to locals and visitors who stop briefly or those who stay in Cumnock overnight or longer.  


Cumnock Progress has spent the past 10 years trying to deliver the vision of a park as part of Cumnock’s entrance and arrival experience. In recent times this ambition combined with Cabonne Council allowed a vacant block of land in the heart of the town centre to be purchased. Adjacent to the Cross Road community building it has Obley Street frontage, views over the creek and parkland beyond.  With the sites close proximity to clean public amenities and open space it has the potential to be a perfect stopping point for everyone.


With the Main Street beautification project consisting of tree plantings, improved pavements, extra walking trails, trim trail equipment, interpretive directional and historical signage, an interactive sculpture park with opportunities for adventure play would complete this vision. In conjunction with the creation of the Animals on Bikes trail, traffic on the Banjo Patterson Way has increased with people regularly wanting to stop in Cumnock for a break. By enhancing this block it would complete the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle and tie the Obley Street arrival sequence together, celebrating Cumnock as a destination.


Children at the pre-school and school are encouraged to become involved in public art initiatives. Throughout the project there are opportunities for this ie. entrance gate into the oval, interactive sculpture garden with adventure play opportunities, directional signage with mosaic artwork and gateway entrances at Obley Street and McLaughlan Street. Community involvement for art placement in this area gives ownership and potentially reduces vandalism.













Supporting Information – community survey feedback, estimated usage numbers or similar


Cumnock Progress has held (2) consultation meetings for the project 14th December 2017 & 18th January 2018. Each time community members and sporting group representatives have attended these meetings.

Expression outlining the project was advertised in the Cumnock Progress Review x 2 times over Dec & Jan for comment and feedback- All comments have been positive and supportive from this advertising. No survey was conducted but verbal feedback has been in complete favour of improvements.

●    Little A’s 120 + children each week + potential for zone carnivals ...300 children along with their families and supporters – over a two day weekend event

●    Cumnock P & C Knockout netball & Soccer carnival each year potential ranges from 500 -800 children + at the event and their families and supporters

●    Cumnock Swimming pool – open to community

●    Cumnock Public School hosting school three way swimming carnivals with over 100 children each carnival (Involves other communities from Cabonne)

●    Intensive swim program –ages 6mths -12 years. Swimming lessons to level 1-2-3 stroke correction. 45 children per day. Helping 54 different children  learning to swim throughout this program



●    Private swimming lessons (One on One) Tues- Thurs- Friday – 6 children per day (18 per week) over the length of the swimming season.

●    Cumnock Public School- 50+ children Swimming for sport each Friday

●    Cumnock Swimming Club 50 + children twice per week /– Swimming club carnivals @150 + children each carnival 350 ppl to the pool

●    Cumnock Public School hosting school hosting 3 way athletics carnivals 140 + children each carnival (Involves other communities from Cabonne)

●    Cumnock Public school would like to host OSSA athletics carnivals - Potential for 400 children from the 12 small schools.

●    Cumnock Racquet club Tennis 35 x 2 comps per year + social games for community Racquet 45 x 3 comps per year

●    Cumnock Preschool 25 children x 4 days/week:  The children utilise this area for Discovery days-practice sports- flying kites- adventure walks

●    Health Aqua aerobics for ladies- each Monday – open to community (Run by Molong Health one)

●    Healthy morning swimming for community (if life guard is available)

●    Play ground and walking area’s – open to entire community and visitors

●    Elderly community/ young mothers and children will utilise the walking and trim trail equipment- open to all community



It is envisaged that these improvements will benefit the community as a whole from preschool age, sporting groups to the elderly.

Overall the identified needs and requests for improvements have come from within the community, so we see and hear the needs.

The requests come from different age groups overall.





















Additional evidence of project suitability - for example: does the project align with the Council’s Community Strategic Plan?


Cumnock & District Progress Association has a strong relationship with Cabonne Council- always working towards Community strategies and planning. The Cabonne Council Community Strategic plan for Cumnock has vision of improvements in the town central area with Beautification and re-modelling some area’s for safety and better utilisation. We are very much aligned with Cabonne with a “big picture” vision in mind.


Another way we are Aligned with Cabonne Council is the partnership $ for $ program Cumnock & District Progress undertake with applications for community Assistance projects every year. This opportunity and working relationship always enables us to improve and upgrade facilities. We work with the entire community often assisting many committees to plan, improve and sustain their facilities for a bright future.














Evidence the project is cost effective including a clearly defined budget - at least two quotes should be provided OR one quote along with a quantity surveyor estimate


Budget is attached.

Due to Christmas/ New year break and Australia day Long weekend- we are still working on getting many second quotes.

















Details about the use of local suppliers – will this project contribute to local employment and/or local skills development?

The Cabonne area has very good accredited businesses capable of successfully undertaking the projects involved.


●    Cabonne Council – Have capable locally employed people to implement, oversee and complete projects determined within this proposal.

●    Molong Ready Mix has been a business in Cabonne for (50 years) with the new owners now in their 8th year. A family run business employing 3 permanent plus casual staff.

●    Tilmac – Shed World Molong- has been in business in Cabonne for many years employing local people from within the area.

●    Fencing one Molong is a family run business in Cabonne. It is a very versatile business- with much product range and experience. It can cater to projects in communities / schools and private dwelling. Employing local people is a key.

●    Symtech Engineering is a local self employed tradesman – fitting and machinery trade of 15 years. Lives and operates in Cabonne

●    Monte Carlo Store Creek Pty Ltd is run by two local families in Cabonne, being in business for 12 years. A very reliable business supplying farm and custom made fences and structures

●    Peter Downey- serving as a concreting and building specialist in the Cabonne/ Cumnock area for some 50 years- Peter is a self employed tradesman with much experience and qualification.

●    Dubbo Lighting Centre has been in business since 1976 – employing local Dubbo and district people.

●    Imagination Play is a business catering to play/ fitness and heath equipment throughout Australia.























Evidence of the capacity to maintain any new infrastructure funded? Projects must be sustainable in the long term and able to be operated and maintained beyond the funding period


Cumnock Community have always ensured infrastructure is maintained and secured. With a Strong voluntary base we have continually keep our assets in a well maintained order. We respect and value any new improvements to the community.

 Cumnock & District Progress Association work tirelessly on projects within the community to make sure standards and maintenance is a priority within the community.......


Ease of access to safe and well maintained facilities is key. Therefore, consistent materials within the site and Cabonne are being proposed ie. Picket fence is similar to that installed at Molong Oval, concrete footpath/ cycleway extended etc.


With regard to tree replacement, the tree palette that has already been selected by Cabonne for their performance and durability is retained and reinforced ie. Pyrus nivalis (Snow Pear) etc.















I have attached 2 quotes




I will be able to supply 2 quotes before the application deadline (31 January, 2018)




I have attached the project budget




I have given consideration to the processes and procedures outlined in the capital expenditure review guidelines issued by the Office of Local Government


For more information please contact:

Naomi Schroder – Grants Officer, Cabonne Council

PH: 02 6392 3267



Email the completed form to:




Item 24 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 24 - Annexure 10



As part of the Stronger Country Communities funding process, the NSW Government requires Cabonne Council to assess a number of possible projects for the Cabonne Area and then make an overall submission. The NSW Government will then make the final decision on which projects will be funded.

This form is to provide information on your proposed project to Council which will allow us to assess suitability for funding under this programme. Please keep in mind that the information provided on this form may be made available to the public.

Name of Organisation/ Community Group

Cabonne Council

Name of project

Shared Mobility Access Pathway – Small Villages

Contact person

Naomi Schroder

Contact phone

02 6392 3267

Contact email

Postal address

PO Box 17, Molong NSW 2866


What is your project? Please provide a description

The ‘Shared Mobility Access Pathways – Small Villages’ project aims to assist with community connectedness within each of the villages. The project will include shared pathway projects in four of Cabonne’s smaller villages being Eugowra, Cargo and Yeoval. The project is based upon recommendations made within the Cabonne Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP) which undertook extensive public consultation to determine areas of need within the Cabonne villages. The focus will be on making accessible connections between community facilities where none currently exist.






Purpose of the project?

The purpose of the project is to provide safe and accessible connections between community facilities where they currently do not exist or are not able to be adequately shared between varieties of users. The design of a shared access pathway aims to provide space for pedestrians, mobility aid users, cyclists and pram users to utilise pathway in conjunction with each other. The connections created will focus on access to hospitals, parks, shops, schools and other community facilities as requested by the communities themselves.







Further detail on the project – scope of works, location, size of project, work to be done

Eugowra – 325m of shared path on the Northern side of Cooper Street (from Bowler St to North St) helping to link the hospital, Anglican Church and park.

Cargo – 80m of shared path on the northern side of Belmore Street into Molong Street linking the shop, park and community hall.

Yeoval – 130m of shared path on Cardington Street and 200m of shared path on King Street –these paths will connect with the commercial centre on Forbes Street at either end which will serve to provide an extended link between community facilities on either side of the main centre, such as the Police Station, Pre-school, Public Primary & High School and several churches.










Projected total cost of project




Level of Funding sought under Stronger Communities Fund



Will your organisation be providing a contribution to the project cost? If so, for what amount?



Does your project require a Development Application? If so, or if you are unsure, please engage with Council’s Planning Department for confirmation and assistance















Can the project be commenced within 12 months and be completed fully within 2 years? Please provide a plan to achieve this

Yes – work can be completed by Council’s experienced staff who have undertaken numerous projects like this in the past. The works will be scheduled in by the Engineering Department who have the resources and experience to deliver the project.












Who will the project benefit? Both in immediate terms and to the wider community

These projects will provide benefit to the each of the villages by closing gaps in the pedestrian network that exist between community facilities. The design of these pathways ensures that the needs of all pedestrians are catered for, including older persons, children and pedestrians with mobility and vision impairments along with provision for cyclists and mobility aid users.

There is also a potential health benefit to be obtained through access to additional adequately sized pathways for multiple users.











Supporting Information – community survey feedback, estimated usage numbers or similar

The community has been extensively consulted and the results of their feedback have been captured in the Cabonne Pedestrian Access Mobility Plan 2014. The report contains extensive study information along with community feedback.












Additional evidence of project suitability - for example: does the project align with the Council’s Community Strategic Plan?


This project aligns with the Cabonne Community Strategic Plan in terms of:

·    CSP 1.1 “A safe, efficient and quality urban and rural transport system for vehicles and pedestrians on Council’s local. Regional and state road network”

·    CSP 1.3 “A range of transport options in to, out of and around Cabonne are affordable and available”









Evidence the project is cost effective including a clearly defined budget - at least two quotes should be provided OR one quote along with a quantity surveyor estimate

As Council would look to complete the work themselves, there has been a cost estimate provided by the engineering department to complete the works.














Details about the use of local suppliers – will this project contribute to local employment and/or local skills development?

Cabonne Council will undertake the works with existing, experienced, local staff.














Evidence of the capacity to maintain any new infrastructure funded? Projects must be sustainable in the long term and able to be operated and maintained beyond the funding period


Cabonne Council has the resources and expertise to maintain new pathways within the existing maintenance program.















I have attached 2 quotes




I will be able to supply 2 quotes before the application deadline (31 January, 2018)




I have attached the project budget




I have given consideration to the processes and procedures outlined in the capital expenditure review guidelines issued by the Office of Local Government


For more information please contact:

Naomi Schroder – Grants Officer, Cabonne Council

PH: 02 6392 3267



Email the completed form to:



Item 24 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 24 - Annexure 11



As part of the Stronger Country Communities funding process, the NSW Government requires Cabonne Council to assess a number of possible projects for the Cabonne Area and then make an overall submission. The NSW Government will then make the final decision on which projects will be funded.

This form is to provide information on your proposed project to Council which will allow us to assess suitability for funding under this programme. Please keep in mind that the information provided on this form may be made available to the public.

Name of Organisation/ Community Group

Cabonne Council

Name of project

Shared Mobility Access Pathways Project - Molong

Contact person

Naomi Schroder

Contact phone

02 6392 3267

Contact email

Postal address

PO Box 17, Molong NSW 2866


What is your project? Please provide a description

The ‘Shared Mobility Access Pathways Project – Molong’ project aims to assist with community connectedness within Molong. The project is based upon recommendations made within the Cabonne Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP) and Council’s Disability Action Plan. Both of these plans include extensive public consultation to determine areas of need within all of the Cabonne villages. The focus will be on making accessible connections between community facilities where none currently exist or where they are not accessible for a variety of users.






Purpose of the project?

The purpose of the project is to provide safe and accessible connections between community facilities where they currently do not exist or are not able to be adequately shared between varieties of users. The design of a shared access pathway aims to provide space for pedestrians, mobility aid users, cyclists and pram users to utilise pathway in conjunction with each other. The connections created will focus on access to sporting facilities, accommodation and other community facilities as requested by the communities themselves.









Further detail on the project – scope of works, location, size of project, work to be done

235m of shared pathway from Watson Street to Hill Street in front of the Caravan Park – this area has an existing path however the width of the path does not facilitate shared user access and community feedback has indicated that the uneven surface presents significant challenges. This area links the CBD to accommodation, the swimming pool and local service station and to residential areas adjoining the CBD.

80m of shared pathway on Euchareena Road from the Eastern side of the Railway crossing to the Molong Bowling Club – this area has no means of safe access to the Bowling Club for pedestrians and mobility aid users which would seek to attend the facility for a range of functions that they cater for (luncheons, parties, wakes and community meetings).

317m of shared pathway on the Northern side of Hill Street from the pedestrian crossing to Edward Street in front of the Recreation Ground. This portion provides a link from the existing shared path running along the Highway/Watson Street all the way through to the heavily used Rec Ground which includes sporting facilities, a playground and skate park and community church.









Projected total cost of project




Level of Funding sought under Stronger Communities Fund



Will your organisation be providing a contribution to the project cost? If so, for what amount?



Does your project require a Development Application? If so, or if you are unsure, please engage with Council’s Planning Department for confirmation and assistance













Can the project be commenced within 12 months and be completed fully within 2 years? Please provide a plan to achieve this

Yes – work can be completed by Council’s experienced staff who have undertaken numerous projects like this in the past. The works will be scheduled in by the Engineering Department who have the resources and experience to deliver the project.










Who will the project benefit? Both in immediate terms and to the wider community

This project will provide benefit to the Molong Community by closing gaps in the pedestrian network that exist between community facilities. The design of these pathways ensures that the needs of all pedestrians are catered for, including older persons, children and pedestrians with mobility and vision impairments along with provision for cyclists and mobility aid users. The issues within the network were highlighted particularly well when a ‘Gopher Run’ for the Mayor and Senior Council Staff was organised to help raise awareness of the challenges for mobility aid users.

In addition to the access and safety items noted above, there is also a potential health benefit to be obtained through access to additional adequately sized pathways for multiple users.











Supporting Information – community survey feedback, estimated usage numbers or similar

The community has been extensively consulted and the results of their feedback have been captured in the Cabonne Pedestrian Access Mobility Plan 2014 and the Disability Inclusion Action Plan. The report contains extensive study information along with community feedback.













Additional evidence of project suitability - for example: does the project align with the Council’s Community Strategic Plan?

This project aligns with the Cabonne Community Strategic Plan in terms of:

·    CSP 1.1 “A safe, efficient and quality urban and rural transport system for vehicles and pedestrians on Council’s local. Regional and state road network”

·    CSP 1.3 “A range of transport options in to, out of and around Cabonne are affordable and available”










Evidence the project is cost effective including a clearly defined budget - at least two quotes should be provided OR one quote along with a quantity surveyor estimate

As Council would look to complete the work themselves, there has been a cost estimate provided by the engineering department to complete the works.













Details about the use of local suppliers – will this project contribute to local employment and/or local skills development?

Cabonne Council will undertake the works with existing, experienced, local staff.















Evidence of the capacity to maintain any new infrastructure funded? Projects must be sustainable in the long term and able to be operated and maintained beyond the funding period

Cabonne Council has the resources and expertise to maintain new pathways within the existing maintenance program.















I have attached 2 quotes




I will be able to supply 2 quotes before the application deadline (31 January, 2018)




I have attached the project budget




I have given consideration to the processes and procedures outlined in the capital expenditure review guidelines issued by the Office of Local Government


For more information please contact:

Naomi Schroder – Grants Officer, Cabonne Council

PH: 02 6392 3267



Email the completed form to:





Item 24 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 24 - Annexure 12



As part of the Stronger Country Communities funding process, the NSW Government requires Cabonne Council to assess a number of possible projects for the Cabonne Area and then make an overall submission. The NSW Government will then make the final decision on which projects will be funded.

This form is to provide information on your proposed project to Council which will allow us to assess suitability for funding under this programme. Please keep in mind that the information provided on this form may be made available to the public.

Name of Organisation/ Community Group

Cabonne Council

Name of project

Shared Mobility Access Pathways Project - Canowindra

Contact person

Naomi Schroder

Contact phone

02 6392 3267

Contact email

Postal address

PO Box 17, Molong NSW 2866


What is your project? Please provide a description

The ‘Shared Mobility Access Pathways Project – Canowindra’ project aims to assist with community connectedness within Canowindra. The project is based upon recommendations made both by Canowindra High School students and within the Cabonne Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP) which undertook extensive public consultation to determine areas of need within all of the Cabonne villages. The focus will be on making accessible connections between community facilities where none currently exist or where they are not accessible for a variety of users.






Purpose of the project?

The purpose of the project is to provide safe and accessible connections between community facilities where they currently do not exist or are not able to be adequately shared between varieties of users. The design of a shared access pathway aims to provide space for pedestrians, mobility aid users, cyclists and pram users to utilise pathway in conjunction with each other. The connections created will focus on access to sporting facilities, accommodation and other community facilities as requested by the communities themselves and particularly Canowindra High School students who made a specific request in their annual address to Council.








Further detail on the project – scope of works, location, size of project, work to be done

145m of shared pathway on the southern side of Brown’s Avenue from Rodd Street to the High School and 345m of shared pathway on Rodd Street from Brown’s Avenue to Thompson Street.

These paths will provide a link between the High School and Canowindra’s main commercial centre which was indicated as a medium priority route in the Cabonne Pedestrian Access Plan (PAMP) 2014.

This addition of a shared link in this area will allow students to access the commercial centre of Canowindra safely.









Projected total cost of project




Level of Funding sought under Stronger Communities Fund



Will your organisation be providing a contribution to the project cost? If so, for what amount?



Does your project require a Development Application? If so, or if you are unsure, please engage with Council’s Planning Department for confirmation and assistance



















Can the project be commenced within 12 months and be completed fully within 2 years? Please provide a plan to achieve this

Yes – work can be completed by Council’s experienced staff who have undertaken numerous projects like this in the past. The works will be scheduled in by the Engineering Department who have the resources and experience to deliver the project.










Who will the project benefit? Both in immediate terms and to the wider community

This project will provide benefit to the Canowindra Community by closing gaps in the pedestrian network that exist between community facilities and particularly to Canowindra High School students in accessing the school and nearby sporting facilities and the town centre. The design of these pathways ensures that the needs of all pedestrians are catered for, including older persons, children and pedestrians with mobility and vision impairments along with provision for cyclists and mobility aid users.

The students of Canowindra High School have specifically addressed Council on the existing gap in the network and requested assistance to enable them a safe method of access to the town centre.

In addition to the safety and access aspects of this request, there is also a potential health benefit to be obtained through access to additional adequately sized pathways for multiple users.









Supporting Information – community survey feedback, estimated usage numbers or similar

The community has been extensively consulted and the results of their feedback have been captured in the Cabonne Pedestrian Access Mobility Plan 2014. The report contains extensive study information along with community feedback. There has also been a specific request made by the students of Canowindra High School during their annual address to Council.














Additional evidence of project suitability - for example: does the project align with the Council’s Community Strategic Plan?

This project aligns with the Cabonne Community Strategic Plan in terms of:

·    CSP 1.1 “A safe, efficient and quality urban and rural transport system for vehicles and pedestrians on Council’s local. Regional and state road network”

·    CSP 1.3 “A range of transport options in to, out of and around Cabonne are affordable and available”










Evidence the project is cost effective including a clearly defined budget - at least two quotes should be provided OR one quote along with a quantity surveyor estimate

As Council would look to complete the work themselves, there has been a cost estimate provided by the engineering department to complete the works.













Details about the use of local suppliers – will this project contribute to local employment and/or local skills development?

Cabonne Council will undertake the works with existing, experienced, local staff.















Evidence of the capacity to maintain any new infrastructure funded? Projects must be sustainable in the long term and able to be operated and maintained beyond the funding period

Cabonne Council has the resources and expertise to maintain new pathways within the existing maintenance program.















I have attached 2 quotes




I will be able to supply 2 quotes before the application deadline (31 January, 2018)




I have attached the project budget




I have given consideration to the processes and procedures outlined in the capital expenditure review guidelines issued by the Office of Local Government


For more information please contact:

Naomi Schroder – Grants Officer, Cabonne Council

PH: 02 6392 3267



Email the completed form to:




Item 24 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 24 - Annexure 13



As part of the Stronger Country Communities funding process, the NSW Government requires Cabonne Council to assess a number of possible projects for the Cabonne Area and then make an overall submission. The NSW Government will then make the final decision on which projects will be funded.

This form is to provide information on your proposed project to Council which will allow us to assess suitability for funding under this programme. Please keep in mind that the information provided on this form may be made available to the public.

Name of Organisation/ Community Group

Cabonne Council

Name of project

Molong Village Green Enhancement Project

Contact person

Naomi Schroder

Contact phone

02 6392 3267

Contact email

Postal address

PO Box 17, Molong NSW 2866


What is your project? Please provide a description

The Molong Village Green Enhancement Project seeks to undertake a series of enhancements to the Community land located in central Bank Street, Molong known as the Village Green. The improvements are aimed at improving the usability of the area for the various community groups who access the site and are based on recommendations which have been made in the process of implementing a Plan of Management for the site. These recommendations include professional advice and extensive community consultation activity.







Purpose of the project?

The project is designed to provide enhancement to the community land known as the Village Green, for the benefit of a number of user groups and visitors to Molong and the Cabonne area. The project aims to:

·    Beautify the area and provide a more appealing stopping point for travellers

·    Enhance the aspect of the historic Cobb & Co Stables which are an appealing site to many

·    Redefine the layout to remove physical impediments and create a more usable space for community events

·    Define key entry points to the park where they are currently not clear





Further detail on the project – scope of works, location, size of project, work to be done

The location of project works is the Molong Village Green, on the corner of Bank and Gidley Streets in Molong, with project works including:

·    New entry paths to define areas while ensuring clear usable space is provided

·    New seats with hard surface pads underneath, placed strategically to maximise usable space

·    Steel edging to enclose turfed area and provide garden bed edge

·    Interpretive signage displayed on a book style plinth

·    New planting and garden beds encompassing

·    Irrigation

·    Preservation of existing canopy trees

·    Levelling of surfaces and appropriate drainage to avoid water logging








Projected total cost of project

$134,400 ex-GST



Level of Funding sought under Stronger Communities Fund

$132,000 ex-GST


Will your organisation be providing a contribution to the project cost? If so, for what amount?

Yes – consultant costs totalling $2,400 have been met by Cabonne Council


Does your project require a Development Application? If so, or if you are unsure, please engage with Council’s Planning Department for confirmation and assistance

No – a DA is not required.















Can the project be commenced within 12 months and be completed fully within 2 years? Please provide a plan to achieve this

Yes, the project can be commenced and completed within the required timeframes. Cabonne Council has engaged an appropriate consultant to design and report on works which are then to be undertaken by qualified staff who are experienced in management and delivery of projects of this type.








Who will the project benefit? Both in immediate terms and to the wider community

The enhancement of the Village Green will benefit user groups presently accessing the site by creating a more appropriately planned area to maximise usage of the space available. User groups who will benefit include:

·    Molong Health One – Tai Chi classes conducted on the green will benefit from the improved layout allowing more usable space for participants

·    Molong RSL Sub-branch – the new design will allow for the RSL to construct a memorial/cenotaph for use in community commemorations

·    Molong Christmas Carols on the Green – the improved layout will allow for more people to attend the carols event

·    Downtown Fitness – the improved layout would be more suitable for the outdoor gym classes conducted at the Green

·    Community Members – private functions such as weddings have been booked at the Green from time to time – the improved layout would accommodate more attendees and the beautification would enhance the appeal of the venue for future bookings

·    Other groups such as the Yarn Market Association and the Country Women’s Association utilise the Green and would benefit from the improved layout



Supporting Information – community survey feedback, estimated usage numbers or similar

There has been extensive consultation undertaken with the community in developing the Plan of Management – this project is seeking to implement the community recommendations made under this process.














Additional evidence of project suitability - for example: does the project align with the Council’s Community Strategic Plan?

The project aligns with the Cabonne 2025 Community Strategic Plan in terms of:


CSP Number

Strategic Outcome


CSP 3.3

Sporting, recreational, Council and community facilities and services are maintained and developed


The enhancement of the Village Green clearly aligns with this outcome as it is maintaining and developing a community facility with what the community has requested as part of the consultation process

CSP 4.3

Beautiful towns and villages with historic assets are cared for and preserved

The enhancement of the Village Green provides additional opportunity to beautify the central Molong area and preserve the aspect of the historic Cobb & Co stables

CSP 4.4

Community events build visitation, generate investment and strengthen community well-being


In this case, this is achieved by the provision of a more suitable, usable area for events to be held.




Evidence the project is cost effective including a clearly defined budget - at least two quotes should be provided OR one quote along with a quantity surveyor estimate

As Council would look to complete the work themselves, there has been a cost estimate provided by the Council’s Urban Services Manager, Tim Wark to complete the works.





Details about the use of local suppliers – will this project contribute to local employment and/or local skills development?

Cabonne Council will undertake the works with existing, experienced, local staff and local suppliers of goods will be used as per Council’s procurement policy













Evidence of the capacity to maintain any new infrastructure funded? Projects must be sustainable in the long term and able to be operated and maintained beyond the funding period


Cabonne Council has the resources and expertise to maintain the facility and any enhancements within the existing maintenance program.














I have attached 2 quotes Now only one quote or estimate required




I will be able to supply 2 quotes before the application deadline (31 January, 2018)




I have attached the project budget




I have given consideration to the processes and procedures outlined in the capital expenditure review guidelines issued by the Office of Local Government


For more information please contact:

Naomi Schroder – Grants Officer, Cabonne Council

PH: 02 6392 3267



Email the completed form to:







Project Budget


Site Preparation


Construction Works


Materials (steel edging etc)


Plant Materials


Plinth Related works










Landscape Plan & Consultancy (funded by Cabonne Council)







Item 26 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 26 - Annexure 1


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Item 26 - Annexure 2


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Item 26 - Annexure 3


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Item 29 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 29 - Annexure 1


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Item 31 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 31 - Annexure 1








Planning Proposal

Additional permitted land use of Lot 30 in DP 130510, corner Market Street and Creosus Street (Mitchell Highway/ SH 7), Molong – being land currently zoned RU1 Primary Production by Cabonne Local Environmental Plan 2012, to permit a truck wash facility.









Prepared by Cabonne Council

January 2018                                                             Doc ID 878727











Section A – Need for the planning proposal

Section B – Relationship to strategic planning framework

Section C – Environmental, social and economic impact

Section D – State and Commonwealth interests







Appendix A – Director Environmental Service’s report and council minutes

Appendix B – Images of the site

Appendix C – SEPP checklist

Appendix D – Section 117 Directions checklist






This Planning Proposal seeks to amend the Cabonne Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2012, to permit an additional land use, being a truck wash facility, upon the subject land. The land is described as Lot 30 DP 130510, Market Street, Molong, and has an area of 1.214ha.

This change will facilitate development of the land, situated adjacent to the Molong Sewerage Treatment plant,  for a truck wash as part of the ‘Fixing Country Truck Washes’ state government initiative. The program aims to improve the productivity of heavy vehicles by enhancing the regional delivery of truck wash facilities and livestock effluent disposal facilities, and to improve biosecurity outcomes by cleaning out vehicles to minimise risk of outbreak of livestock disease.

The site at Molong has frontage to the Mitchell Highway and would be accessible to local and long haul livestock carrier, providing a truck wash facility available to livestock transporters that is accessible 24 hours a day. It would operate independent of the truck wash facilities situated at regional saleyards located at Carcoar, Forbes, Dubbo and Cowra.

The land is ideally located, being adjacent to a sewer treatment plant, thereby permitting processing of truck wash wastewater and livestock effluent.  Initially a single bay truck wash facility is proposed for the site, which may be extended if demand justifies expansion of the facility over time.

The Planning Proposal has been prepared in accordance with Section 55(3) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (as amended) and guidelines ‘A guide to preparing Planning Proposals’ prepared by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment.

Council is seeking Delegated Authority to make the LEP and has included the delegated plan making report template and evaluation criteria with the request for a Gateway Determination.


Description of the site

The subject land is located approximately 2.4km north of Molong’s town centre and adjoins the Molong Sewerage Treatment Plant to the north, farm land to the east, the Mitchell Highway and generally undeveloped Large Lot Residential land to the south. The allotment is vacant farm land, situated on undulating cleared grazing land, and is devoid of native vegetation. Vehicular access is currently provided to the site from Market Street. The site is owned by Cabonne Council.











Site plan



Aerial map of subject site and surrounding land





Part 1 – Objectives or intended outcomes

The intended objective of this Planning Proposal is to permit an additional land use upon the subject land, being a truck wash facility that would be located in close proximity to both the Mitchell Highway (SH 7) and the existing Molong Sewerage Treatment Plan. The intended outcome is to permit an additional use of the site, being a commercial truck wash facility. The subject land is ideally located on the northern outskirts of the town of Molong, having frontage to the Mitchell Highway and being adjacent to the adjacent sewerage treatment plant enabling the environmental processing of wastewater.


Part 2 – Explanation of provisions

The proposed provisions within the Planning Proposal will achieve the intended outcome by:

·    Amending ‘Schedule 1 – Additional permitted uses’ of the Cabonne Local Environmental Plan 2012 to permit a truck wash upon Lot 30 DP 130510, Market Street, Molong subject to development consent.

The Planning Proposal will provide an accessible location for livestock transport vehicles, as part of a wider network of transport corridors, which will improve biosecurity and environmental safety to the State’s agricultural activities.

Part 3 – Justification

This section of the Planning Proposal sets out the justification for the proposed outcomes and provisions, and the process for their implementation. The questions to which the information has been provided are taken from the Department of Planning and Environment’s ‘A guide to preparing Planning Proposals’.


Section A – Need for the Planning Proposal

A.1   Is the Planning Proposal a result of any strategic study or report?

The planning proposal is not the result of a specific study or report. Council has received grant funding from Transport for NSW under the Fixing Country Truck Washes program. The council has acquired the subject land due to its proximity adjacent to the existing Molong sewerage treatment plant, and the suitability of the site to contribute to the State’s program to assist both local and long haul transport operators maintain adequate bio security and waste management strategies.



A2     Is the Planning Proposal the best means of achieving the objectives or intended outcomes, or is there a better way?

The subject land is currently zoned RU1 Primary Production, and is situated adjacent to the Mitchell Highway (State Highway 7) and the Molong Sewerage Treatment Plant.  Under the current zoning a commercial truck wash facility is not a permissible land use.

The objective of siting a truck wash on the subject land to service both local and long haul livestock trucking firms with a truck wash down facility, and the associated disposal of  waste water and livestock effluent in an environmentally acceptable way (by waste water being treated at the adjacent sewerage treatment plant), can only be achieved by an amendment to the Cabonne Local Environmental Plan 2012 via a Planning Proposal.


Section B – Relationship to strategic planning framework

B1    Is the Planning Proposal consistent with the objectives and actions of the applicable regional, sub-regional or district plan or  strategy (including any exhibited draft plan or strategies)?

The planning proposal is consistent with the Blayney, Cabonne and Orange City council’s Sub-regional rural and industrial land use strategy, July 2008. The sub strategy applies to rural, industrial and environmental zoned land. The strategy identifies the significance to the sub region of its agricultural and industrial sectors and the need to provide adequate infrastructure to support those industries and activities.


The Central West and Orana Regional Plan 2036 came into effect in June 2017. The planning proposal for establishment of a livestock transport truck wash facility at Molong is consistent with the Plan’s Goal 1: The most diverse regional economy in NSW, Direction 2: Grow the agribusiness sector and supply chains.


B2    Is the planning proposal consistent with council’s local strategy or other local strategic plan?


The Planning Proposal is consistent with the Cabonne 2025 Community Strategic Plan and the Cabonne 2012 Settlement Strategy.


The planning proposal supports the Community Strategic Plan outcome 1.1 A safe, efficient and quality urban and rural road system for vehicles and pedestrians on council’s local, regional and state road network, and 1.4 Transport infrastructure meets agricultural needs to get goods to and from market. The proposal is also supported by Direction 5 Managing our natural resources, 5.3 Sustainable solid and liquid waste management practices are in place across Cabonne.


The Cabonne Settlement Strategy adopted in 2012 identifies Molong as a rural service centre meeting the needs of a larger catchment that extends throughtout the northern part of Cabonne.







The strategy also indicates the need for a 400m buffer zone from the Molong Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP) and large lot residential development. Utilising the subject land for a truck wash provides for transport associated infrastructure with benefit of proximity to the STP.


The strategy identified land to the north of the Molong township in the vicinity of the subject site as future investigation as a Highway Related Service area. It was also noted that the area was a key entrance to Molong and requires improved design outcome to define the locality. The strategy supported in principle further investigation of the north Molong area to determine the potential for highway and light industrial land uses incorporating sound urban design and landscaping elements to protect the highway amenity on the approaches to the town.


B3    Is the Planning Proposal consistent with applicable State Environmental Planning Policies?

The planning proposal is consistent with State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs). Refer to Appendix C.


B4    Is the planning proposal consistent with applicable Ministerial Directions (s117 directions)?

The planning proposal is consistent with relevant Ministerial Directions (s117 directions). Refer to Appendix D.





Section C – Environmental, Social and Economic Impacts

C1    Is there any likelihood that critical habitat or threatened species, population or ecological communities, or their habitats, will be adversely affected as a result of the planning proposal?

The planning proposal for an additional use of the subject land relates to modified

farm land and has been determined that flora / fauna assessment is not required.


C2    Are there any other environmental effects as a result of the planning proposal and how are they proposed to be managed?

Future development of the site will be undertaken in accordance with the relevant SEPPs and Cabonne LEP 2012.


C3    How has the Planning Proposal adequately addressed any social and economic benefits?

The change proposed will provide additional services and facilities to support agribusiness and sustainable environmental outcomes. Provision of a livestock truck wash will have economic benefit to local livestock transport businesses and the farms  they service, as there will be cost savings resulting from accessing a local truck wash facility as an alternative to  taking empty trucks to existing wash bay facilities currently associated with saleyard centres at Carocar, Forbes and Dubbo.

Section D – State and Commonwealth interests

D1    Is there adequate public infrastructure for the planning proposal?

The site is serviced by road, water, sewer, electricity and telecommunications infrastructure. The site is located 230m west of Molong Creek and is locate on a rise. The site is not subject to flooding and can be managed to address stormwater drainage. The site has vehicular access to Market Street and then to the Mitchell Highway. Access to the proposed truck wash is to be from the existing street access being Market Street. Consultation with RMS is to be undertaken to determine that authority’s requirements for provision of safe intersection design. 












D2    What are the views of State and Commonwealth public authorities consulted in accordance with the gateway determination?

Initial advice from the Department of Planning and Environment has indicated that a Planning Proposal would be an appropriate process to implement the proposal.  No formal consultation has been carried out of other agencies at this time.  Should the Gateway Determination identify any additional consultations, these would be undertaken.


Part 4 – Mapping

No changes are required to the Cabonne Local Environmental Plan 2012 mapping. Schedule 1 of the Cabonne LEP 2012 is to be amended as follows to enable that Lot 30 in DP 130510, corner Market Street and Creosus Street (Mitchell Highway/ SH 7), Molong, be included as follows:

Schedule 1 Additional permitted uses.

2. Use of certain land at Market Street, Molong

(1)       This clause applies to land at Market Street, Molong, being lot 30, DP 130510

(2)       Development for the purpose of a commercial premises (truck wash) is permitted with development consent


Part 5 – Community consultation

For the purpose of public notification of the planning proposal, it is considered that a 28 day exhibition period be held to ensure consultation with all stakeholders and any relevant government agencies.

The community consultation will involve:

·    Notice in the local newspaper at the start of the exhibition period

·    Notice on council’s web site for the duration of the exhibition period

·    Written notification sent to landowners adjacent to the subject land

·    Written notification to the Roads & Maritime Services (RMS)


The written advice will contain:

·    A brief description of the objectives or intended outcomes of the planning proposal

·    An indication of the land affected by the planning proposal

·    Information on where and when the planning proposal can be inspected

·    The contact details of the council for receipt of submissions

·    The closing date for submissions









During the public exhibition period the following documents will be placed upon public exhibition:


·    The planning proposal

·    The Gateway Determination

·    Relevant council reports

The above mentioned documents will be available at the following locations during the public exhibition period:


·    Cabonne Council office – 101 Bank Street, Molong,


A public hearing will not be required to be held upon conclusion of the public exhibition phase.

Public exhibition of the Planning Proposal would be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act, Environmental Planning Regulations and the Gateway Determination.



Part 6 – Project timeline

The anticipated project timeline for completion of the Planning Proposal is outlined below:






Gateway determination

Obtain Gateway Determination

March 2018

April 2018


Public Exhibition

Agency and community consultation to be undertaken as part of the formal public exhibition of the planning proposal in accordance with any conditions of the Gateway Determination

May 2018

May 2018


Consider submissions and document finalisation

Council staff to consider, respond and report to council on any submissions received and issues raised, and make any relevant changes to the planning proposal.

This process will determine amongst other things, the following:

·    Whether or not to endorse and/or support the planning proposal

·    Whether or not to endorse the planning proposal (as exhibited); or

·    Whether or not to endorse the planning proposal (as amended)

June 2018

June 2018


Submission to the Department and/or Parliamentary Counsel

Council to forward the planning proposal to the department and/or Parliamentary Counsel following public exhibition (including and changes made).

July 2018

August 2018



Notification of LEP amendment being made

August 2018

August 2018






Planning report to Council 27 February 2018 and extract of minutes from that meeting

















Item 31 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 31 - Annexure 1




Subject land – view across the site, north towards STP

Subject land – view to south towards Mitchell Highway

Subject land – view to the west

Farm land east of the subject land – view towards Molong Creek

From northern boundary of the subject land - towards adjacent Sewerage Treatment Plant ponds



State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPP) checklist



SEPP Title

Applicable to Planning Proposal



Development Standards

No – does not apply to land in Cabonne Local Government Area (LGA) since implementation of Cabonne Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2012



Coastal wetlands

Not applicable



Caravan Parks

Not applicable



Littoral rainforests

Not applicable



Intensive agriculture

Not applicable to proposal



Hazardous and Offensive industry

Not applicable to proposal



Manufactured home estate

Not applicable to proposal



Koala Habitat Protection

SEPP applies. Site is clear of any native trees. No koala habit on the site.



Moore Park Showground

Not applicable



Canal Estate Development

Not applicable



Farm dams and other works in land and waste management plan areas

Not applicable to proposal



Remediation of land

SEPP applies to the land. Site determined to be suitable for proposed development



Sustainable aquiculture

Not applicable to Planning Proposal.



Advertising and signage

SEPP applies to the land and future development.



Design Quality of residential flat development

Not applicable



Affordable housing

Not applicable



Coastal protection

Not applicable



Affordable renting housing 2009

Not applicable



Building Sustainability Index:BASIX 2004

Not applicable



Education Establishments and Child Care Facilities 2017

Not applicable to proposal



Exempt and Complying Development Codes 2008

SEPP applies to land. Not applicable to proposal.



Housing for seniors and people with a disability 2004

Not applicable



Infrastructure 2007

SEPP applies



Integration and Repeals 2016

Applicable to LGA. Does not apply to proposal



Kosciuszko National Park Alpine Resorts 2007

Not applicable



Kurnell Peninsula 1989

Not applicable



Mining, Petroleum Production and Extractive Industries

Applicable to LGA. Not applicable to proposal



Miscellaneous Consent Provisions 2007

Applicable to LGA. Does not apply to proposal



Penrith Lakes Scheme 1989

Not applicable



Rural Lands 2008




State & regional development 2011

Not applicable



State significant precincts 2005

Not applicable



Sydney Drinking Water Catchment 2011

Not applicable



Sydney Region Growth Centres 2006

Not applicable



Three Ports 2013

Not applicable



Urban Renewal 2010

Not applicable



Vegetation in non-rural area 2017

Not applicable



Western Sydney Employment Area 2009

Not applicable



Western Sydney Parklands 2009

Not applicable






1.   Employment and resources


Direction Title




Business and industrial zones


No  impact by the proposal processing


Rural zones


No change of rural zoning


Mining, petroleum production and extractive industries


Does not affect the subject land


Oyster aquaculture


Does not affect the Cabonne LGA


Rural lands


No impact on minimum existing rural lot size

2.   Environment and heritage


Environmental Protection zones


Does not affect the subject land


Coastal protection


Does not affect the Cabonne LGA


Heritage conservation


Proposal does not alter existing provisions related to the conservation of heritage items.


Recreation vehicle area


Proposal does not affect existing restrictions upon development of land for RVs


Application of E2 and E3 zones and Environmental overlays in Far North Coast LEPs


Does not apply to LGA

3.   Housing, infrastructure and urban development


Residential zones


Proposal does not apply to residential area


Caravan parks and manufactured home estates


Proposal does  not affect existing provisions


Home occupations


Proposal does  not affect existing provisions


Integrated land use and transport


Provisions relating to integrated land use and transport would not be affected


Development near licensed aerodromes


Proposal does  not affect the subject land


Shooting ranges


Proposal does not affect the subject land

4.   Hazard and risk


Acid sulphate soils


Proposal does  not affect existing provisions


Mine subsidence and unstable land


Land is not affected by mine subsidence


Flood prone land


The subject land is not identified as flood prone land


Planning for bushfire protection


Does not affect the subject land

5.   Regional Planning


Sydney Drinking Water Catchments


Does not affect Cabonne LGA


Farmland of State and Regional Significance on the NSW Far North Coast


Does not affect Cabonne LGA


Commercial and retail development along the Pacific Highway, North Coast


Does not affect Cabonne LGA


Second Sydney Airport: Badgerys Creek


Does not affect Cabonne LGA


North west rail corridor strategy


Does not affect Cabonne LGA


Implementation of regional plans


Consistent with the  Central West and Orana  regional plan.

6.   Local Plan Making


Approvals and referrals required


The planning proposal is in accordance with the requirements of the s117 Direction


Reserving land for public purposes


Does not affect the proposal


Site specific provisions


The planning proposal is in accordance with the requirements of the s117 Direction

7.   Metropolitan Planning


Implementation of a plan for growing Sydney


Does not apply to LGA


Implementation of Greater Macarthur Land Release Investigation


Does not apply to LGA


Parramatta Road Corridor Urban Transformation Strategy


Does not apply to LGA


Implementation of North West Priority Growth Area Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan


Does not apply to LGA


Implementation of Greater Parramatta Priority Growth Area Interim Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan


Does not apply to LGA


Implementation of Wilton Priority Growth Area Interim Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan


Does not apply to LGA



Page 1





ITEM 1      INVESTMENT SUMMARY............................................................... 168

ITEM 2      RATES SUMMARY........................................................................... 168


ITEM 4      COMMUNITY FACILITATION FUND............................................. 168


ITEM 6      AGE OF FISHES MUSEUM UPDATE........................................... 168



ITEM 9      FAMILY DAY CARE UPDATE........................................................ 168

ITEM 10    CABONNE AFTER SCHOOL CARE............................................. 168


ITEM 12    LONG POINT ROAD FEASIBILITY STUDY................................ 168

ITEM 13    MASTERPLAN - CANOWINDRA RAILWAY HERITAGE PRECINCT - JOHN HOLLAND GROUP........................................................................... 168


ITEM 15    HERITAGE ADVISOR'S REPORT................................................. 168

ITEM 16    HERITAGE WORKING GROUP .................................................... 168




ITEM 20    MEDIAN PROCESSING TIMES 2017........................................... 168

ITEM 21    BURIAL STATISTICS....................................................................... 168



ITEM 24    MEDIAN PROCESSING TIMES 2017........................................... 168

ITEM 25    MEDIAN PROCESSING TIMES 2018........................................... 168

ITEM 26    BURIAL STATISTICS....................................................................... 168  




ANNEXURE 1.1    Investment Summary December 2017.pdf...... 168

ANNEXURE 1.2    Investment Summary January 2018.pdf......... 168

ANNEXURE 2.1    Rates graph January 2018..................................... 168

ANNEXURE 3.1    Council.............................................................................. 168

ANNEXURE 3.2    Traffic Light Report Summary........................... 168

ANNEXURE 5.1    STDG minutes 13 feb 2018 2.pdf............................. 168


ANNEXURE 13.1  Canowindra Railway Precinct - masterplan 168

ANNEXURE 15.1  Heritage Advisory Report - February 2018 168

ANNEXURE 16.1  Cabonne heritage working party notes December 2017.docx........................................................................... 168

ANNEXURE 17.1  Letter signed by residents re DA 2016/173.. 168 







Reason For Report

To provide Council information in relation to Council's investments

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.4.b Maximise secure income through investments


1.  Investment Summary December 2017.pdf

2.  Investment Summary January 2018.pdf    

File Number



Senior Accounting Officer's REPORT


Council’s investments as at 31 January 2018 stand at a total of $43,559,549.


Council’s average interest rate for the month was 2.46%.   The effect of the low cash rate is having a negative impact on term deposit rates offered by financial institutions.  The Reserve Bank’s official cash rate remained steady at 1.50% during the month of January, however Council’s average rate is higher than Council’s benchmark rate of the 30 Day Bank Bill Swap Rate of 1.68%. 


Council’s investments are held with multiple Australian financial institutions with varying credit ratings according to Council’s Investment Policy.  The annexure to this report shows a break up of each individual institution that Council invests with and its “Standard and Poor’s” Credit Rating.


The Schedule of Investments for December 2017 and January 2018 is attached for Council’s information.






Reason For Report

Information provided in relation to Council's Rates collections.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.4.a - Level of rate of collection


1.  Rates graph January 2018    

File Number



Senior Rates Officer's REPORT


Rate Collection Summary to 31 January 2018 is attached for Council’s information.  The percentage collected is 58.3%, which is similar to previous years.


The due date for the third instalment is 28 February 2018.






Reason For Report

To provide Council with a report on progress made in actioning its resolutions up to last month's Council meeting and any committee meetings held.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.1.a. Provide quality administrative support and governance to councillors and residents


1.  Council

2.  Traffic Light Report Summary    

File Number



General Manager's REPORT


InfoCouncil generated reports are annexed including actions up to the previous month’s meetings resolutions.


Progress comments are provided until the final action comment which will also show “COMPLETE”: that item will then be removed from the register once resolved by the council.


Attached also is the “traffic light” indicator system that enables the council to identify potential areas of concern at a glance.


Councillors should raise any issues directly with the directors as per the mayor’s request.






Reason For Report

To report on approved expenditure under the Community Facilitation Fund (CFF).

Policy Implications


Budget Implications

Within existing budget allocation

IPR Linkage

3.3.5.a. Review community need for new and upgraded facilities



File Number



General Manager's REPORT


Council adopted guidelines for the Community Facilitation Fund (CFF) in March 2015.  The CFF was created for smaller community projects not originally included in the council’s budget, to be allocated at the discretion of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor.


As a reminder, the guidelines for the CFF are as follows:


1.   Projects where no existing vote for the works has been allocated or the vote is insufficient to complete the project.


2.   Recipients must be community based not-for-profit groups.


3.   Mayor and Deputy Mayor to jointly approve funds (with the General Manager as proxy if one is not available).


4.   Allocation of funds to be reported to the next available council meeting.


5.   Limit of $3,000 per allocation unless other approved by council.


There following allocation of funds was made in the past month.


Cumnock & District Progress Association

Contribution towards preparation of landscape plans


Molong RSL Sub Branch

Contribution towards cenotaph project at Molong Village Green









Reason For Report

To inform Council of matters raised at the most recent Cabonne Small Towns Development Committee Meeting

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

2.1.1.b Implement CBD promotional activities and works in consultation with businesses and progress associations


1.  STDG minutes 13 feb 2018 2.pdf    

File Number



Community Engagement and Development Manager's REPORT


Council Small Towns Development Committee met for the first time in 2018 on 13 February. Council’s Community Engagement and Development Manager provided an update on a number of areas in the economic development section, including the NSW Stronger Country Communities Fund grants program, Council’s Community Assistance Program (CAP) grants and Council’s Village Enhancement Program.


Representatives from Molong, Cudal, Manildra, Yeoval and Mullion Creek attended the meeting and provided reports on events and issues in their villages. One matter raised during general discussion was the effect of hot weather on Australia Day events in a number of villages and the possible need to reschedule celebrations to morning time slots to beat the heat.


However, this presents a problem for those villages visited by the Australia Day ambassador and official party, who attend ceremonies at three villages on a rotational basis each year. This requires some celebrations to be held in the middle of the day and during the afternoon when the temperature is the highest and air-conditioned venues are not always available.


Minutes of the Small Towns Development Committee meeting on 10 February 2018 are attached as an annexure.


The committee is scheduled to meet again on Tuesday 10 April 2018.








Reason For Report

To update Council of the latest activities at the Age of Fishes Museum at Canowindra

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.2.1.b Promote visitation and tourism activity within Cabonne through accessing and showcasing local museums



File Number



Community Engagement and Development Manager's REPORT


The Manager of the Age of Fishes Museum at Canowindra has provided the following report on the Museum’s activities to the end of January 2018:


Item 1 - Figure 1 Number of Visitors by Month






For the month of January the level of patronage was 839 people in 2017 and 770 people in 2018. This was 69 less people. This could have been due to the lack of media advertising and promotion in 2018 and also due to the extremely hot weather.


Comparisons between the years 2017 and 2018 have shown:


·    Total visitation to the VIC in January 2017 was 111 people


·    Total visitation to the VIC in January 2018 was 210 people.


·    Yearly increase of 47% percent over this time compared to 2017.


·    This was partly due to the television show “Back Roads” which focused on Canowindra and because we open at 8am every morning (except Tuesday and Wednesday).


·    Total visitation to the AOFM in January 2017 was 728 people.


·    Total visitation to the AOFM in January 2018 was 560 people.


·    Yearly decrease of 23% over this time compared to 2017.



Item 2 - Figure 2 Adjusted Total Revenue by Month






As per the graph, comparisons between the years 2017 and 2018 have shown:


·    Adjusted Total Revenue to the AOFM in January 2017 was $11,247.


·    Adjusted Total Revenue to the AOFM in January 2018 was $8,893.


·    Yearly decrease of 21% over this time compared to 2017.


·    Item 3 - Figure 3 Retail Sales by Month




Retail Sales are those covering the gift shop. As per the graph, comparisons between the years 2017 and 2018 have shown:



Yearly Comparison




























·    Stock takes are now taking place every three months. Negative figures from 2017 such as balloon glow tickets have been removed from the system.

·    MYOB fails on a daily basis and stock that is known to have been sold has not been deleted from the system.


Item 4- Figure 4 Spend per Person by Month



Spend per person is currently averaging $11.43.This is $1.01 above last year’s average resulting in an increase of 12%.


Item 5 - Marketing and Promotion




·    The Age of Fishes Museum Web page, Facebook and Blog sites.

·    John August, Radio 2 RSR Sydney, will be promoting The Age of Fishes Museum.

·    Sydney Weekender has been filming in Canowindra – this will be shown in March.

·    The Age of Fishes Museum display to be held at the Cowra Visitor Centre for the whole of April.

·    Holiday Fossil Dig on Wednesday 10 January.

·    Proposed “buy one adult get one free tickets” (February/March) for Canowindra and Cowra residents.

·    Need to reprint all brochures as almost none left (approximately $600) for 4,000 copies of our two key brochures.

·    Bill Watson advised us that we cannot use the billboard at the Golf club as Falls Wines wants to keep it (even though the business has been sold).

·    “Welcome to Canowindra” information packs for new residents (which promote the museum and volunteering) have been given to the preschool and two real estate agents in town.

·    Invitation to the Winter and Spring Gem Shows in Canberra in May and November– free display for the Museum.

·    Funding for temporary Tourism Promotions Officer has finished ($10,000). The Canowindra brochure and web page have been completed. Cath is now working from home.


Item 6 - Current Projects


Visitor Information Accreditation

·    Will be inspected in March by the Tourism Group.

·    All documents have to be updated for the inspection.

·    Please see attached summary of the AOFM documents.


Audit of assets in the Museum

· Almost completed. Need to finish the railway shed and the container.

· Showground slabs will be audited when they go into the new storage facility.


Slab Loans Summary

·    Please see attached summary.

·    Some slabs were given away in the past.

·    Have contacted the Australian Museum for a summary of all the AOFM slabs and casts that are in their possession and what loan material we have from them.

·    Email from Fran Dorey (Exhibition Project Manager) stated that “I understand the documentation was not done as well as it should have been at the time”.


Request for slab loan by Dr Yong Yi Zhen

·    Request from Dr Yong Yi Zhen (Senior Research Scientist (Palaeontologist),Geological Survey of New South Wales, NSW Department of Planning & Environment, Londonderry), for the Mandageria fairfaxi model (which they own) and a slab.

·    Slab 166 from the Orange Regional Museum is to be returned on the 13 February.

·    Could possibly use this one as it is easy to transport. 


Scanning of the Fossils site

·    Asked Dr Yong Yi Zhen for advice on scanning the fossil site. No assistance available.

·    Will be following up with the mining company that scanned our farm.



·    Donation of gems, minerals and rock specimens by Canowindra resident Colin Chick– to be decided at the February meeting.

·    To be used for educational purposes in the Education Den.


MYOB and Broadband


·    Currently paying Telstra $250/month for 3 phone lines, fax machine use and the internet.

·    Also paying Eftel $214/ every 3 months for the internet. (Not sure why)

·    Telstra has offered unlimited broadband and one phone line for $150/ month.

·    Would like to cancel Eftel and use the savings to buy the new MYOB system so that our finances run efficiently.



·    ABC Radio Community Service announcement for AOFM volunteers.

·    Met Janette Davie from Orange Region Tourism- suggested a volunteer recruitment card for each Council.

·    “Welcome to Canowindra” new resident packs given to the preschool and real estate agents in Canowindra.




·    Electrical system repaired. Switch board still needs emergency cut-off switches – this is a legal requirement.

·    Hose reel valves have to be replaced as it is a new legal requirement.


Approval to Exhibit a Lungfish

·    Still being processed.


Item 7 - Completed Projects


Activities for Primary School Students


·    When did animals first appear on the Earth

·    Fossil rubs

·    How do fish float?


Item 8 - New and Planned Projects




·    MYOB replacement.

·    Computers and antivirus protection.

·    Macquarie Security - for the notification of the alarm going off.


New Activities for the Museum


The Men’s shed have been asked to build the following:

·    3D fish that students can build.

·    Parts of a fish that students can assemble.

·    Wooden clock.

·    Wooden continents.

·    Quoit and hoop activities.

·    Fish for “catch the Canowindra Grossi”.


Suggested Activities for the Museum


·    July 2018, 25 years since the Dig-celebration.

·    Science week – Free (Science and Primary teacher) get together at the Museum.

·    Children’s weekend birthday parties.

·    Once a month - Sunday afternoon 4-6 pm Music at the Museum.( Live bands and an open microphone)

·    Apply for a grant to build a children’s fossil adventure playground similar to the one newly developed in Durham Street, Bathurst.


Item 9 - Donations, Grants and Sponsorships



·    Colin Chick - Donation of gems, minerals and rock specimens.




·    Building Better Regions Fund – Applied for solar panels- (Applications closed 19 December).

·    Harcourts Foundation Grants – Applied for solar panels – (Applications closed 31 December).

·    RAS Foundation Community Futures Grant–Applied for solar panels –(Applications closed 14 January)

·    Newcrest/Cadia Valley Operations Community Partnership Program- Applied for solar panels -(To be assessed at their February meeting)

·    ANZ Staff Foundation Grants  – Applied for 3D printer– (Applications closed 15 January)

·    Arts Projects- Applied for 3D printer ( Applications closed 6 February 2018)

·    Infrastructure Grants –Applied for Fossil/Rock Adventure Playground (Applications closed on the 19 February 2018)

·    Would like to apply for three new HD televisions to replace the old ones in the Canowindra Story area and the Education Den.

·    Would like to apply for the production of new brochures and publications for the AOFM.


Financial Planning Day: Monday 19 February before the Board Meeting.


Board Meeting: Monday 19 February – Agenda items to include a summary of the Five Year Strategic Plan





Anne Clark

Age of Fishes Museum Manager







Reason For Report

To update councillors on economic development activities undertaken by Council's Community Engagement and Development unit.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

2.1.1.a - Develop a current Economic Development Plan for Cabonne



File Number



Community Engagement and Development Manager's REPORT


What’s On In Cabonne Newsletter

TP Action 2.1.1, 3.1.2


The Cabonne ‘What’s On’ Newsletter promoted 21 events and activities for February 2018. It is a busy month with the Banjo Paterson Australian Poetry Festival being held and providing a number of events in Cabonne.


There are 350 hard copies distributed throughout Cabonne shire, loaded on Cabonne and Discover the Riches website and circulated extensively through Cabonne’s database.


Upcoming Events


Upcoming events in the Cabonne LGA include:


·    Newcrest Bicycle Challenge 4 March 2018

·    MBC – Women’s Agri-business Forum 9 March 2018

·    Cumnock Show 10 March 2018

·    NSW Sheep Dog Championships 20-24 March 2018

·    FOOD Week 6–15 April 2018

·    Cumnock The Long White Lunch 7 April 2018

·    Canowindra Balloon Challenge 21–29 April  2019

·    Taste Orange Watson Bay 6 May 2018


Community Group Development

EDS Objective 9.4


The ED&T Team has administered the following enquires and/or met with:


a)   Age of Fishes Museum – ongoing support

b)   Destination NSW

c)   Central NSW Tourism

d)   Brand Orange

e)   Campervan & Motorhome Club of Australia –Dump Point liaison

f)    Orange Regional Viticulture Organisation


h)  Eugowra Progress Association

i)    MAG Molong liaison

j)    Cumnock Progress Association

k)   Yeoval Progress Association

l)    Regional Tourism Organisation Sub- Committee

m)  Cudal Community Children’s Centre

n)  Canowindra Business Chamber


Yeoval Showground RV Dump Point


The Yeoval Showground receives on average three caravan overnight stays a night. Feedback from the visitors is very positive and they use the dump point and appreciate the facility.


Today we have a total of six RV dump points located within Cabonne Shire to provide services to tourists travelling in recreational vehicles. They are located at Eugowra, Canowindra, Manildra, Molong and Cumnock. These facilities help to attract visitors to our area, boost economic growth of Cabonne towns and villages and help to ensure we are environmentally sustainable in this area.


Business Inquiries & Development

EDS Objective 10.7, 9.2


Council has administered the following enquires and/or met with:


a)   Tourist Destination Organisation

b)   TASAC - Signage


d)   Destination NSW

e)   Orange City Council

f)    Adloyalty

g)   Blayney Council

h)  Central NSW Business HQ

i)    Australian National Field Days

j)    Yeoval Progress Association.

k)   Central NSW Tourism.

l)    Regional Life Publishing Group

m)  Industry NSW

n)  Regional Development Australia

o)   Central West Lifestyle Magazine

p)   Office of Regional Development


Meetings Attended


·    Orange City Council – event policy and procedures  6 February 2018

·    Tourism Managers Meeting CENTROC 7 February 2018

·    Orange Regional Tourism Managers  – Workshop  8 February 2018

·    Orange Tourism Meeting 12 February 2018

·    TASAC Meeting – Dubbo  21 February 2018



Cabonne Australia Day Celebrations 26 January 2018


Cabonne’s Australia Day Ambassador Bruce Elder and the Council’s official party attended Australia Day ceremonies Nashdale, Cudal, Manildra and Yeoval.


Mr Elder and the Australian Day Youth Ambassador Amelia Holmes were well received by the village participants at each ceremony. Their presentations were popular and appreciated on the day with the important messages they shared


Mr Elder subsequently sent the email below, thanking Council for a delightful day and commenting that he and his wife will not forget our warm welcoming hospitality and wonderful assets.


“Let me first say that my Australia Day in Cabonne was simply the best, most well organised, experience I have had in 22 years. Everyone take a bow. You all did a fine job. Thanks to Kevin for some great driving and entertaining conversation. Thanks particularly to you for all the organisation – which was so smooth and relaxed. I really did have the best time … and I came away feeling that Australia Day had been a very special day in every one of the places we visited. My thanks to everyone who helped to make it so successful … and, yes, we have fallen in love with Cabonne Shire. How could we not?


On another note: I have finished writing up Manildra (see and would love any feedback and corrections. Please ensure that the woman at Manildra, who so gently chastised me for not having Manildra in Aussie Towns (she was the one who should have been Citizen of the Year), is told that the entry is now completed. I promised to do it in the next couple of weeks. She is getting it early. I would love her input.


Best wishes to everyone … we are dreaming of Cabonne

Bruce and Kim


P.S. I will be writing about Manildra on my FB page tomorrow – it can be checked on I just came across a very funny instruction to female teachers in Manildra circa 1915 which I think my readers will enjoy.”





Reason For Report

To keep Council informed of usage of the libraries in Cabonne

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

3.3.2.a. Review level of usage of libraries



File Number



Administration Manager's REPORT


Every year Council is provided with updated information relating to usage of the libraries in the Cabonne local government area.


Currently Central West Libraries are providing services consistent with the Joint Agreement with Cabonne Council and library services are conducted as below:






(18 hours)





2pm to 5pm

11am to 1pm then 2pm to 5pm

10am to 1pm then 2pm to 5pm

10am to 2pm


(12 hours)




10am to 2pm

10am to 2pm

10am to 2pm


(15 hours)




11am to 1pm then 2pm to 5pm

11am to 1pm then 2pm to 5pm

11am to 1pm then 2pm to 5pm


The loans, memberships and visits for the three Cabonne libraries for the three (3) previous financial years are as follows:


Canowindra Library

2014 - 2015

2015 - 2016

2016 - 2017





Library Visits




Circulations (Loans)




Collections (Holdings)




Reservations Placed




Manildra Library

2014 - 2015

2015 - 2016

2016 – 2017





Library Visits




Circulations (Loans)




Collections (Holdings)




Reservations Placed




Molong Library

2014 - 2015

2015 - 2016

2016 - 2017





Library Visits




Circulations (Loans)




Collections (Holdings)




Reservations Placed





*Note: There is a significant increase in the number of Library visits especially in the Canowindra branch and the Cabonne total. It is believed that there may have been some discrepancy in the figures collected for Canowindra during 2014–2015.




At the end of October 2016 free Wi-Fi services were added to the three libraries in Cabonne. Wi-Fi usage statistical data it provided in the table below:





November 2016






January 2017





















November 2016






January 2017





















November 2016






January 2017



















Note: Devices means individual devices and logins means uses, so where logins are higher that devices it’s because a single device has made use of the service more than once during the month.





Reason For Report

To provide councillors with an update on the Cabonne Family Day Care Service

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

3.1.1.d Review financial sustainability of FDC, IH and AS Care services



File Number



Family Day Care Coordinator's REPORT


The Cabonne/Blayney Family Day Care Service at present has 25 registered educators within our service and 3 prospective educators. It delivers care at present to families in Molong, Manildra, Canowindra, Orange and Parkes areas.


The service is currently transitioning to a Sustainability Plan and the aim is to increase the numbers of registered educators from 25 to 30. Recruiting more educators will benefit the communities and support the workforce participation, thus boosting the local economy.


The Federal Budget made changes to the Community Support Programme that the service is presently funded by. Cabonne/Blayney Family Day Care Service funding agreement with the Department of Education is ceasing meaning the loss of $107,147 from 1 July 2018.


The service has submitted a Community Child Care Funding (CCCF) application, under the new eligibility criteria. As with the majority of Family Day Care Services –throughout Australia, Cabonne/Blayney Family Day Care will find it difficult to be deemed eligible for CCCF.


This presents a significant barrier to maintain affordable care to Council’s communities and the risks of many educators leaving the service. If not successful in attaining CCCF, the service will face a deficit of around $107,000 to its operation per year.


Cabonne/Blayney Family Day Care provides care to approximately 240 children and the demand for this service is evident given the current waiting list of 80 children.


If the service is successful in being approved for the new funding through the CCCF, the funding will be implemented over a five-year plan.













If granted with this new funding, the service will be operating at a deficit in the next five years, with the decrease in funding per year.





Reason For Report

To provide Councillors with an update on Cabonne After School Care

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

3.4.1.a Monitor challenges and opportunities for education services provided in Cabonne



File Number



Community Services Manager's REPORT


The Cabonne After School Care service provides quality care for infants and primary school children, aged 5 to 12 years in both a secure and happy environment, whilst ensuring the wellbeing of the children in care.


Cabonne After School Care currently receives Regional Sustainability Assistance under the Community Support Program. As part of the Australian Government’s Child Care reforms, the Community Support Program will cease on 30 June 2018 and Cabonne After School Care will lose this funding.


Mullion Creek, Millthorpe and Blayney each receive $10,460 annually through this Community Support Program.


An application for funding under the new Community Child Card Fund (CCCF) was submitted in November 2017. The aim of the CCCF is to reduce barriers to accessing childcare, particularly in disadvantaged, regional and remote areas whilst becoming a sustainable service.


Amounts applied for under the CCCF are for a five-year period and are shown in the tables below. The outcome of this funding application will be known in April 2018.



Millthorpe - $28,200


Financial year






Total funding











Blayney - $38,200


Financial year






Total funding








Mullion Creek - $42,900


Financial year






Total funding












Reason For Report

To update council on works progress in the Engineering and Technical Services Department.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.1.a. Provide quality administrative support and governance to councillors and residents



File Number



Director of Engineering & Technical Services' REPORT


Please find attached to this report an update of the 2017/18 works in the Engineering and Technical Services department. 





Reason For Report

To make Council aware of a current study that is taking place.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

1.1.1.b Undertake service review of rural and urban road maintenance



File Number



Manager Technical Services' REPORT

In November 2016, Council engaged Engineering Consultants GHD, to conduct the feasibility study for an upgrade to the crossing of the Macquarie River on the Long Point Road.

The feasibility study has been progressing well and has reached its concluding stages.  GHD are in the latter stages of collating information for the final report which will be completed in the near future.






Reason For Report

To inform council

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.2.1.b Promote visitation and tourism activity within Cabonne through accessing and showcasing local museums


1.  Canowindra Railway Precinct - masterplan    

File Number



Director of Environmental Services' REPORT


Council has received the attached correspondence from Mr David Ward, Heritage Manager, John Holland Rail (JHR), advising council of the development of a masterplan for the adaptive reuse of the former Canowindra railway precinct for proposed tourism and community land uses. JHR are currently seeking grant funding for the implementation of the project.






Reason For Report

To inform the council of a Native Title Claim lodged with the Federal Court of Australia over land within the Cabonne LGA.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.1.b Maintain strong relationships and liaise effectively with all relevant Government agencies and other councils



File Number



Director of Environmental Services' REPORT


Council has received notification that a Native Title Determination Application has been lodged with the Federal Court of Australia by Wendy Lewis and others on behalf of the Warrabinga Wiradjuri People #8. The application relates to an area located within partly within the Cabonne LGA and partly within the Bathurst Regional Council LGA. The claim area covers an area of approximately 143 km² and extends in a band from Mullion Creek east/ south east to Lewis Ponds. The area includes the locality of Mullion Creek, the Mullion State Forest and Ophir Reserve.


The application was lodged with the court on 25 October 2017 and was accepted by the Native Title Registrar on 24 November 2017. Council was notified of the application on 7 February 2018 as required by section 66(3)(a) of the Native Title Act 1993. Should council propose to become a party to the application it must apply to the Federal Court before 7 May 2018.


The claim relates to land where there has been no extinguishment to any extent of native title or where extinguishment is required to be disregarded and apples to the right possessed under traditional law and custom.


The claim area, while including Crown reserves, does not appear to include any areas of Crown land to which council is trustee. As such council’s responsibility as an interest holder in the application is not considered to be significant.


Location plan of claim area





Reason For Report

Providing councillors with a copy of the Heritage Advisor's report.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.3.2.b - Heritage advisory service provided


1.  Heritage Advisory Report - February 2018    

File Number



Director of Environmental Services' REPORT


A copy of the Heritage Advisor’s Report for February 2018 is attached for the information of the council.






Reason For Report

Providing Councillors with the notes of the Heritage working group meeting

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.3.f Participate in relevant reference groups, consultative committees and meetings


1.  Cabonne heritage working party notes December 2017.docx    

File Number



Senior Town Planner's REPORT


The notes from the December 2017 meeting of Council’s Heritage Working Group are attached for the information of Council. 





Reason For Report

To advise of correspondence received by local residents raising concerns regarding the development.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.3.a Assess and determine development applications, construction certificate applications and Onsite Sewerage Management Systems (OSMS) to meet agreed service levels


1.  Letter signed by residents re DA 2016/173    

File Number

\Development Applications\DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION\2016\03-2016-0173 - 890764


General Manager's REPORT


Council at the December meeting approved Development Application 2016/173 for 8 units and strata subdivision at 60 Edward Street Molong.  The application was referred to the Council for determination as submissions had been received in objection to the proposed development.


Council has received the attached correspondence signed by 10 residents expressing concern about the development and the perceived lack of consideration of objections.


In response to the concerns raised, the following is provided:


·    A report was presented to the December council meeting and included a summary of submissions received and draft conditions of consent.  The report, as part of the December business paper, was available on council’s website on 7/12/2017.  The minutes of the meeting were available on the website on 21/12/2017.


·    Individual letters advising that the development application was approved and providing copy of the conditions of consent were sent to each objector on 15/12/2017.


·    Change of meeting date of the December meeting (resolution from October meeting) was posted online 29/11/2017, reported in Molong Express 30/11/2017, advertised  Molong express 7/12/2017 and CWD 6/12/2017 and included in Mayoral column 7/12/2017.


·    Amendment to meeting practice to conduct an open forum a fortnight before each council meeting was reported in Molong Express 2/11/2017.  Amendment will be included and formally adopted as part of Council’s Code of Meeting practice with upcoming policy review.







Reason For Report

Details of development applications received during the preceding month.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.3.a. Provide efficient and effective development assessment



File Number



Director of Environmental Services' REPORT


Development Applications have been received during the period 01/12/2017 to 31/12/2017 as detailed below.






Section 68 Only x 11


Alterations & Additions to Existing Facility


Alterations & Additions to Existing Dwelling


Cellar Door & Signage


3 Lot Subdivision, Demolition & 2 x Transportable Dwellings


Additions to Dwelling


Cellar Door & Restaurant


Rural Fire Station – Cumnock


Resurface Existing Tennis Court










Enclose Existing Alfresco


Above Ground Swimming Pool











Reason For Report

Details of development applications approved during the preceding month.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.3.a. Provide efficient and effective development assessment



File Number



Director of Environmental Services' REPORT


Development Applications have been approved during the period 01/12/2017 to 31/12/2017 as detailed below.






Section 68 Only x 6


Sidewalk Café & Furniture


6 Lot Rural Subdivision


Replacement Cenotaph on Village Green


Multi Dwelling Development




Rural Fire Station – Cat 2B


Additions to Existing Fire Shed


Storage Shed


Alterations & Additions to Existing Dwelling



















Enclose Existing Alfresco







Previous Month: 46







Reason For Report

To provide information on median processing times.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.3.a. Assess and determine development applications,construction certificate applications and Onsite Sewerage Management Systems (OSMS) to meet agreed service levels



File Number



Director of Environmental Services' REPORT


Summary of median Application Processing Times over the last five years for the month of December:















Summary of median Application Processing Times for 2017:

































Reason For Report

To provide information on burial statistics.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

3.3.1.a - Maintain cemeteries in accordance with community requirements



File Number



Director of Environmental Services' REPORT

























































Reason For Report

Details of development applications received during the preceding month.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.3.a. Provide efficient and effective development assessment



File Number



Director of Environmental Services' REPORT


Development Applications have been received during the period 01/01/2018 to 31/01/2018 as detailed below.






Section 68 Only x 8


Subdivision (4 Lots)


Modification of Subdivision


Modification to Dwelling & Shed


Modification to Dwelling (Detached Dual Occupancy)


Modification to Dwelling








Dwelling with Detached Shed


Extension to Existing Dwelling


Quarry (Extractive Industry)


Storage Shed


Transportable Dwelling


Alterations & Additions to Existing Dwelling














Alterations & Additions to Existing Dwelling


Swimming Pool











Reason For Report

Details of development applications approved during the preceding month.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.3.a. Provide efficient and effective development assessment



File Number



Director of Environmental Services' REPORT


Development Applications have been approved during the period 01/01/2018 to 31/01/2018 as detailed below.






Section 68 Only x 7


Modification for Alterations & Additions to Child Care Centre


Modification for Demolition of Existing Dwelling & Erection of New Dwelling


Modification for Extractive Industry - Quarry


Modification to Dwelling (Detached Dual Occupancy)


Modification to Dwelling & Shed


4 Lot Rural Subdivision


Dual Occupancy


Additions to Dwelling


Storage Facility for Age of Fishes Museum


Cellar Door & Signage


Alterations & Additions to Existing Facility


Alterations & Additions for a Bed & Breakfast















Swimming Pool


Alterations & Additions to Existing Dwelling







Previous Month: 46







Reason For Report

To provide information on median processing times.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.3.a. Assess and determine development applications,construction certificate applications and Onsite Sewerage Management Systems (OSMS) to meet agreed service levels



File Number



Director of Environmental Services' REPORT


Summary of median Application Processing Times over the last five years for the month of December:















Summary of median Application Processing Times for 2017:

































Reason For Report

To provide information on median processing times.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

4.5.3.a. Assess and determine development applications,construction certificate applications and Onsite Sewerage Management Systems (OSMS) to meet agreed service levels



File Number



Director of Environmental Services' REPORT


Summary of median Application Processing Times over the last five years for the month of January:















Summary of median Application Processing Times for 2017:

































Reason For Report

To provide information on burial statistics.

Policy Implications


Budget Implications


IPR Linkage

3.3.1.a - Maintain cemeteries in accordance with community requirements



File Number



Director of Environmental Services' REPORT





















































Item 1 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

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Item 11 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 11 - Annexure 1









14 - Administration



Plant Fund Plant Purchases



Replace Council's Website



Connellys Store Upgrade – internal upgrade.



Telephone System Replacement landline



Orange  Depot -Installation of Security Fence and Gate



Training Room - Fit Out



Orange Depot - Lunchroom & Storage for Equipment



Corporate Performance Reporting Tool



Replace  Printer / Copier Fleet - Includes 16 Small Printers -5 Large Multifunction Devices



Mobile Purchase Order Approvals Device



Refurbishment of Canowindra HACC Office and Library



Yeoval Depot - Supply and Install Air Conditioner



Cumnock  Depot - Supply and Install Air Conditioner



Replace Waluwin Alarm and Access Control System



Large Format Printer Scanner for Cudal Office



Redundant Network Links - Using the NBN install  redundant network links to offices, depots



Purchase of Asset Management Software and Necessary Training



Gscan Vehicle tester



E Approvals - Software and Implementation -Environmental Services to process DA's Electronically



Hitech Support - 40 Hours Assistance



Configuration of Spectrum Spatial Analyst - Exponaire's replacement



16 - Public Order & Safety



Moorbel Bush Fire shed



The Ponds  Extension



Lidster Fire Station



Cumnock RFS Station



North Bangaroo RFS Station



19 - Environment



Install Solar Security at Council's 6 Waste Management Facilities



Voluntary Purchase – 14 Cooper St, Eugowra.  5 Betts Street, Molong



Molong Floodplain - Flood Levee



Molong Old Gasworks Site - Establish  Car Park /Open Space Precinct



Canowindra Stormwater Drainage - Stage 1



Puzzle Flat Creek Levee



Eugowra Storm Water - Plan for 17/18 Budget



22 - Housing & Community Amenities



Canowindra Cemetery - Upgrade /complete internal driveways and pathways



Molong Cemetery - Upgrade/complete internal driveways and pathways



24 - Cabonne Water



Water Assets - Electronic Meter Roll Out



Water Assets - Telemetry Base Infrastructure



Water Assets - Molong  Cumnock and Yeoval Installation of Gateways  and Receivers for New Meter Conn



Water Assets - Molong  Cumnock and Yeoval  Base Infrastructure for  Integration of Smart   Meters



Water Assets - Hydrant maintenance and inspection



Reservoir Cleaning



Calibration of Water treatment plant



Turbidity meter testing



Contingency plant for Backwash system



Online Chlorine Monitoring



Water Pipeline Project



26 - Small Town Sewer



STSS Assets - Cudal STP - Inlet Structure



Inlets and Outlets for the 4 Town Sewer



Telemetry installation for Sewer



Additional E1 replacements & repair of pumps



STSS  Assets - Manildra STP Inlet Structure



27 - Cabonne Sewer



Sewer Assets - All Weather Bypass and Thistle St Pump Station Electrical Upgrade



Sewer Assets - Canowindra Sewer - Sludge  Disposal Treatment Rectification



Sewer Assets - Molong STP - Sludge  Disposal Treatment Rectification



Sewer Assets - Eugowra STP Inlet Structure -   Construct New Inlet Structure



Sewer Assets - Mechanical Mixers - Upgrade of Aeration System at the Molong STP



Sewer Assets - Main pump at Canowindra STP



Sewer Assets - Safety issues at Canowindra STP



Sewer Assets - Thistle Street Pump station



28 - Recreation & Culture



Village Enhancement Program (VEP) 2017/2018



Cudal Hall Refurbishment (continued from 2016/2018)



Cumnock Showground - New Amenities Building



Age of Fishes Museum - Fossil Storage Facility



Molong Library -  Establishment /Refurbishment / Construction



Pool Cleaners - 4 shallow pool cleaners for the wading pools



Manildra Pool -  Remove and Replace Loose edges on tiles around small and large pools



Canowindra Pool  - Upgrade power to Kitchen Powerboard



Eugowra Pool - Replace 4 Pumps



Regulation Signage for 6 pools as per Pool Audit



Safety Equipment  - Defibrillators  and   Backboards  for all Pools



Cumnock Pool - Replace Collapsed Inlet Lines to Wading Pools



Manildra Pool - New Chlorine Acid Controller



Cudal Pool - Remove and Replace loose edges on tiles



Molong  Pool - Remove and repalce loose edge tiles around small pool



Molong Multiprupose Sports Facility - Lighting



32 - Mining Manufacturing & Construction



Molong Quarry Limestone Storage Shed



34 - Transport and Communication



 Local Road Construction - Urban Reseal Program


Pye St, Eugowra- Lot 2






Local Road Construction - Rural Reseal Program



Davys Plains Road



Kerrs Creek Road



Ophir Road



Baldry Road



Belgravia Road



Borenore Road



Bowan Park Road Lot 1



Bowan Park Road Lot 2



Euchareena Road



Eurimbla Road



Garra Road



Long Point Rod



Lower Lewis Ponds Road



Lyndale Road



Moorbel Drive



Square Road



Local Road Construction - Heavy Patching



Baldry Road



Betts Street, Molong



Bowan Park Road



Four Mile Creek Road



Gavins Lane



Gazzard Road



Gumble Road



Icely Road



Long Point Road (at Burrendong Way intersection)



Longs Corner Road



Mulyan Road



Obley Rod



Ophir Road



Orchard Road



Packham Drive



Paytens Bridge Road



Strathnook Lane



Thomas Kite Lane, Windera



Additional Heavy Patching –not allocated



Forest Reefs Road



Pye Street Eugowra



Local Road Construction - Gravel Resheeting



Avenel Road



Baldry Road



Bowans Lane



Bulgus Road



Carrolls Road



Cashen Lane



Cowriga Road



East Guyong Road



Favell Road



Glasson Road



Gowan Road



Greenbah Road



Heckendorf Road



Kangaroobie Road



Kildara Road



Lookout Road



Meadow Bank Road



Pinecliffe Road



Reedy Creek Road



Rocky Ponds Road



Rutherford  Lane



Scenic Drive



Seales Lane



Strathmore Lane



Trajere Road



Yellowbox Road



Projects as determined:-



Byng Road



Bocobra Road



Lewis Ponds Road



Townsend Road



Nanami Lane



Local Road Construction - Submission list


Extension of Seal for Griffin Road



Local Road Construction - Road To Recovery



Belgravia Road Sealing $400,000 R2R, $485,500 Council



Gumble Road Sealing



Packham Drive Stage 4, R2R



Bocobra Road Shape & Seal R2R



Ophir Road - Road Widening Reconstruct Longitudinal Drainage & Seal



Davys Plains Road - Intersection Improvements Gavins Lane



Regional Road Construction - RMS Safety Program



Cargo Road overtaking lanes - Quarry Hill



Regional Road Construction - RMS Repair Program



MR238 (Nangar Road) Widen 4.3-6.6km from Warraderry Way (50/50 with RMS)



Regional Road Construction - Heavy Patch & Reseal Program



Heavy Patching - Cargo Road



Heavy Patching - Warraderry Way



Heavy Patching - Burrendong Way



Reseals - Nangar Road



Reseals - Banjo Patterson Way



State Roads



MR377 The Escort Way - Reedy Creek Stage 2



HW7 - North Molong Rehabilitation



Heavy Patching






MR359 Shoulder (segment 50)



MR359 Prime and seal Boree Creek Bridge, Peabody Road, new signage



Bridge Construction - Local Bridges



Eurimbla Bridge, Cumnock



Footpath Construction



Belmore St Canowindra (School to Charlotte St)



Charlotte St, Canowindra (Belmore St to Tilga St)



Kerb & Guttering Construction





Stormwater Drainage Construction



Culvert works from AMP list



Drainage for William Street,  Molong



Carried Forward and Revotes from 2016/2017

Packham Drive Stage 4, R2R



Bocobra Road Shape & Seal R2R



Ophir Road - Road Widening Reconstruct Longitudinal Drainage & Seal



Davys Plains Road - Intersection Improvements Gavins Lane



Footpath Maintenance



Kerb & Guttering Maintenance



Gidley Street Molong Upgrade of Drainage Infrastructure



Mill Street Canowindra Stormwater Drainage



Spring Hill Road Bitumen Seal



Stapleton's Road Gravel Resheeting


Toogong Village Streets Bitumen Seal


Waterhole Creek Road Gravel Resheeting



Table Drain Maintenance



Reseal Davy's Plains Road



Reseal Gowan Road


Reseal Kerrs Creek Rd



Reseal Ophir Road



Reseal Vittoria Road


Eurimbla Bridge Side Track



Footpath maintenance



Kerb Ramps at Various Locations


Culvert works 16/17 - From AMP list



Cudal Depot - Installation of Security Fence and Gate



Molong Depot - Workshop - Replace Diesel and Petrol  Fuel Tanks



Cordon's Store Refurbishment – Skylights and whirly-birds installed, facia and gutter replaced.



Molong Office Chambers Painting Window



Connelly's Store Molong -  External Painting, Building Surrounds



Manildra Depot Gutters and Facia



Molong Depot - Lunch & Amenities Gutters and Facia



Cudal Depot - Lunch Room & Amenities Gutters and Facia



Refurbish Site Offices at Landfill Sites



Cargo Landfill Closure



Rotary Park - Upgrade Toilets – Painting and tiling


Cumnock Show Ground Amenities Block – E-One installation


Eugowra Memorial Park Toilets – painting


Honan Reserve Refurbishment - Gutters and Facia


Cudal Hall Refurbishment



Painting Fascia's Gutter Manildra Hall


Canowindra Pool Shade Structures



Molong Multi-Purpose Sports Venue



Canowindra Rugby Shed – internal plumbing



Molong Recreation Ground – travelling irrigator


Eugowra Memorial Park Shelter


Manildra Kiewa Street Car Park



Reedy Creek Tennis Club house - Gutters and Facia


Canowindra Caravan Park Toilets – painting and tiling


Molong Water Treatment Plant Filter Review


Water Assets - Molong High Level Reservoir


Water Assets - Reinstatement of Water Main Infrastructure


Water Assets - Molong Water Mains: Kite Street Water Main


Water Assets - Cabonne Telemetry Network


Water Assets - Monitoring Flow from the Molong Creek Dam


Water Assets - Telemetry Unit Installations


Water Assets - Water Reservoir Maintenance



Water Assets - Weirs Maintenance



Water Assets -Annual audits for pump stations



Water Assets - Molong Water Mains : Mitchell Highway  Water Main Renewal



Water Assets - Molong Water Mains : Wellington St : Water Main Renewal



Water Assets - Molong  Cumnock and Yeoval Water Reticulation



Canowindra Eugowra and Molong Asset Reval



Canowindra Sewer Reticulation - Golf Club Irrigation



Canowindra Pump Station 1 ( Anzac Road) replace Inlet Valve



Water Assets - Linking of Molong Water Retic



Eugowra STP - Earth Works of Embankment rehab for Inlet Ponds



Age of Fishes marketing



Museums Operations  and Maintenance





MR377 Reedy Creek Stage 2

Works have been completed on The Escort Way Reedy Creek Shoulder Widening and Pavement Rehabilitation. Council’s contractor undertook sealing of 640m on the 20 July, and the remaining 400m was sealed on the 8 August. These works included a 350-metre long concrete dish drain at the base of the rock face cutting. 

North Molong Pavement Rehabilitation

Preliminary investigation works have been completed on the pavement rehabilitation works on the Mitchell Highway from the intersection of Edward Street and Hill Street to the 60/100 speed zone at North Molong. The length of the project is 1.7km.  These works will be carried out under the Roads Maintenance Council Contract (RMCC) with Council and is fully funded by the RMS.  Council has commenced widening of the drainage structures. The asphaltic pavement works were undertaken by RMS’s contractor and the works commenced on 13 November 2017 and will be completed by the 1st December 2017. The line marking to be undertaken by Council’s contractor, Monday 4th December. 

Council commenced pavement works in early January 2018.  Drainage works including culvert extensions and concrete dish drains are also under construction.

The project also includes the replacement of the safety barrier fences at Boree Hollow Creek, the rail over bridge and Moss Hollow Creek.

Moss Hollow Bridge to the Molong Sewage Treatment Works was sealed on the 9 February.  The SK Kerb commenced on the 12 February by Council’s contractor and 810 metres of concrete kerb throughout the job will be completed by the 20th February.

Heavy Patching and Reseals

RMS have allocated $529,000 for Heavy Patching and $950,000 for Reseals on State Roads.

The Routine Maintenance budget for State Roads is $515,000.

The State Roads Heavy Patching programme commenced 9 October at Eugowra, and works were completed on all RMS State roads 17th November.  Additional Asphaltic Concrete works were undertaken at Eugowra’s Pye Street intersection due to the turning of trucks. 

The State Road reseal project has been completed.



Cargo Road Overtaking Lanes

Works commenced on 3 July 2017 at the Quarry Hill Overtaking Lane, south of Cargo.  Vegetation and culvert works have been completed.  The overtaking lane is north bound towards Cargo.  Bitumen sealing was completed on the 15 September, and Council’s contractors completed linemarking and safety rail on the 5 October 2017.  The final seal for Cargo Road Overtaking Lanes will be undertaken by Councils contractors in early March.

RMS REPAIR Program 2017/2018

The RMS REPAIR program for 2017/2018 is to fund shoulder widening on MR238 Nangar Road 4.3 to 6.6km from Warraderry Way intersection.  This is a 50/50 contribution from RMS and Council for a total of $580,000 for this project. The project will commence in April.

NSW Government Fixing Country Roads – Banjo Patterson Way Widening Project

Banjo Paterson Way Widening Project was successful under Round Three of the NSW Governments Fixing Country Roads Program for $4,010,629 and a contribution from Cabonne Council of $545,858.  Design and development is currently under way this financial year, with works to be undertaken over the next two financial years.

Heavy Patching

Heavy Patching on Cargo Road, Burrendong Way and Warrederry Way regional roads has been completed.  The reseal program is to be undertaken by Council’s contractors in March.


Roads To Recovery

Council has completed the final section of road works on Belgravia Road, including vegetation clearing, drainage works and sealing of 1.6 kms.  The 3.8km stae 1 and 2 of this project is now completed.  Stage 3 will commence in April.

The 1.45km of Gumble Road Sealing was completed on 21 December 2017.

Davys Plains Road - Gavins Lane intersection works commenced with the clearing and drainage works completed.  This also involved the excavation works to place gabion rock and gio fabric under the road base.  Works will recommence in late February early March to complete this project.

Bocobra Road, from the Henry Way Parkes end, has been completed with 2.9km sealed on the 23 October.

The final seal for Packham Drive and Ophir Road will be completed in early March.


Gravel Resheeting

The Gravel Resheeting program is nearing  completion with works completed on Avenel Road, Baldry Road, Byng Road, Bocobra Loop Road, Bowans Lane, Bulgas Road, Carrolls Lane, Cashen Lane, Cowriga Road, East Guyong Road, Favell Road, Glasson Road, Gowan Road, Greenbah Road, Heckendorf Road, Kangaroobie Road, Kildara Road, Lookout Road, Meadow Bank Road, Nanami Lane, Pinecliffe Road, Reedy Creek Road, Rocky Ponds Road, Rutherford Lane, Seales Road, Scenic Drive, Strathmore Lane, Trajere Road, Waterhole Creek Road and Yellowbox Road.

Maintenance Grading

Maintenance grading works have been undertaken on the following roads Whitelys Road, Boomey School Road, Finch Road, Strathmore Lane, Rutherford Road, Whiteheads Road, Sandy Creek Road, Bocoble Gap Road, Boomey Lane, Jennings Lane, Pecks Road, Carrolls Road, Gundong Road, South Bowan Park Road, Nanami Lane, Baghdad Road, Frisby Lane, Sussex Lane, Toogong Road, Battys Lane, Cranbury Road, Traves Lane, Barnes Lane, Barnes Track, Waldergrave Road, Greening Lane, Caves Creek Road, Long Rod, Strachan Road, Underwood Road, Offner Road, Old Canobolas Road, Mt Lofty Road, Bevan Road, Glenelga Road, Townsend Road, Molong Urban streets.

Sealed Road Maintenance

Maintenance works have been undertaken on Packham Drive, Amaroo Road, Pinecliffe Road, Norah Creek Road, Gundong Road, Kurrajong Road, Sandy Creek Road, Gavins Lane, Davys Plains Road, Casuarina Drive, Four Mile Creek Road, Cadia Road, Forest Reefs Road, Borenore Road, Spring Terrace Road, Spring Hill Road, Vittoria Road, Akhurst Road, Tantallon Road, Clergate Road, Lookout Road, Long Point Road, Gowan Road, White Rocks Road, Icely Road, Favell Road, Byng Road, Deervale Lane, Pinnacle Road, Urban Streets.


Spring Hill Road Sealing (revoted from 2016/17 budget) has been completed.  Reseals have been completed on the following roads - Square Road, Moorbel Drive, Bowan Park Road, Borenore Road, Long Point Road, Belgravia Road, Kerrs Creek Road  and Longs Corner Road.

Heavy Patching

Heavy Patching has been completed on Baldry Road, Bowan Park Rod, Four Mile Creek Road, Gavins Lane, Gazzard Road, Gumble Road, Icely Road, Long Point/Burrendong Way, Longs Corner Road, Mulyan Road, Obley Road, Ophir Road, Orchard Road, Packham Drive, Patens Bridge Road, Strathnook Lane, Thomas Kite Lane, Forest Reefs Road, Pye Street Eugowra.  Works have commenced at Betts Street Molong from Euchareena Road to the Multi Purpose Centre.


Ophir Road table drainage scouring works have been completed.

The new culvert structure and approaches have been completed on Burgoon Lane.


Mill Street Stormwater Drainage, Canowindra

Works commenced early July to improve 420m of drainage at Mill Street Canowindra.  These works have been completed.

Gidley Street Molong Upgrade of Drainage Infrastructure.

Stage 1 - Stormwater Drainage Works commenced by Council’s Contractor in Gidley Street, Molong, on the 17 July.  The works are between Hill Street and Bank Street to upgrade the drainage infrastructure. These works are completed.



Eurimbla Bridge, Cumnock.

The contractor has mobilised at the site for the erection of the bridge components. The construction of the bridge is expected to complete by the end of the April 2018. After construction of the bridge Council will commence the construction of the approach roads.


Central Tablelands water security for the Regions – Orange to molong Pipeline Project stage 1

·        The design and construction Ammerdown (Orange) to Molong Creek Dam Pipeline and associated break tank have been completed practically.

·        The design of Molong to Cumnock and Yeoval pipeline has been completed

·        Council received a letter of approval in-principle for the one operational and four non-operational railway crossings under the Molong to Cumnock and Yeoval Pipeline.

·        Council received approval for Dredging and Reclamation for the 11 Creek crossings from Department of Primary Industries (DPI) – Fisheries under the Molong to Cumnock and Yeoval Pipeline.

·        Council received consent from the Department of Industry – Lands for the acquisition of easement on Crown land for the pipeline.

·        Council received approvals for water supply works and the Crown Land construction licence from DPI-Water and Department of Industry – Lands respectively.

·        The contractor for the construction of the Molong to Cumnock and Yeoval Pipeline mobilised at the site. The construction of the Molong Gidley Street pump station has been started and earthworks/foundation works in proposed Cumncok reservoir site is being started from the next week.

·        Council is yet to receive railway crossing construction licence (intrusion works) from John Holland Rail.



Work carried out since the last report.

·        Councils St John’s Wort program is still under way as the season in the east of the shire is coming on later than normal

·        We have started councils Johnson grass program in the south-western areas of the shire

·        Vegetation spraying around headstones in council’s cemeteries has just been completed

·        Vegetation control spraying has been completed at Molong sewerage treatment works

·        2 of councils weeds staff attended Macquarie valley weeds advisory committee meeting at Bathurst



·        Soft fall replenishment at Cargo

·        Bank St garden bed completion

·        Street tree program ongoing

·        Nursery construction completed

·        Royal Life Saving Australia audit completed on all pools

·        New roller doors installed at front section of Canowindra Pool

·        New acid dosing pump installed at Molong Pool

·        Shade structure reinstatement at Manildra Pool post storm

·        Molong Bank St front of toilet works scoped

·        Village Green Molong works costed

·        Street tree pruning works in Eugowra

·        Maintenance works completed on all buildings as required

·        Water service repairs completed as required

·        Water main repairs completed as required

·        Sewer chokes completed as required

·        E-one repairs and maintenance works completed as required

·        Sewer mains repairs completed as required

·        Sewer pump station maintenance works completed in Canowindra

·        Highway Water main realignment works completed in Molong

·        New irrigation valves installed at Hunter Caldwell

·        STP and WTP operational and maintenance works completed

·        Canowindra Sludge Lagoon emptied out as per EPA request

·        Pest control works in Molong Admin building

·        Solar brief works completed on top 5 energy use locations throughout Cabonne

·        New chlorine booster pump installed at Cumnock pool

·        Water and Sewer connections completed

·        New Cumnock amenities building works completed (water and sewer)

·        New gas delivery system scoped for Molong Hall

·        Gas works site Molong maintenance works completed



The current status of the main projects are as follows:


1.      Molong Multi-Purpose Sports Facility - Lighting

·        Practically completed


2.      Molong Limestone Quarry Shed

·        Practically completed



3.      Age of Fishes Museum Storage Facility

·        Tender advertised


4.      HACC Building Rehabilitation - Awning

·        Column and footing design to be completed by the Consultant


5.      Cargo Waste Facility Landfill Closure Project

·        In progress


6.      Molong Truck Wash

·        Deed finalised

·        Consultant to be engaged to prepare design documentation


7.      Cudal Recreation Ground Shade Shelter

·        Construction to be commenced


8.      Orana House

·        Scope of works identified and cost estimate prepared

·        Awaiting for Council’s approval


9.      Molong Community Hall Kitchen - Appliances

·        Awaiting for quotations


10.    Pipeline Project

·        Molong pump station works – In progress

·        Cumnock service reservoir works – In progress



Item 13 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 13 - Annexure 1


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Item 13 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 13 - Annexure 1


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Item 13 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 13 - Annexure 1


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Item 13 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 13 - Annexure 1


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Item 13 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 13 - Annexure 1


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Item 15 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 15 - Annexure 1


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Item 16 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 16 - Annexure 1


1.       Cabonne Heritage Working Party Meeting – 4th December 2017



Meeting started 9:40am



Clr Paul Mullins

David Scobie, Cabonne Heritage Advisor 

Kate Blackwood, Senior Town Planner

Chris Eldred, Town Planner



Clr Libby Oldham



The committee is a platform for the public to engage and communicate with Councillors and Council staff on local heritage matters across each of the towns and villages. The communities each have a very different set of experiences and challenges associated with heritage conservation. It would be beneficial to set up a few local contacts in the villages to liaise with the committee members. Please refer to the Office of Environment and Heritage’s document Recommendations for Local Council Heritage Management.


Typical working party activities:

a.   Policy – The purpose of the committee is to promote and encourage heritage conservation. Before the next meeting committee members should identify a list of projects to achieve this term. It is important to make those projects and objectives achievable within the timeframe (the rest of the term).

b.   Management & advice – Committee members will help facilitate record keeping, grants programs and general consultation.

c.   Awareness – provide feedback to Council of local projects, take copies of local records/photographs and provide a platform to voice communities needs & wants in terms of heritage items/places

d.   Collect and Record – Statutory role (Cabonne LEP 2012 – look at updating heritage items and researching new items for inclusion in LEP)

e.   Listing – see above

f.    Funding –

NSW Heirtage Grants, see for full list of grants available


The Local Heritage Grants Program

g.   Projects – Studies, Conservation, Interpretation (Heritage Committee Activities)



h.   Molong Main Street initiative (beautification, Railway building?, Gasometer)

i.    Main Street paint colour schemes

j.    Village interpretation trails and plaques (decide on a format and get quotes)

k.   The LEP list and the SHI

l.    Coordination with the Historical society

m.  Coordination with the Villages (Molong, Canowindra, Cudal, Eugowra, Cumnock, Manildra, Cargo) Productive workshops have already commenced in Molong and should continue. Clr Mullins to report on progress at Feb meeting. 



n.   The NSW Heritage festival – April/May

i. An event could be the launch of a project (ie plaques)

o.   History Week – September

p.   Heritage tourism – the Orange region/Villages of the heart programme, links to Dubbo, Blayney & Orange


* Next Meeting: Monday February 5th 2018 at 9:30am


2.   Notes from December Heritage Report




‘The White house’.



The two storey building is selected as good example of a substantial main street building which is worthy of a heritage colour scheme and if completed would make a major contribution. As it is currently the building detracts from the streetscape through the use of standard white paint across all the materials and details.


Initiating such a project usually requires an approach to the owners and an offer to prepare colour scheme and then an offer of assistance funds.


The Council and Heritage Committee have previously supported such initiatives. A recommended strategy is to select key buildings, approach owners and give the go-ahead for one or two per year as part of a main street assistance programme which would leave long term legacy.


Other notes:

·    The village enhancement programme has started with consultation based on the previous wish lists provided by the villages.

·    The street tree planting on one part of the entry road appears to be good start.

·    In Molong a planter box is being constructed in grey concrete block with aluminium. No consultation has been undertaken with the heritage advisor on the design or detail. Upon inspection the structure is unlike other planters seen in NSW Heritage towns.




·    The Heritage plaque programme is probably going to be well received in Molong, Canowindra and Cumnock subject to local comments and assistance from the various historical groups in sourcing the text. A similar roll-out in Canowindra was successful. Lynne Hawkes notes that this type of coordinated heritage tourism project is supported by visitors and tourism organisations generally.

·    Heritage Festival period events run in conjunction with the annual period and with Orange functions would be good to build the heritage tourism profile and spread the visitor income more evenly throughout the year.


Earlier in the year the Heritage Advisor was invited to attend workshops in Molong with an informal group. The following summary is the net result of the productive discussions and will prove useful for the Heritage Committee and Council in moving on with the next versions of coordinated Main Street Plans:


The following four categories sketch the priorities envisioned by the Group for Molong.

The format will be updated monthly to provide a collective record which represents the views of the group.



1.0.       Projects

1.1       Packham Pears

·    The unique theme

·    The town sign

·    The history on the web/ in brochures/ on interpretive panels

·    Retail shopping bags

·    An orchard as a visitor park experience

·    Bottled & packaged Packham pear products

1.2       Silos

·    Artwork project to be initiated by MAG

·    Be aware of the long term responsibilities

·    Be sure to add value with an interpretive stop-over space

1.3       Town entrances

·    Landscape planting with plant selection and siting by a qualified arborist/landscape architect with advice/approval of Traffic Committee (RMS)

·    Use understorey and native grasses with mulch to reduce extent of mowing, slashing & maintenance

·    Consistent roll out over time to the main roads

·    Integrate town entry signs into the approach and speed zones

·    Review options for signs, rocks etc remembering costs and impact of the speed zones. The current priority is agreement on principles and locoations. Designs will follow.


2.0.       Bank Street


a.   Furniture – seats

b.   Furniture - bins

c.   Pavements

d.   Lights

e.   Planting

f.    Interpretation devices


g.   Building colour scheme

h.   Shop windows

i.    Physical condition

j.    Signs

k.   Services – air-conditioning units, pipes and conduits



3.0.       The Events Calendar

·    Target 11 events designed to drive visitation and local consumption of goods and services

·    Engage with Taste & Brand Orange to have Molong incorporated into their schedules where possible

·    Christmas period retail trading

·    Heritage vehicle groups to be targeted for Molong events

4.0.       Marketing

·    Radio marketing plan with shared costs for local business

·    Build on the Parkes Sparkles experience

·    Integrate into an overall marketing strategy including on-line strategies for local business


The next steps

·    Agree on a Group working title

·    Agree on volunteer members to lead & coordinate each of the four topics

·    Agree to develop Main Street separate from MAG activities to avoid duplication


Item 17 Ordinary Meeting 27 February 2018

Item 17 - Annexure 1


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